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Piatok 7.3.2025
, Thomas, Tom

Factourism je zábavno-edukatívny projekt dánskej agentúry Ferdio. Svojim fanúšikom už niekoľko mesiacov servíruje zaujímavé fakty z rôznych oblastí tou najefektívnejšou možnou formou – pomocou ilustrácií. Niektoré sú šokujúce, iné zábavné a pri všetkých sa človek naučí niečo nové. A to je fajn, no nie?

1. V ústnej vode je viac alkoholu ako vo víne

2. Pred 400 miliónmi rokmi boli na Zemi huby vysoké 8 metrov

3. Nike kúpil svoje logo v roku 1971 za 35 dolárov

4. Rimania týrali ľudí tak, že nechali kozy, aby im lízali chodidlá

5. Šťastná pizza je názov pizze s marihuanou, ktorá sa predáva v Kambodži

6. Vynálezca vazelíny jedol denne lyžicu tejto substancie

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⁠The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful of it every day⁠ ⁠ ⁠The American chemist Robert Chesebrough discovered petroleum jelly and its healing properties in the 1850s and trademarked it under the name Vaseline. To promote the product, he would drive around New York, burn himself publicly, and then apply Vaseline on the wound. He also ate a spoonful of it a day.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url):⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #vaseline #vaselinepetroleumjelly #vaselineliptherapy #vaselineoriginal #petroleumjelly #vaselinepetroleumjellyready #inventions #invention #inventors

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7. Zajace cítia pozostatky svojich mŕtvych príbuzných v stolici predátora

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Rabbits can smell their dead relatives in the faeces of predators⁠ ⁠ Not only rabbit can recognise the smell of faeces of known predatory species, but it has been found that they are also able to distinguish the ones that has specifically been eating other rabbits. If an area houses an animal a little too fond of eating rabbits in the near past, then it is probably best to avoid this place for a while.⁠ ⁠ Source: ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #rabbits #rabbitlover #rabbitofinstagram #rabbitoftheday #rabbit? #rabbitlovers #rabbitsoftheworld #rabbit? #rabbitsagram

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8. Chobotnica má v skutočnosti 6 rúk a 2 nohy

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An octopus actually has 6 arms and 2 legs, not 8 legs⁠ ⁠ {Weekend Repost}⁠ Next time you meet an octopus and wonder about its limbs, remember that it does not have eight legs, neither does it have eight arms (or eight tentacles for that matter, as they are technically not those either). It has two legs, used for moving around, and six arms, used principally for feeding. It is also ambidextrous, not favouring any left or right arms, but it does prefer using its third arms from the front when it can.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url):⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #octopus #octopus? #octopusart #octopuslove #marinebiology #marinebiologyshots #marinebiologylife #animalfact #zoology

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9. McDonald’s má vo Švédsku ski-thru pobočku pre lyžiarov

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McDonald’s has a ski-through restaurant in Sweden⁠ ⁠ The fast-food company extended and adapted their original drive-through concept to local conditions, with a “McSki” service where skiers can order and pick-up their meal without even unfixing their skis or leaving the snow.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #mcdonalds #mcdonalds?? #mcdonalds? #mcdonaldslife #mcski #skiing? #skiinglife #drivethrough #drivethru

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10. Jeden oblek pre astronauta stojí 12 miliónov dolárov

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A space suit costs 12 million US dollars⁠ ⁠ There is so much research and testing and craft involved in making space suits, and so few of them produced, that NASA spends that much on them. However, some other companies are now developing less expensive suits, with prices closer to $150,000 for instance.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #spacesuit #spacesuits #spaceflight #astronautlife #thriftstore #fashionshopping #jumpsuits

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11. Mužov upokojuje pohľad na mäso

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The sight of meat calms men down⁠ ⁠ A curious experiment: 82 men looking simultaneously at random pictures and at an actor reading a script. Some of the pictures included meat. Also, a system to sentence the actor with loud noises in case of bad reading. What the researchers found out, is that the subjects were more tolerant with the actors when they were looking at pictures of meat. Funnily enough, they expected on the contrary more aggressivity when the meat images would be shown.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url):⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #meatlover #meateater #redmeat #meatlovers #carnivorediet #carnivores #carnivores #relaxationtime #relaxationmode

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12. Univerzitná knižnica na Harvarde má niekoľko kníh obalených v ľudskej koži

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The Harvard University Library has several books bound in human skin⁠ ⁠ {Weekend Repost}⁠ Anthropodermic bibliopegy. That is the proper name for binding books with human leather rather than another animal’s. A morbid practice that was occasionally done in the 19th century and earlier. Some of the resulting books are now conserved in the Harvard Library at Harvard University.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url):⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #bookbinding #harvardlibrary #booksbooksbooks #books? #booksofinsta #skinart #skintips #bibliopegy

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13. V rokoch 1945-1947 žil kohút menom Mike 18 mesiacov bez hlavy

