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Utorok 1.4.2025

Priateľstvo nepozná hranice, a to ani vo zvieracej ríši. Síce sa traduje, že niektoré zvieratá, napríklad psy a mačky, sa príliš nemusia, ale ako sme ti dokázali aj na EMEFKA, z veľkej časti ide o mýtus. Záleží, pravdaže, na charaktere toho-ktorého zvieraťa. Niekedy sa však skamarátia zvieratká, pri ktorých by si to vôbec netipoval. Ako uvádza portál Bored Panda, jedným takým je aj kocúr Morris. Toho si jeho majiteľka Jennifer vzala z útulku.

Jennifer ale mala doma aj krásneho koňa Champyho. Ten sa s Morrisom okamžite skamarátil a jeden bez druhého si nevedia život ani predstaviť. Morris mu každé ráno vyskočí na chrbát a Champy ho následne povozí po okolí. Ako Jennifer uviedla, podobná jazda sa stala ich denným rituálom. Dojemné a roztomilé priateľstvo koňa a kocúra trvá už 7 rokov. Nižšie nájdeš niekoľko ich spoločných fotografií, ktoré ti iste spríjemnia deň.


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Last call for calendars! This is the very last opportunity to order one, they are printed in bulk so once this order goes through I wont have the opportunity to print more….. -All profits go to support Champy, Morris and their rescue animal friends. -Full colour gloss printing on quality paper. – A4 closed – opens to A3. – Worldwide shipping -Will be shipped in November – with plenty of time to arrive before Christmas. -Calendars are $20 AUD each -Shipping within Australia $4 (more than 1 shipping is $6) -Shipping to New Zealand $9.50 (more than 1 shipping is $14) -Shipping to the rest of the world $14 (more than 1 $20) Please PM if you're interested with your postal address, quantity and I'll reply with instructions how to pay via PayPal If you're within Australia direct bank deposit is also an option but Ive had trouble with international transfer so PayPal is the only option for anyone outside of Australia . . . . . . . . . . . .#interspeciesfriendship #sparkjoy #love #friendship #hope #funnycat #funnyhorse #funnyanimals #bff #catcalendar #calendar2021 #instahappy #instajoy #gratitude #horsesofinstagram #catsofinstagram #instagram #instafunny #unlikelyanimalfriends #bffgoals #catfashion #catjoy #horsejoy #countrylife #blackcat #blackcatsofinstagram #australia

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Ive got a few calendars still up for grabs…..I'll only be taking orders for a few more days before cut off when it goes to print…. -All profits go to support Champy, Morris and their rescue animal friends. -Full colour gloss printing on quality paper. – A4 closed – opens to A3. – Worldwide shipping -Will be shipped in November – with plenty of time to arrive before Christmas. -Calendars are $20 AUD each -Shipping within Australia $4 (more than 1 shipping is $6) -Shipping to New Zealand $9.50 (more than 1 shipping is $14) -Shipping to the rest of the world $14 (more than 1 $20) Please PM if you're interested with your postal address, quantity and I'll reply with instructions how to pay via PayPal If you're within Australia direct bank deposit is also an option but Ive had trouble with international transfer so PayPal is the only option for anyone outside of Australia The photo here features as January with Morris leaping into the new year! . . . . . . . . . . . . #interspeciesfriendship #sparkjoy #love #friendship #hope #funnycat #funnyhorse #cat #funnyanimals #catcalendar #newyear #leapoffaith #jump #catjump #animalsinfluence #calendar #catsofinstagram #awesome #awesomeanimals #horsesofinstagram #besties #unlikelyanimalfriends #zilco #blackcat #blackcatsofinstagram #special #actionshot

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Hello and welcome to all our new followers! We are delighted to have you here and hope you'll find lots of enjoyment from the love these two special friends share. You can also find them on Facebook and YouTube. Although I havent been uploading regular content to YouTube yet (I plan to soon) you'll find lots of old videos there that haven't been on Facebook or Insta. Facebook and Insta I try to post daily video or photos. Did you discover us via the @boredpanda or @razoesparaacreditar feature? Comment below what country you're from. For those new here that dont already know we're in Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #interspeciesfriendship #sparkjoy #love #friendship #hope #funnycat #funnyhorse #funnyanimals #unlikelyanimalfriends #animalsinfluence #catlife #countrylife #australia #bff #choosekindness #funnycatvideos #love #blackcat #blackcatsofinsta #boredpandaanimals #boredpanda #catfeatures #catfeaturesofig #weeklyfluff #ınstagood #instacat #rescuecat #rescuehorses #soulmates #gato

