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Sobota 22.2.2025

Nato, aby si objavil skutočne pozoruhodné veci z doby dávno minulej, nemusíš nutne zájsť do špecializovanej predajne či na blší trh. Mohlo by totiž postačiť, ak sa trochu prehrabeš podkrovím svojho vlastného domu. Práve tie totiž často ukrývajú netušené poklady.

V tomto článku sa pozrieme na 20 cool vecí, ktoré ľudia objavili vo svojich domoch. Ide o pestrú zbierku predmetov. Nájdeme medzi nimi relikty detstva (komiksy či hry), ale aj nefalšovane starodávne kúsky, ktoré by mohli mať nezanedbateľnú cenu.

1. Noviny informujúce o vrátení astronautov z Mesiaca na Zem

Moon landing newspaper I found in the attic of the house I bought from space

2. Stará kalkulačka

Found this old calculator in my great grandmother’s attic from mildlyinteresting

3. Super Nintendo

Never underestimate cleaning out your grandparents attic… from gamecollecting

4. Dve fľaše Guinnessu z roku 1874

Found two bottles of Guinness in the attic. 1874 I believe. from beerporn

5. Stará plechovka 7Up

This old 7up can I found in the attic of my new house from mildlyinteresting

6. Dom pre bábiky z konca 19. storočia

Victorian doll house from the 1880’s from pics

7. Novinový článok o úspešnom pristátí na Mesiaci

Found three 1969 news papers about the moon landing in an old chest in the attic. from pics

8. VHS-ky detstva

Looking through a couple of boxes in the attic. This might possibly be the best day of my life. from pics

9. Postavičky Power Rangers

Found my old Power Rangers toys up in the attic, this is just a few of em.. thought yal might get a kick out of seeing these from nostalgia

10. Noviny z konca druhej svetovej vojny

A Miami Herald I found in the attic of a house in Georgia from Miami

11. Flakón s parfumom

Found in my grandparent’s house. There’s a very thick liquid inside from whatisthisthing

12. Starý písací stroj z 30. rokov

A student walked in and plopped this beast on my desk today. He said he found it cleaning out his grandparents basement. 1930something Underwood in pretty awesome condition! from typewriters

13. Pištoľ na pušný prach

Mine uncle found old navy gun that uses gun powder in coastal town Kotor in the attic. from whatisthisthing

14. Dýka z ďalekej Ázie

Found in my grandparents attic. The handle feels like real ivory from whatisthisthing

15. Vojenské vyznamenanie

Old russian military badge found in the attic more fotos in comments from whatisthisthing

16. Satirická mapa Európy z roku 1914

WWI satirical map of Europe – found in my grandparents attic years ago [2493×1809][PNG] from MapPorn

17. Diktafón, ktorý bol trendy v 90. rokoch

Found this up in my mom’s attic along with a bunch of tapes from when my brother and I were little. from pics

18. Starý šijací stroj

Found in my attic. I know it’s a sewing machine, but how old is it? Where is it from? The only google searches I could find with matching pictures/video are not in English. from Whatisthis

19. Komiks s Batmanom

Turns out you can find something really interesting in the Attic of your old house. from batman

20. Viktoriánska peňaženka na mince

One of my friends posted this on fb. What is it? from whatisthisthing

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