Existuje veľa otázok, na ktoré nepoznáš odpovede, a ešte viac takých, na ktoré ani nikdy poznať nebudeš. Ale keďže si tu, čo sa stane s CD-čkom v mikrovlnke, jedna z nich určite nebude. Dnes sme si pre teba pripravili niekoľko fascinujúcich fotografií, ktoré ti zase o čosi rozšíria obzory a ešte ťa pritom aj značne šokujú. Takže nech sa páči, toto sa stane, keď…
1. …vyleštíš kokosový orech
This is what happens when you polish a coconut from mildlyinteresting
2. …dáš mydlo do fontány
This is what happens when you put dish soap in a fountain from mildlyinteresting
3. …sa pokazí cesto na pizzu
This is what happens to expired pizza dough from mildlyinteresting
4. …zakopeš kopu klincov na 20 rokov pod zem
What happens to a box of nails after twenty years underground from mildlyinteresting
5. …dáš balíček zemiakových lupienkov do mikrovlnky
What happens when a bag of chips is microwaved from mildlyinteresting
6. …necháš mastnú panvicu cez noc na daždi
What happens when an oil drip pan gets rained on overnight. from mildlyinteresting
7. …neudržiavaš okrasnú kapustu
This is what happens when no one keeps ornamental cabbage trimmed from mildlyinteresting
8. …ponoríš vajce do citrónovej šťavy
What happens when you soak an egg in lemon juice from mildlyinteresting
9. …necháš plechovku v rozhorúčenom aute
What happens when you leave a soda can in a hot car from mildlyinteresting
10. …sa spáliš na vyblednutom tetovaní
What happens when you get a burn over a faded tattoo. from pics
11. …do piesku udrie blesk
Repost: This is a Fulgurite. It is what happens when sand gets struck by lightning. from pics
12. …voda zmrzne na točiacom sa kolese
What happens when water freezes on a spinning wheel. from mildlyinteresting
13. …vystavíš tričko vetru s rýchlosťou 290 km/h
What happens to a long sleeve shirt in 180mph winds from mildlyinteresting
14. …dáš M&M’s do nádoby s vodou
What happens when you put M&Ms in a dish of water. Diffusion force barriers from mildlyinteresting
15. …sa slnko cez žalúzie dotkne okrúhleho koša
Apparently this is what happens when light passes through the blinds and hits my trash can… from mildlyinteresting
16. …sa snažíš vákuovo zabaliť cesnak
This is what happens when you vacuum seal garlic. from mildlyinteresting
17. …necháš gumenú topánku v horúcom aute
My coworker left her work shoes in her car on a hot day and this is what happened… from mildlyinteresting
18. …prejdeš 135-tisíc kilometrov bez výmeny oleja
This is what happens when you go 84,000 miles without an oil change from pics
19. …dáš CD-čko do mikrovlnky
This is what happens to a CD when you put one in a microwave. from pics
20. …tarantulu napadne parazitická huba
? This is what happens when the parasitic fungus Cordyceps replace every tissue inside of a tarantula. Some species even have mind control abilities, turning ants into zombies that spread the infection. from NatureIsFuckingLit