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From 1945 to 1947, a rooster named Mike lived 18 months without a head  When a farmer in Colorado chopped the head of one of its chickens on 10 September 1945, the fowl stayed alive and continued walking around. He decided to keep him like that and brought him with him to the market. The bird made sensation, and quickly started to become a local celebrity. The farmers were getting many letters, and managed to make a little money from showing Mike around in shows across the country. The animal was fed and hydrated with a dropper, and ultimately died one day when they forgot the dropper at a show. As to how he survived: chicken have their brain quite far back in their head, part of it getting through the chop. His memory keep on today with a yearly “Mike the Headless Chicken Festival” in his hometown.  Source (short url):  #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #miketheheadlesschicken #headlesschicken #chickens #chickenfarmer #chickenfarm #roosters #roostersofinstagram

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14. Značka Colgate kedysi predávala sviečky

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Colgate used to sell candles⠀ ⠀ When English immigrant William Colgate founded his company in 1806 in New York City, he was making soap and candles. It is only in 1873, well after his death, that the company started to sell toothpaste, originally sold in jars.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): ⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #colgate #colgatesmile #colgatesmiles #colgatepalmolive #toothpaste #candlestick #candleshop #candlesticks #ilovecandles

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15. Vedel si, že existujú erotické hračky, ktoré sú kóšer pre židov?

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There are kosher sex toys made just for Jews⠀ ⠀ If most sex toys are kosher in themselves, their packaging and the websites and stores were they are sold are not, and it has all to do with the imagery and words used to promote them. Additionally, in ultra-orthodox religious circles, sexuality is still taboo, while the need for sexual wellness isn’t lower than anywhere else. This is why Rabbi Natan Alexander in Jerusalem opened is own sex shop online: selling adult products in a modest and sober way, he can answer the demand of very religious Jewish couples, without compromising any religious duty.⠀ ⠀ Source:⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #humansofjudaism #kosherlife #vibrator #dildovibrator #dildo #jewishlife #jewishculture

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16. Prvá počítačová myš bola vyrobená z dreva

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The first computer mouse was made of wood⁣ ⁣ {Weekend Repost}⁣ If earlier pointing devices were developed, the first being considered as a computer mouse — and the first to be named “mouse” — was invented by engineer Douglas Engelbart while working in his Augmentation Research Center. Originally named “bug”, work on the mouse started in 1963 until the device was ready to be demonstrated in 1968. The mouse had wheels (instead of the trackball that became in use later) and was, indeed, made of wood.⁣ ⁣ Source (short url):⁣ ⁣⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #computermouse #fancymouse #mousegaming #gamingmouse #invention #inventor #inventions #computerscience

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17. Konzumácia čokolády môže zlepšiť tvoje matematické schopnosti

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Eating chocolate could improve your math skills⁣ ⁣ {Weekend Repost}⁣ Chocolate, especially when dark, contains flavanol, a compound that increases the flow of blood in the brain, helping with mentally challenging tasks. An experiment asked thirty participants to count backwards by steps of three from a random number between 800 and 999. The subjects were able to do the countdown quicker and better when then just had a cup of hot chocolate. Note that flavanol is also present in fruits and vegetables.⁣ ⁣ Source (short url):⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #chocolatelovers #chocolatebar #chocolate? #chocolateoverload #chocolateporn #maths #mathematics #algebra #calculus

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18. Vínové poháre sú 7-krát väčšie ako boli kedysi

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Wine glasses are seven times larger than they used to be⁣ ⁣ The average wine glass from the 1700s was about 66ml, against 417ml in the 2000s. That is a finding of research conducted by scientists from the university of Cambridge. Comparing 411 glasses from the past 300 years found in museums, catalogues, and other sources, they found that their size got six to seven times larger during that time. The larger increase has been happening in the last few decades, leading to the question of what it can mean in terms of alcohol consumption.⁣ ⁣ Source:⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #wine? #winelovers? #winewinewine #wineglasses #wineglass #winehistory #historyinpictures #kitchenware #glassware

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19. Penis potrebuje na stoporenie 130 mililitrov krvi

20. Spoločnosť Apple mala v roku 1986 vlastnú kolekciu oblečenia

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Apple had its own clothing line in 1986⁣ ⁣ In 1986, the year Steve Jobs left the company, Apple Computer released a fashion line including t-shirts, jumpers, belts, caps and jackets, as well as windsurf equipment. All very colourful, they featured either the classic “rainbow” Apple logo or experimental takes on the name “Apple”, reminiscent of the Memphis style.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #apple #appleproducts #applefan #eighties #eightiesfashion #80sstyle #bikinitop #fashionillustration #fashiontrends

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21. Aj veľryby sa môžu opáliť

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Whales can get a tan too⁣ ⁣ Whales can spend hours at the surface of the ocean while they are not diving, and their skin needs protection against the sun. Different species have different strategies. Like humans, blue whales simply tan all along the summer. However, with the diminishing of the ozone layer around Earth, skin diseases among whales and other marine mammals are increasing.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #whales #bluewhales #whalelover #whalewatch #sunbath #suntanning #suntan #cetacean #cetaceans

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