Pokiaľ spojíte svoj život s nejakým zvieraťom, dočkáte sa nekonečnej oddanosti a lásky. Môže to znieť ako obohraná platňa, ale je to veľká pravda.
Potvrdí vám to každý milovník zvierat. Pokiaľ sami nejaké zviera máte (alebo ste mali), tak veľmi dobre viete, o čom hovoríme a pri nasledujúcich obrázkoch vám iste poskočí srdce. Vybrali sme fotky, na ktorých je vzájomná láska a náklonnosť medzi zvieratkami a ľuďmi viac než zjavná.
1. Kamoši
2. Milovníčky prírody
3. Niet nad dobrý spánok
4. Láska na prvý pohľad
My daughter was nervous around dogs, and then she met this guy. He let her love all over him for 20 minutes and afterwards, her fear was gone. Thank you, sweet boy, for making her into the dog lover she is! from aww
5. Uspávanka
She already loves her new brother. She follows whoever is holding him around, and whimpers when he cries. from aww
6. Oddaný strážca
“I’ve been given a mission to protect you tiny human” from aww
7. S takýmto ochrancom sa netreba nikoho báť!
My moms rescue dog Rico is best friends with my baby. I interrupted them watching Peppa Pig. from aww
8. Zdriemnutie
My wife and our dog Marty as I was leaving for work this morning from aww
9. Mláďatá
Went to the fire station to see the engines. No engines, but we met their puppy instead. from aww
10. Výlety do hôr stoja za to
Bear’s first time in the mountains, and needless to say he’s in heaven. from aww
11. Chlpatý kamoš vie, kedy jej majiteľke klesne cukor a vtedy sa k nej takto túli
My daughter’s dog always knows when her blood sugar is off and stays by her side. ♥️ from AnimalsBeingBros
12. Správny parťák nevynechá jediný koncert
Everyday when my daughter practices piano her yorkie watches her back. from AnimalsBeingBros
13. Všetko ide vo dvojici ľahšie – aj návšteva zubára
My son with the service dog they have at our dentist’s office from AnimalsBeingBros
14. Bez bodyguarda ani na krok
My son never goes anywhere without his muscle from AnimalsBeingBros
15. Takto chutí pivo najlepšie