Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Pondelok 10.3.2025
Bruno, Branislav
, Bronislav

Práca v kancelárii môže byť často ubíjajúca a šedivo nudná. Asi budete súhlasiť, že vo veľkej miere sa na dobrej či zlej nálade zamestnanca podieľajú aj priestory, v ktorých pracuje. Niektoré kancelárie pôsobia vyslovene chladne a nepríjemne, avšak existujú aj výnimky.

Mnohé firmy totiž vytvorili mimoriadne originálne a pôsobivé office priestory. Nižšie vám prinášame výber 15 krásnych, originálnych a prívetivo pôsobiacich kancelárskych priestorov, v ktorých by bola radosť pracovať.

Shopify, Ottawa

Inventionland, Pittsburgh

Waterfall Outside Creative Cavern


Inventionland's Kitchen

WhiteBalance, Naí Dillí

Zynga, San Francisco



The Worldfactory v New Yorku

Team Based Bullpen in new extension

1930s Design Library and Drawing room

Selgas Cano Architecture v Madride

Les bureaux végétaux de Selgascano à Madrid, en Espagne.Copyright photos : ©Selgascano

Gepostet von Be My Desk am Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019


Kancelária Googlu v Tel Avive



Google v Zürichu


White Mountain, Štokholm

White Mountain Office

White Mountain Office-1

White Mountain Office-3

Uniplaces, Londýn

Pallota Teamworks, Los Angeles

Airbnb, Portland

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Bora Architects, Airbnb CX Hub, Portland. Designed in collaboration with the Airbnb Environments team, the Hub – located in Portland's historic Blagen Block – redefines a traditional costumer service call-center and revolutionizes how people work. The design provides a range of environments that accomodate different work styles, allowing people to choose a setting that best supports their work at any given time. #boraarchitects #airbnb #airbnbcx #cxhub #airbnboffice #cxagents #blagenblock #officebuilding #architecture #traditionalbuilding #renovation #architecturephotography #architectureinspiration #officedesign #architecturaldesign #interiordesign #mimarlik #mimarlikfakultesi #tasarim

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Facebook, Sydney

Facebook, Singapur

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facebook feed me an amazing lunch today.

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The Barbarian Group, Chelsea a New York

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In the next instalment of our special interest posts we are taking a look at 'The Superdesk' and what it means for the employees who use it. In 2014, The Barbarian Group moved into their new premises, an open plan loft, in New York. The idea was to create a space that would challenge their creativity whilst offering an area for collaboration. They called upon Clive Wilkinson Architects who designed the Superdesk. It is one long desk that incorporates flat spaces to work on, arches that can be used as meeting areas or private working spaces and plenty of innovative storage. The flowing desk gives a sense of community to the workers who use it and reinforces the ethos of creative thinking that the company strives for. We love this as it reflects our own ideas on open plan and collaborative working. We think our Every Task Chair could have been the perfect match to such an innovative design. What do you think of the Superdesk? #thebarbariangroup #clivewilkinsonarchitects #cwarchitects #superdesk #officedesign #workspace #AgileWorkplace #Collaboration #Workplace #FutureofWork #Coworking #Workplacedesign #Furnituredesign #furnituredesigner #moderndesign #officeinspiration #workspaceinspo #industrialdesign

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