Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Sobota 29.3.2025
Taťána, Táňa
, Tatiana

Príroda je skutočne nádherná a vždy nás dokáže prekvapiť. Dôkazom nech sú aj tieto fotografie, ktoré vznikli nielen vďaka šikovnosti a talentu fotografov, ale najmä kvôli nevyspytateľnej prírode. Tá dokázala zmeniť napríklad obyčajné jazero na dokonalú formu umenia. Vybrali sme pre vás 15 nádherných fotiek, ktoré vám dajú pocítiť majestát prírody okolo nás.

1. Nádherné zamrznuté jazero

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Abraham Lake Ice Bubbles These awesome ice bubbles are formed when gas escapes from the lake floor and freezes before it reaches the surface. ➡️UPCOMING WORKSHOP⬅️ AUGUST 20-27, 2017 ADVENTURE IN THE DOLOMITES With co-leader @erinbabnikphotography ➡️VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR DETAILS⬅️ #canada #jasper #jaspernationalpark #alberta #banff #banffnationalpark #landscape_captures #landscapephotography #landscape_lovers #naturephotography #naturelover #natureaddict #nature_sultans #awesomeearth #awesome_earthpix #earthpix #earthfocus #earthofficial #adventurer #wanderer #wildernessculture #wilderness #neverstopexploring #explorer #superhubs #jaw_dropping_shots #artofvisuals #wonderful_places #ig_masterpiece #ig_nature

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2. Búrky vedia byť aj veľmi estetické

3. Erupcia sopky

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FEATURED PHOTO OF THE WEEK: This has to be the most amazing photo I have ever seen of volcanic lightning discharged from an erupting volcano, also known as a “Dirty Thunderstorm”. The Calbuco volcano erupted on April 22, 2015 (Earth Day) in southern Chile. Volcanic lightning occurs when fragmented particles collide in the volcanic plume and generate static electricity. PHOTO CREDIT: @francisconegroni_fotografia —————————————————————— NEW: Extreme Nature will now be featuring some of the most intense and extreme videos recorded by shooters around the world. There is so much incredible content out there I want to share. The plan is to post one “featured” post a week as well as any photos and video I shoot on future chases.

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4. Ľadové jazero

5. Polárna žiara

6. Bioluminiscencia vytvorila z vody úžasný výjav

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"Bioluminescent Stroll" A little late night edit, looking back at the freakish bioluminescent bloom of 2015. While waiting for the Milky Way to rise above the horizon. Armed with a broomstick I went for a walk along the glowing beach of Ralph's Bay on the neck of the South Arm Peninsula in Tasmania. Agitating the water made the already bright bioluminescence glow even brighter! It was an amazing sight to see as I left a trail glowing bioluminescent phytoplankton footprints behind me. — Canon 5DmkIII + 14mm f/2.8 25secs & 3200iso — #discovertasmania #bioluminescence #bioluminescentphytoplankton #milkyway #milkywaychasers #nightsky #longexposure #astrophotography #timeless_universe #earthpix #natgeo #natgeoutdoors #seeaustralia #nightphotography #wildlifeplantet #nakedplanet #nationsgeography #amazing_australia_ #amazing_australia #earthpix #photooftheday #instagood #hubs_united #ig_shotz #instatassie #tasmaniagram #night_excl #nature #universetoday #night_shots #night_shooterz

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7. Podvodný les

8. Dvojitá dúha

9. Blížiaca sa búrka

10. Neuveriteľný podmorský svet

11. Mliečna cesta nad diaľnicou

12. Skrútená snehová tapeta

13. Americká Death Valley uprostred noci

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Pick 1, 2, or 3! (4 doesn’t count, that’s my fave too!) Have you heard of Content Aware Scale? Make sure to tag a friend who hasn’t! – I’ve found myself utilizing this feature in Photoshop more and more as of late due to the IG crop.. if you swipe through the images, you can see the 4th image is the full size one as I took it in Death Valley about 2 weeks ago when @marceldivino and I took off there for a few hours.. I always want to preserve the foreground that I Shot, and as long as there’s nothing valuable in the center of the image, I take advantage of this useful tool.. you choose the areas you want to preserve, and then transform the rest within moments. Here in this post I have 3 different versions.. I want to hear which one is your fave? — That night, we got out there in 90 degree weather at 1am and had to hike out farther than I’ve ever had to to find the salt formations. Most of the area was brown and muddy. It was almost dried out where it was safe to walk on, but not dry enough for our bags to sit on. We both had brought towels and both towels were soaked all the way through with salt water by the time we left. That wasn’t fun to carry back! — I ran two cameras, one for MW and the other for startrails. Not optimistic on the other set up lol.. this is a stacked/blended image of 20 for the sky and 25 for the foreground. – Sky 20 images ISO 10000 f3.2 10 seconds – Foreground 25 images F3.5 30 seconds – Processed in LR&PS Stacked in SLS – @tokinausa 16-28 opera @ 16 @slikusa 734-CF @canon 5dmk4 – #tracylee #tracyleephotos #slikusa #canonusa #tokinausa #canonbringit #teamcanon #longexposure_shots #longexposure #longexpohunter #longexpo #amazing_longexpo #amazingearth #natgeo #milkywaychasers #milkywaypics #itsamazingoutthere #milkyway #nightphotography #night_excl #nightsky #deathvalley #saltflats #badwaterbasin

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14. Búrka. Ale krásna

15. Dúha vs. blesk


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