Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Utorok 1.4.2025

Pokiaľ sa rozhodnete svoj život spojiť s domácim zvieraťom (v podstate akýmkoľvek), je jasné, že vás čaká množstvo zábavy a možno aj dramatických okamihov. Alebo mix všetkých možných emócií.

Niektorí ľudia majú tendenciu považovať mačky za nudnejších domácich miláčikov (napríklad v porovnaní so psíkmi). Je pravdou, že tieto dôstojné stvorenia sú ležérnejšie a autonómnejšie, ale to vôbec neznamená, že by život s nimi nebol veľká zábava. Týchto 20 fotiek to dokazuje.

1. Sakra. Našli ma

2. Hlavné je byť v pohode

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? from Unknown ?????

A post shared by Daily Cat Club (@lovecatdaily) on

3. Siesta

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Gotta love her#crazycats

A post shared by Stella Bradshaw (@bradshaw_a2) on

4. Čo pozeráš?

5. Večera

6. Vojenský postoj

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Planet of cats ???? • • • • Visit my bio for a organic pet grass kit for your cat or dog : The organic grass seeds grow in 4-5 days to the ideal cat feeding length. Everything included, you need only water. ✔ NATURAL HAIRBALL REMEDY ✔ PLENTY OF BENEFITS FOR YOUR CAT: Vitamins (A, B, C, E & K), Calcium, Chlorophyll (naturally freshens the breath), Iron, Lecithin, Magnesium, and Pantothenic Acid. Ideal for indoor cats. GMO free!!! Special type of grass that grows for about 4 to 6 weeks. Amazon link in the bio #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #catstagram #macka #katze #planetoftheapes #animals #animallovers #cathealth #instacat #kotě #kittens #kitten #kittensofinstagram #funnycats #funnycat #catmemes #funnycatpics #kočka #amazoncat #onlineshopping #cataccessories #catshopping #fluffycats #tabbycatsofinstagram #pethealth #healthycat #catgrass

A post shared by Taylor Cat (@im_taylor_cat) on

7. Ranná hygiena

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Wash your teeth before bed kitty! • • • • Visit my bio for a organic pet grass kit for your cat or dog : The organic grass seeds grow in 4-5 days to the ideal cat feeding length. Everything included, you need only water. ✔ NATURAL HAIRBALL REMEDY ✔ PLENTY OF BENEFITS FOR YOUR CAT: Vitamins (A, B, C, E & K), Calcium, Chlorophyll (naturally freshens the breath), Iron, Lecithin, Magnesium, and Pantothenic Acid. Ideal for indoor cats. GMO free!!! Special type of grass that grows for about 4 to 6 weeks. Amazon link in the bio #cat #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #catstagram #macka #katze #animal #animals #animallovers #cathealth #instacat #kotě #kittens #kitten #kittensofinstagram #funnycats #funnycat #catmemes #funnycatpics #kočka #amazoncat #onlineshopping #cataccessories #catshopping #fluffycats #tabbycatsofinstagram #pethealth #healthycat #catgrass

A post shared by Taylor Cat (@im_taylor_cat) on

8. Dnes pracovať nebudeš

[Kitten] Say hello to Teemo on his 3-mo bday, trying to get my attention while working from aww

9. Kúpeľ

And they say cat’s don’t like water from aww

10. Nech žije kráľ…

Never let go Rose, never let go… from aww

11. Neodchádzaj!

Baby don’t leave me! from pics

12. Pozvoľný šok

The Stages Of Cat Panic from funny

13. Víťaz!

Triumphant Cat from photoshopbattles

14. Kamoši aj napriek mrežiam

The creation of catam from AccidentalRenaissance

15. Netradičné chute

My housemate sent me this picture with the text: ‚This is your cat whenever I try to do something productive‘. from aww

16. Padák

My crazy boy! from aww

17. Obsadené

PsBattle: This cat on a toilet from photoshopbattles

18. Hlavne sa nepohnúť

Minions! Bow down as I sit on my thrown made of hoomans from aww

19. Keď si vonku a prší

LET. ME. IN. from funny

20. Zvítanie s novým členom rodiny

Twin cats meeting their new baby brother from pics


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