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Sobota 22.2.2025

Internet je preplnený smutnými správami. V momentálnej situácii je to viac než pochopiteľné, ale to neznamená, že sa od toho nemôžeme na malú chvíľu dištancovať a zamerať svoju pozornosť na niečo iné. Niečo pekné. Ako napríklad fotografie týchto psíkov pred adopciou verzus po nej. 

Väčšina chlpáčov je na prvej fotke v žalostnom stave. O to viac zahreje pri srdiečku, keď človek vidí, aké šťastné, hravé a milované sú tie psíky teraz. Veríme, že pohľad na ich spokojné tváre ti dodá presne tú dávku optimizmu, ktorú v týchto časoch potrebuješ. Lebo všetko bude v poriadku. Kým na svete existujú usmievajúce sa psíky, všetko bude v poriadku.


From a hoarder house with 100+ dogs to a home of her own! I had fostered her since November and officially adopted her last month! from BeforeNAfterAdoption


This is Lucy, from Nov 1 to today. My amazing wife saved her from the streets and disease. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Adopted this lovebug the day after Christmas 2016. Best decision I’ve ever made! It’s safe to say she’s happy with the decision, too. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Found this beautiful girl tied up on the highway. Vet said if she wasn’t taken in she would’ve probably died that night. Took her months before she would even be in the same room with anybody and now she spends all her time with her favorite people and her four animal siblings. I love her so much. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


RESCUED! Guys meet Miguel, a Golden rescued from a house with 30 pitbulls in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Video available in instagram profile @projetovidapitbull from BeforeNAfterAdoption


7 years ago he was found near-freezing and shot on the side of the road. Today he’s a happy, sweet boy. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Rescued this golden girl almost two months ago, and it’s like she is a different dog! Say hello to Luna 🙂 @lunathehannamdog from BeforeNAfterAdoption


From scared and alone to surrounded by toys and love from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Rescued Peanut 6 months ago from an abusive home. He had fleas everywhere and was very matted so I had to shave him from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Hard to believe this girl Penne is the same dog, she came from mexico and rescued into the uS from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Freyja was found last Sept. in an industrial area. She was starving and near death. She has a nice home now but still skittish. How can I help her? from BeforeNAfterAdoption


When I found Fred on the side of the road he was skittish, neurotic, and sweet as could be. One month later he’s still all those things, but now he’s fat too. Love him more every day. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Gus Gus was saved from the meat trade in China. He just moved into his forever home and now gets to spend his vacations in Tahoe. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


I found her 4years ago, covered in blisters, no hair and starved…who knew she’d be the love of my life. She’s the greatest from BeforeNAfterAdoption


2 weeks before when he was picked up by animal control after having an abusive owner, and a whole year later as my best friend. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Rambo was left behind by his family and found tied inside a dark shed by the new owners. Here’s his before and after from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Sad Jenny to GLAD JENNY! She tricked us with her gloomy face into thinking she was a docile, mild-mannered pup. She is actually a complete MANIAC and we love her to pieces. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


My first boy Charlie was abused and starved so badly that he would poop on us whenever we took him out of the crate to walk him. Now he is the biggest love bug and will follow me around the house. He still pancakes when strangers come by but we are working on it! from BeforeNAfterAdoption


can’t believe this ding dong was in the shelter for over 6 months! we’ve had him for almost 2 years now and cannot imagine life without him. from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Charlie the pitty in the shelter and one year later! from BeforeNAfterAdoption

Bonus: „Ráta sa aj gorila? Ak nie, tak psík je tiež z útulku.“

Not sure if gorillas count… But the dog was indeed adopted! from BeforeNAfterAdoption


Michaela Molnárová
Som také ukecané malé pivo, ktoré miluje zvieratká a za trojuholník vegánskej pizze by ťa pokojne aj prešlo traktorom. Neriskuj. Na EMEFKA tvorím už nejaký ten piatok, preto v mojom portfóliu nájdeš naozaj všeličo. Mojou špecialitkou sú vzťahové záležitosti, mužsko-ženské peripetie a ľudské príbehy, ale pred nejakým tým internetovým virálom tiež nebudem utekať

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