Nestáva sa to často, ale občas predsa len áno. Človek sa len tak prehŕňa rôznymi vecami na podkroví, dáva do poriadku veci zosnulých starých rodičov či len tak chodí po blšom trhu. A potom objaví veci, ktoré z neho urobia boháča. No dobre, to je trochu prestrelené, ale skrátka objaví staré predmety, ktoré rozhodne majú nejakú cenu a nálezca si vďaka nim môže značne finančne prilepšiť.
Ide o staré časopisy, mince, novinové články či víno. To všetko môžeš dnes s trochou šťastia predať nadšeným zberateľom a vylepšiť si tak svoje bankové konto. V tomto článku nájdeš 20 podobných vzácností, na ktoré ľudia natrafili úplnou náhodou.
1. Staré vreckové hodinky
2. Fotoaparát z doby minulej
My grandfather’s first job was at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, and he was a loyal fan of their cameras. He passed recently and I found these today. I know they’re not valuable or rare, but a sentimental addition to my vintage collection. from Cameras
3. Noviny informujúce o pristátí na Mesiaci
My great grandmother kept a news paper of when America landed on the moon. Just found it today. from interestingasfuck
4. Módny časopis z roku 1904
In an abandoned building I found an old copy of Femina, a French fashion magazine, from 1904. These are the finalists in a beauty competition. from interestingasfuck
5. Funkčné rádio z roku 1941
I found a radio from 1941 that at still works. Me and my dad are repairing it from interestingasfuck
6. Zlaté mince
Found 83 gold coins at the bottom of a coal container after renovating the house ! from mildlyinteresting
7. 350-ročné hodinky vyrezané do smaragdu
350 year old pocket watch carved from a single Colombian emerald from interestingasfuck
8. Staré bankovky
Found these in an old metal desk that I was clearing out of an office. from interestingasfuck
9. 975-ročná minca
My 975 year old Byzantine Gold Cup Coin Graded Almost Uncirculated from interestingasfuck
10. Stará gitara
Grandpa gave me this guitar. What do I need to do? – more info in comments from Luthier
11. Nevybuchnutá hlavica z druhej svetovej vojny
Found this thing at my grandparents house. It has numbers andweird symbols at the top. Anyone know what this is? from whatisthisthing
12. Archívne víno z roku 1911
Can anyone help me, My grandparents were given this wine from 1911 is it worth anything? its been stored properly so could be drank? from wine
13. Novinový článok o potopení Titanicu
My cousin found this while cleaning out our grandmothers basement. from pics
14. Whisky z roku 1926
I work at an old college and we were asked to clean out a basement room that hadn’t been touched since the 50’s more info in comments about this 1926 whiskey from interestingasfuck
15. Známky z Perzie roku 1911
16. List prezidenta Abrahama Lincolna
Here’s another signature by Abraham Lincoln that my grand parents have! from mildlyinteresting
17. Staré žiletky na holenie
These vintage Gillette blades I found in my Grandpa’s cupboard from mildlyinteresting
18. Vzácna minca
This is the rarest UK 50p coin, there was 210,000 minted making it incredibly rare from mildlyinteresting
19. Prsteň so zeleným diamantom
I was told this was a green amethyst, and haggled to $42. Took it to a jeweler to have it appraised—it’s a rare green diamond, 4.4 ctw, over 100 years old, conservatively worth more than $8k! from ThriftStoreHauls
20. Set, ktorý by ocenili všetci gameri
My grandparents N64 set. Some of these games are kind of obscure but pretty cool. from gaming