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Streda 5.3.2025

Okolitý svet a jeho príroda sú naozaj fascinujúce a dajú sa v nich objaviť skutočne pozoruhodné poklady. O tom si sa, napokon, mohol presvedčiť aj v našom minulom článku. Ľudia často úplnou náhodou narazia na prírodné fenomény, artefakty z minulých storočí či zvláštne fosílie.

V tomto článku nájdeš 20 úchvatných momentiek a nálezov, ktoré ľudia z veľkej časti našli najmä vďaka obyčajnej náhode.

1. Volebný lístok z čias americkej občianskej vojny

This "bookmark" I found in an old Shakspeare book is a voting ticket from the civil war from interestingasfuck

2. Mamutí kel

A mammoth tusk just found in the Arctic from interestingasfuck

3. Svietiace kamene

These glowing rocks are known as Yooperlite, they are actually Syanite rocks rich in fluorescent Sodalite. They can be found mostly on Lake Superior. from interestingasfuck

4. Jedna z najstarších značiek Pozor, pes! z Pompejí

One of the oldest ‘Beware of the Dog’ signs in the world, found in Pompeii ruins, Italy from interestingasfuck

5. Bizarné stromy

Giant Groundsels, prehistoric plants found on top of Mt Kilimanjaro. from interestingasfuck

6. Pozoruhodný fluorit

Fluorite found in the Jiangxi province of China from interestingasfuck

7. Renesančná stavba objavená pri renovácii domu

A man was fixing his house to renovate it when he found a 14th century Renaissance doorway. It was the facade of the "Hospital de San Jorge" . Located in Úbeda, Spain, the city was declared a Word Heritage Site in 2003 thanks to its architecture. from interestingasfuck

8. Larimar

Absolutely breathtaking Larimar from the Dominican Republic, the only place on Earth where this enchanting gem is found! ? from interestingasfuck

9. Prírodná svetelná šou

These are not fake, it’s light pillars in Russia. These beams of light are actually formed when hexagonal ice crystals found inside of clouds begin to shine. from interestingasfuck

10. Výtlačok románu Dômyselný rytier Don Quijote de la Mancha z roku 1699

A 1699 edition of Don Kihot. Found in an old bookstore in the Netherlands from interestingasfuck

11. Dračí strom

This Dragon Blood tree can only be found in some parts of Yemen. from interestingasfuck

12. Mince z rokov 1881 a 1898

Just found two $1 coins from 1881 and 1898 in my coin drawer from mildlyinteresting

13. Malachit

Malachite, found in Russia, Australia, and South Africa from interestingasfuck

14. Estetický list

I found this leaf that looks like a weather radar from mildlyinteresting

15. Staré ľúbostné listy nájdené vo ventilačnom systéme

I opened a ventilation cavity in a wall and found old love letters bound in string. from mildlyinteresting

16. Mozaiky antickej vily

Mosaics of a Roman villa were found under a vineyard in Negrar, Italy from interestingasfuck

17. Peniaze z 18. a 20. storočia. Najstaršia minca z roku 1621

I run down an old dirt road. Trash is dumped there. One day I stopped and found a box of money. All the envelopes are different countries all over the world. Mostly date from the 1700s-1900s. The oldest is a coin from 1621. I’ve got some from countries that no longer exist. I’m still researching. from interestingasfuck

18. 2000-ročná maska

A 2000 year old green serpentine mask found at the base of a pyramid in Mexico from interestingasfuck

19. 71-miliónov rokov stará fosília

Opalized Ammonite fossil around 71 million yrs old. Found in southern Alberta, Canada. from interestingasfuck

20. Hypnotický achát

I cut open a Lake Superior Agate the other day. (A rock type found in the upper midwest & the Minnesota state gemstone.) to find this. Do you see 2 ducks in love or one owl? ??? from interestingasfuck

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