Vieš si predstaviť, že by si nejakým spôsobom využil použité fľaše či starý nefunkčný klavír? Niekomu napadne vyhodiť podobné veci do odpadu, ale nie všetci zmýšľajú podobne. V mnohých ľuďoch sa totiž prebudia ich kreatívne sklony a fantázia a zo starých či obyčajných vecí urobia nádherné dekoratívne či umelecké artefakty.
V tomto článku ti predstavíme 20 z nich. Neostáva nám nič iné, len v duchu úctivo zložiť klobúk pred talentom a zručnosťami týchto majstrov.
1. Klavír ako nábytok
2. Karavan pred a po úprave
Before and after of our VW LT35 van build. 8 months of hard work almost everyday, starting with no building experience whatsoever! from vandwellers
3. Dom v záhrade
I built a backyard treehouse as a quarantine project. from somethingimade
4. Roztekajúce sa drevo
Melting wood effect im working on. Still needs some sandpaper love but very pleased with my first attempt. from woodworking
5. Stará jabloň ako držiak na knihy
My parents planted an apple-tree when I was born. Sadly, the tree died a few weeks ago, so I made a bookshelf out of it. from somethingimade
6. Výšivka na šiltovke
7. Originálna kolíska od dedka
8. Malá kuchynka na hranie s blatom
9. Bar pre veveričky
10. Luxus pre vtáky
11. Koleso ako dekorácia
My first attempt at a wreath! Went non traditional and used a bike rim I found at a flea market from somethingimade
12. List premenený na umenie
I took a dying leaf off my houseplant and painted some starscapes on it! from crafts
13. Aktovka vylepšená o motív z Pána prsteňov
Lord of the rings messenger bag I just finished! from crafts
14. Mandala na stolíku
My quarantine project: I painted a mandala on an old, beat-up table from crafts
15. Originálne knižnice
Giving it a go, after my last post, with the ‘shelf employment’ option. Here are the initial projects. Thoughts on what to value the unicorn at? It was quite the challenge. from crafts
16. Vylepšenie starých fliaš
My sister recycled some old bottles and made these. Credits:- Aishwarya from crafts
17. Stará stolička je ako nová
Before and after on an old bamboo rocking chair. from crafts
18. Maľba na peň
19. Originálny stolík
Today I crafted this coffee table. I think that it will make a nice and relaxing atmosphere in the room. from somethingimade
20. Pre fanúšikov Vincenta van Gogha
I made a sequel to starry night. It’s called partly cloudy day. (Acrylic on Mini blinds) from somethingimade