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How’s your week going? ? We’ve been getting lots of rain ? here, we even had a hail storm ⛈ which freaked both cats out. Winston always gets nervous in storms and I have to cuddle him, usually Morris is the cool ? calm collected one and will even help calm Winston but even Morris got a bit worried ? when it started hitting the windows. We had an old tree ? get blown over that was a favourite scratching post for the horses ? Champy, Coco and Dusty all freaked out when they saw it down but Baldy who’s seen everything before walked up to it with ease checking for any fallen fruit ? When the cats saw it the next day they claimed it as their new scratching post. It’s normal for this time of year to get lots of rain ☔️ and storms ? a welcome relief from the same time last year of drought and fires ? . . . . . . #unlikelyanimalfriends #friends #bff #love #choosekindness #choosehappiness #funnycat #funnyhorse #funnyanimals #funnycatvideos #meow #interspeciesfriendship #storm #rain #countrylife #grateful #bestiesforlife

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Last call for calendars! The first order of calendars sold out in 48 hours! I’ll only be ordering more if I have another 23 orders, so that means if you’re serious about going on a waiting list PM me your email and how many you want and if it reaches enough numbers I’ll contact everyone for payment. Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming support. . . . . . . . . . #interspeciesfriendship #sparkjoy #love #friendship #hope #funnycat #funnyhorse #funnyanimals #calendar #2021 #catsofinstagram #catcalendar #catcalendar2021 #unlikelyanimalfriends #horsesofinstagram #gratitude #awesomeanimals #animalsofinstagram #animalsinfluence #influencer #bff #bffgoals #truelove #australia #leapoffaith #jumping #cutenessoverload #cute #actionshot #mypetagency

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The first order of calendars has sold out in 48 hours! I’ll only be ordering more if I have another 50 orders, so that means if you’re serious about going on a waiting list PM me your email and how many you want and if it reaches 50 I’ll contact everyone for payment. Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming support. . . . . . . . . . . . . #interspeciesfriendship #sparkjoy #love #friendship #hope #funnycat #funnyhorse #funnyanimals #2021calendar #animalsofinstagram #animalfriends #instagood #unlikelyanimalfriends #calendar #affection #affectionatecat #truelove #cutenessoverload #cute #cuteanimals #cutecat #meow #horselove #horsesofinstagram #catlove #countrylife #heartwarming #kindness #catcalendar

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Calendar Alert! ***The first round of calendars have sold out, see most recent post for wait list*** -Pre-order your Champy and Morris 2021 calendar! -Ill be taking orders for 1 week only. All ordering and shipping info is in this post -All profits go to support Champy, Morris and their rescue animal friends. -Full colour gloss printing on quality paper. – A4 closed – opens to A3. – Worldwide shipping -Will be shipped in November – with plenty of time to arrive before Christmas. -Calendars are $20 AUD each -Shipping within Australia $4 (more than 1 shipping is $6) -Shipping to New Zealand $9.50 (more than 1 shipping is $14) -Shipping to the rest of the world $14 (more than 1 $20) -Payment via PayPal – my info is -All currency is in Australian dollars, PayPal has an instant converter -Please make sure your shipping address is correct in PayPal ****Please write your full address in the message section on PayPal- the auto info there isn’t showing me your country **** (If you have a complete aversion to PayPal and want my direct deposit info just PM me) I know shipping is a bit pricey especially if you're ordering more than 1 but there's not much i can do about living in a country so far away from everyone 🙂 I have to get printing done in lots of 50. 150 people said they were interested in my recent poll. I'll be cutting orders off at 150 unless I have another 50 people interested. So get in quick! I can't show you a preview because it's not printed yet but yes it'll be awesome! Or pawsome! as Morris says 🙂 Hopefully I've covered everything here, any other questions just ask. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #calendar #cat #catsofinstagram #catscatscats #catstagram #catcalendar #2021calendar #unlikelyanimalfriends #champyandmorris #pawsome #meow #gato #bff #cute #cutecouples #cutenessoverload #love #friends #friendsforever #mypetagency

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Kindness matters, kindness can do incredible things. Morris lived the first 9 months of his life at a rescue shelter, when I brought him home Champy took it upon himself to be the official welcoming committee and claim him as his best friend. Morris really didn’t have much choice in the matter to start with- Champy was like you’re gonna be my bff end of story- initially Morris was a bit hesitant probably given the size difference, it was also the first horse he’d ever met. After a few days of Champys friendly vibes, Morris couldn’t resist his charm anymore ? he jumped up on his back and as they say the rest is history. That was 7 years ago. . . . . . . . . #cat #cats #instacat #cats_of_instagram #funny #funnyanimals #funnycats #funnycatvideos #wonderful #magic #cute #cutecat #secretlifeofpets #instagood #instadaily #kindness #interspeciesfriendship #unlikelyfriends #animalsofinstagram #love #meowfeature #cutenessoverload #blackcat #instahorse #instapets #childrensbooks #kindnessiscontagious #happy #kindnessmatters #hope

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