Človek môže sem-tam čírou náhodou objaviť vskutku zaujímavé (a vzácne) veci. Niektoré z nich majú len nostalgickú hodnotu, iné zase zavanú dávnou históriou, ale zopár z nich by z nálezcu mohlo urobiť boháča. Podobne pozoruhodné predmety ľudia nachádzajú v opustených či práve zakúpených domoch, počas prechádzok prírodou, prípadne v osobných veciach zosnulých príbuzných.
Nižšie nájdeš 20 podobných skvelých objavov.
1. 110-ročné voskovky nájdené v starom sekretári
Found these 110(?) year old Crayolas in the back of a family secretary desk. The pack still has the crayons. from mildlyinteresting
2. Tvár vyrezaná z dreva
This carving of a face my friend found in the mountains from mildlyinteresting
3. Zlaté mince
Found 83 gold coins at the bottom of a coal container after renovating the house ! from mildlyinteresting
4. Staré, takmer 90-ročné noviny
found old newspapers used as insulation in the wall of a 130 yo house from mildlyinteresting
5. Tajná miestnosť pod schodami
The new house my parents bought has a secret room hidden under the stairs. from mildlyinteresting
6. Videohra Doom na diskete
I found a copy of the original Doom on a floppy disc in my moms desk from mildlyinteresting
7. Sobášny list z roku 1841
I just found a marriage certificate from 1841 in my house in the attic from interestingasfuck
8. Spoločnosť Nintendo v roku 1889 začínala hracími kartičkami
Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889 The first thing they started making was Playing Cards from interestingasfuck
9. Biblia z roku 1866
Cleaning out my Nans garage and found this Bible from 1866 from interestingasfuck
10. Kostra rytiera zo stredoveku na dne jazera
Medieval Soldier skeleton and sword found at bottom of a lake from interestingasfuck
11. Opál s oblohou
An Opal that has its own sky. Found in Queensland, Australia. from interestingasfuck
12. Fosílie
This rock I found at the beach when I was seven is full of fossilized shells from interestingasfuck
13. Keď počas rybačky vylovíš svoju 20 rokov stratenú peňaženku
So my dad, a fisherman at lake "Attersee", Austria, just fished up his old, lost wallet in one of his fishnets, after he had dropped it into the lake 20 YEARS AGO. from mildlyinteresting
14. Batožina nájdená po šiestich rokoch
6 years ago my ex lost her luggage at the cottage. It was found floating down the river this weekend by my mother. Bonus whiskey inside! from WhatsInThisThing
15. Peniaze z rokov minulých
I run down an old dirt road. Trash is dumped there. One day I stopped and found a box of money. All the envelopes are different countries all over the world. Mostly date from the 1700s-1900s. The oldest is a coin from 1621. I’ve got some from countries that no longer exist. I’m still researching. from interestingasfuck
16. Jedna z prvých elektrických kefiek
Found this while digging up a 100+ year old outhouse in Southern California. Any ideas on what this is? There’s no other writing on the back. from whatisthisthing
17. Hity mladosti
For my 30th birthday my grandma found my old vhs in storage, man I watched these both 1000’s of times growing up. from batman
18. Zuby mastodonta, vyhynutého cicavca žijúceho v treťohorách
My friend found in the river in the backyard of my family estate. Mastodon tooth and jaw bone along with a mammoth tooth. from interestingasfuck
19. Staré vydanie Pána prsteňov
I found this beaten up relic at my parents house in a box labelled ‘Australia’. I’m guessing the box hadn’t been open since we moved to the UK 20 years ago. Never seen this cover before, all 3 volumes in 1, 3rd edition published in 1985. from lotr
20. List z roku 1883
A letter from 1883 I found in the back of an antique cupboard I bought from mildlyinteresting