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Streda 5.3.2025

Monica Carvalho je pôvodom švajčiarska umelkyňa, ktorá momentálne pôsobí a tvorí v Berlíne. Vo svojich zaujímavých fotomontážach kombinuje na prvý pohľad neskombinovateľné fotografie zo svojich ciest i bežného života a vytvára diela, ktoré ti poriadne pomotajú hlavu. Presvedčiť sa o tom môžeš na vlastné oči.


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Rocky road ice cream??? This isn’t a new concept, lots of people have taken photos holding up a cone to a single cloud sky to create the illusion of a ‘cloud ice cream’?. In my version, I wanted to actually merge the texture of the ice cream with the fluffiness of the clouds, and show the similarity between the cone and rocky mountains ?❤️ I hope you like it! Leave a comment ??? @mofart_photomontages • • • #mofart #art #artworks #surrealism #theweekoninstagram #hellofrom #picame #thedesigntip #popmyeyes #culturainquieta #plastikmagazine #digitalcollage #launchdsigns #contemporaryart #fubiz #thepinklemonade #graphicroozane #igcreative_editz #humalien #ratedmodernart #triptaminaworld #doyoufollow #ps_whimsical #creativecloud_emotion #arts_gate #avantarte #artistic_unity_ #winkmagazine #lovewatts #thisweekoninstagram

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Street dog? October is #AdoptAShelterDogMonth, so I created a montage with my adopted dog Whiskey! He was rescued from the streets of Romania, where he’d been abandoned at just two weeks old?. Have you also adopted a dog or another domestic animal? Tell me about it in a comment below! P.S: in order for Whiskey to stay still for the photo, I had to hold a treat above his nose. Hence the “give it to me please!” sad look in his eyes ?. That look actually goes well with what I wanted to express, a sort of interpretation of his feelings when he was abandoned. Like if your pet also bring you love & happiness!❤️????❤️ @mofart_photomontages • • • #mofart #art #artworks #surrealism #theweekoninstagram #hellofrom #picame #thedesigntip #popmyeyes #culturainquieta #plastikmagazine #digitalcollage #launchdsigns #contemporaryart #fubiz #thepinklemonade #graphicroozane #igcreative_editz #humalien #ratedmodernart #triptaminaworld #enter_imagination #ps_whimsical #creativecloud_emotion #arts_gate #avantarte #artistic_unity_ #dog #weeklyfluff

A post shared by Monica Carvalho (@mofart_photomontages) on





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T(r)ail path ? So happy I finally found a photomontage idea with one of my gerbils! I’ve had 6 of these fluffy babies (not all at the same time ?) for 6 years, and I miss them so much. So this artwork is like a tribute to them.?❤️ The mountain trail was shot in the spectacular Aosta Valley in Italy last week.⛰ When I took both photos, I had no idea I was going to use them for a photomontage. Something I learnt over the years doing my art is that a photo can acquire a new meaning days/months/years after it was taken. This is why I rarely delete any photos – I always have to remember that my future self might discover something useful in an image for a new artwork. Anyway, I hope you like this bizarre union of a winding path and a mouse tail. Have a great day and thank you so much for your ongoing support!?? @mofart_photomontages

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Fight or flight ? @mofart_photomontages

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The sound of the sea(r) ?? @mofart_photomontages

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“The eye-cing on the cake”. When I’m in idea-hunting mode, I look at ordinary and familiar things from a different perspective. Whether it is everyday objects, food or human body parts, I enjoy finding new roles for them – like a second life. What motivates me is to notice similarities in unrelated things: eyelashes look like tiny paintbrushes; lips have the shape of leaves; the roundness of a cake matches the roundness of an iris… My challenge is to only use photos I have taken myself, which makes my artworks very personal. The models are always either me or my family ?. For my new photomontage today, I was inspired by my freshly baked chocolate cake (if I’m not on Photoshop, I’m in the kitchen ?). Its circularity and colour reminded me of an iris. Combining both was not a piece of cake, but I hope it made you look twice! @mofart_photomontages

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A year ago I posted this artwork ‘Intimasea’, combining my belly with a photo I took in the Bahamas. This work means a lot to me, because it’s the one that ‘brought me out there’. Your positive feedback encouraged me to further experiment with photomanipulation. At the time, my art was just a hobby. But then I left (or got fired – tomato, tomahto) my full-time underpaid marketing job in a startup, and could finally dedicate my time to what really made me happy. I found my passion and mission at the same time. Thanks to the support of my boyfriend, parents and part-time jobs, I’ve been able to live doing what I love since January 2018. In one year, I produced more photomontages than the previous five years. There are no words to say how grateful I am to all of you. With your invaluable support here on Instagram, I’ve been able to reach and inspire more people than I ever thought I would. My art appeared on TV, magazines, exhibitions. I’ve been invited to speak at the largest Adobe conference in Scandinavia in June (I am so excited but so terrified ?). So yeah: THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE AMAZING!!! ❤️??❤️ If you happen to still be reading this (nowadays the attention span is like 1 second per post ?) then I’d love to have your interpretation on ‘Intimasea’. For me, this work is a celebration of the human body and nature symbiosis. Our body is a landscape of feelings, a means to discover new people and travel to new places, a canvas for art (I love tattoos?). Our body walks us to places, hugs people we love, eats tasty food, dances to music, create artworks. P.S: I edited this photomontage to fit Instagram’s 4:5 ratio, in case you noticed it looked a bit different ☺️ @mofart_photomontages

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PhoTOEsynthesis ??? @mofart_photomontages

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Bird’s-eye view ? @mofart_photomontages

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Michaela Molnárová
Som také ukecané malé pivo, ktoré miluje zvieratká a za trojuholník vegánskej pizze by ťa pokojne aj prešlo traktorom. Neriskuj. Na EMEFKA tvorím už nejaký ten piatok, preto v mojom portfóliu nájdeš naozaj všeličo. Mojou špecialitkou sú vzťahové záležitosti, mužsko-ženské peripetie a ľudské príbehy, ale pred nejakým tým internetovým virálom tiež nebudem utekať

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