Každodenné veci a predmety nás vedia často poriadne prekvapiť. Napríklad, keď sa nešťastnou náhodou rozbijú a my s úžasom zistíme, že vo vnútri sa nachádzajú ďalšie bizarné veci. Sme si istí, že ťa tieto podivné nálezy dobre pobavia.
1. Kocka v kocke
Good guy die manufacturer. Puts die in your die so when your die dies you have a new die. from thingsinsidethings
2. Pomaranč v pomaranči
My aunt found an orange inside of her orange this morning, complete with peel. from mildlyinteresting
3. Bazén s vlastným bazénom
This pool has a pool inside from mildlyinteresting
4. Vo vnútri plyšového Yodu bolo srdiečko
My dog tore open his Yoda plush toy and the squeaker inside is a heart from mildlyinteresting
5. Pilulka s malými tabletkami
My pill is filled with little pills. from mildlyinteresting
6. Paprika v paprike
My pepper had a pepper in it from mildlyinteresting
7. Soška Santa Clausa skrývala prekvapenie
Ceramic Santa head broke off and found this inside from WTF
8. Šachová figúrka do rezervy?
Pawn inside of a queen from thingsinsidethings
9. Cornetto s bonusovým kornútkom
Don’t know if it counts, but: a full Cornetto in another Cornetto from thingsinsidethings
10. Len tak si čítaš a odrazu… kapitola z úplne inej knihy!
My book has a chapter from another book printed inside. from mildlyinteresting
11. Cibuľa v cibuli
An onion, inside of an onion. from mildlyinteresting
12. Ozdoba v tvare šachovej figúrky bola plná cigariet
My son broke this chess piece decor I bought from Ross 5 years ago, this was inside.. from WTF
13. Rukoväť noža odhalila fotku vysmiatej rodiny
Peice of my knife broke off the handle and it shows a family on the back from mildlyinteresting
14. Malí Buddhovia vo vnútri sovy
Buddhas inside owl from thingsinsidethings
15. Ceruzka ukrývala odkaz v čínštine
My pencil broke and revealed Chinese (I think) writing inside from mildlyinteresting
16. Cigara v rozbitom betóne
A cigarette in a broken concrete filled tape dispenser. from thingsinsidethings
17. Biliardové gule v guli
This Bocce ball is full of little balls from mildlyinteresting
18. Z rozbitej sochy žaby vykukli dva snehuliaky
Dropped a frog lawn decoration only to discover 2 snowmen inside from mildlyinteresting
19. Neobyčajný kameň
Boring rock has a little surprise inside from mildlyinteresting
20. Červená paprika so zelenou vo vnútri
Found a green bell pepper growing inside a red one. from mildlyinteresting