Život je naprd, keď máš na hlave satelit. O tom sa na vlastnej koži presvedčili aj tieto zvieratká, ktorých návšteva u veterinára nestála len gule, ale aj hrdosť a dobrý výhľad. Čo presne sa dialo po tom, viac než výstižne zachytávajú nasledujúce fotografie. Vidíš v nich aj svojho chlpáča?
1. Keď huňatá mačka musí odhodiť hrdosť
2. Vo dvojici ide všetko ľahšie
I do not mind the cone of shame, when I share it with a friend. from aww
3. „Moja mačka sa volá hranolka. V útulku nemali golieriky, tak museli improvizovať.“
This kitten’s name is French Fry. The shelter ran out of cones, so they had to improvise. from aww
4. Je ťažké hrať sa na schovávačku, keď máš na hlave satelit
My cat is upset she has to wear a cone, it makes it hard for her to hide in her favorite spot. from aww
5. Ako spraviť z mačky leva
My kitten just got neutered. Needless to say, I’m going to take a lot of pictures before the cone of shame comes off. from aww
6. Dennis prežíva jeden zo svojich najhorších dní
7. Ani vakoveveričky sa im nevyhnú
8. „Moja mama našla alternatívu goliera.“
My dog had surgery last week and was licking her stitches. This was my mom’s alternative to the cone of shame. from aww
9. Veterinár nemal golier, tak dostala tanierik
Got her spayed and the vet didn’t have cones small enough. from aww
10. Corgi nie je nadšený – z goliera ani zo snehu
My corgi isn’t so happy about his cone of shame, or the snow. from aww
11. Keby mal pondelok tvár
This little guy is not happy about the cone of shame. from aww
12. Byť mačkou nie je ľahké, ale byť vykastrovanou mačkou…
13. Namiesto goliera dostala toast
When Choochoo has a hotspot, we use the toast of healing instead of the cone of shame. from aww
14. Veď počkaj, až sa z toho dostane…
Ladies and gentlement, I present to you, the cone of shame from aww
15. „V útulku nemali dosť malý golierik, ale mali kávový filter.“
I work in the clinic at an animal shelter. We didn’t have a cone small enough for Margot. But we did have coffee filters… from aww
16. Milá alternatíva, hoci mačka nesúhlasí
Not sure how Moon feels about her “cone alternative”, but she sure looks cute 🙂 Hope your Saturday is better than hers from aww
17. Niektorí ľudia potrebujú návod na všetko
Had to share this photo of my dog wearing our other dogs cone after coming back from the vets yesterday from aww
18. Deň tretí a nevyzerá to dobre
19. Mäkší a pohodlnejší golier
My old boy’s much softer and much more comfortable cone from aww
20. Láska nepozná hranice
Head-bump loving cats are the WORST when they have the cone of shame! from AnimalsBeingJerks