Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Piatok 28.3.2025
, Sonja, Sonia

V nasledujúcom článku ti prinášame hneď 20 unikátnych obrazov, pri ktorých si budeš musieť overiť, či ťa neklamú oči. Pretože nie, naozaj nejde o fotografie. Dívaš sa totiž na regulérne maľby a kresby. Neuveriteľné!

Dnes sa často stretávame s tým, že umelci svoje diela rôzne štylizujú, často až veľmi extrémne. Je potom rozhodne osviežujúce vidieť prepracovanú realistickú maľbu či kresbu, ktorú by si človek bez problémov splietol s fotografiou.

Na týchto obrazoch zaujme ohromný cit pre detail, majstrovská technika a dokonalé zvládnutie remesla. Vzniká tak nefalšované umenie, ktoré proste musíme obdivovať.





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? PRINT SALE ALERT! ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ You’ve asked and we’ve (gladly) delivered. We are proud to announce that @ibex_collection is officially releasing long-awaited prints of IBEX Master @emanuele_dascanio!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ And you haven’t heard the best news! This is the first time IBEX has ever released prints, so we’re offering a discount of 20% off (the highest sale we’ll ever offer), but ONLY until November 25th! This is a limited run of SIGNED prints and will not be offered again ?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Shop now by clicking the link in bio! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Shopping for someone? Guarantee your print arrives before Christmas when you order before 11/25 ?⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #ibexcollection #ibexmasters #ibexexhibition#emanuele_dascanio #hyperrealism #art #originalpainting#drawing #print #printshop #printforsale #artprint #artprints#printmaking #printsale #printsavailable #paceprints

A post shared by Emanuele Dascanio (@emanuele_dascanio) on


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?Painted By: @philippweberartist⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ This year I and 23 other Ibex Masters will be exhibiting this September in New York (on Fifth Avenue!). The artists I’m collaborating with here are all fellow Ibex Masters and over the coming months you’ll see more collaborations between all of us.⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Philipp Weber was born in Rostock, Germany (East Germany) in 1974. Philipp is an artist who attempts to capture the stories that move him. As an artist Philipp looks for an inner truth, which is why at the center of his works he always puts beautiful women. Philipp is always trying to look beyond the flawless skin and bring into view the feelings, desires and dreams of his subjects.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Ibex Masters is Made Possible By: @ibex_collection ⁣⁣⁣ @albrecht_von_stetten ⁣⁣ @kiki_kim_curator⁣⁣⁣ @dgwillson⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #philippweber #artistcollaboration #ibexmasters #bodylanguage #ibexrealism #sergiomartinez #alexandertimofeev #arantzazumartinez #aureliorodriguezlopez #emanueledascanio #realismart #realist #figurativeart #figurativepainting #figurativeartist #contemporaryartwork #contemporaryartist #microexpressions #layered #skindeep #beautyiswithin #oilpainter #oilpaintings #oilpaint #ibexcollection #ibexexhibition2019⁣ ⁣

A post shared by Emanuele Dascanio (@emanuele_dascanio) on




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Canvas, oil, 90x120cm

A post shared by Sergey Piskunov (@piskunovart) on



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Canvas, oil, 100x140cm, 2014/2019

A post shared by Sergey Piskunov (@piskunovart) on









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"Blue shawl" Oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm Model: @fefe.mat

A post shared by Marco Grassi (@marco.grassi.painter) on


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Airbrush how to➡️➡️ ONE DAY TO GO! Join our Airbrush Master Classes ?Ⓜ️?❗️❗️❗️ THIS WEEKEND: The Craft In Focus New York Festival! THIS WEEKEND – DON'T MISS OUT! This weekend, the three-day Craft in Focus Festival will transform Building 1 of Industry City in Brooklyn into a vibrant, creative workspace. We present hands-on workshops, master classes and demonstrations, all focusing on master craftsmanship. Come and meet the craftsmen and -women from New York and from The Netherlands, and learn how to make something beautiful. We will have Dutch stroopwafels for sale, baked on the spot, a free taste of Old Amsterdam cheese, and you can purchase handmade quality objects directly from the craftsmen. There really is something for everyone! So bring your kids, partners, parents, friends and neighbors and enjoy getting your hands dirty! Have a look at the full program here! Entrance is free, purchase your tickets for workshops and master classes through the festival website or on site during the event at our ticketing booth. Craft in Focus Festival May 18-20, Industry City, Brooklyn Festival hours: 11am to 6pm, doors open 10.30am. #airbrush #dailyartdose #artdaily #sharemyart #howtopaint #craftfestivalnewyork #artscraft #paint #fun #newyork #livepainting #airbrushmasterclasses

A post shared by • MARISSA OOSTERLEE • (@marissa_oosterlee) on



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