Zaprášené podkrovia či rôzne zákutia starých domov skrývajú vskutku neobyčajné veci. Jeden článok na túto tému sme ti už na EMEFKA priniesli, teraz si ale môžeš vychutnať ďalšiu dvadsiatku podivných predmetov, ktoré ľudia objavili v domoch po predchádzajúcich majiteľoch.
Nájdeme medzi nimi staré noviny, bizarné predmety, zbrane či náhrobné kamene. Z týchto fotiek na teba skrátka dýchne poriadny závan histórie. Nezriedka totiž ide o predmety staré desiatky či stovky rokov.
1. Náhrobný kameň
I found out our house is made of gravestones from mildlyinteresting
2. Samurajský meč
Renovating a 100 year old house, found what looks like a samurai sword under a section of the house that had a dirt floor. The sheath is metal on the outside and wood inside. Still sharp and heavy. from mildlyinteresting
3. Zlaté mince
Found 83 gold coins at the bottom of a coal container after renovating the house ! from mildlyinteresting
4. Kniha z roku 1660
1660 book I found at my Grandma’s house from mildlyinteresting
5. Noviny z roku 1939
another dope ass newspaper i found in a hidden room in my house. published 1939 from interestingasfuck
6. Tajná miestnosť
The house I stayed at for New Year’s has a hidden bedroom, with a secret bookcase door. from mildlyinteresting
7. Granát z prvej svetovej vojny
this artillery grenade from WW1 we found in our attic from mildlyinteresting
8. Zbierka semien
Collection of reference seeds found in my Grandad’s attic from mildlyinteresting
9. Novinový článok o záchrannej akcii v Dunkirku
A newspaper about the evacuation of Dunkirk I found in my grandmother’s attic from mildlyinteresting
10. Trezor za falošnou elektrickou zástrčkou
We found a safe behind a fake electrical socket in our new house from mildlyinteresting
11. 20-ročné vínko
Recently moved into a new house and found a closed 20 year old wine bottle in a great a condition. from mildlyinteresting
12. Fľaša podivného tvaru
I also found an interesting bottle in my new house. Can’t find any other examples online. from mildlyinteresting
13. Ilustrácia odkazujúca na ezoterický kresťanský rád rozenkruciánov
What is this? Found in an attic in Czech. from whatisthisthing
14. Ručný bojler
15. Sada starých mobilov
The amount of old phones I found while decluttering my Grandpa’s office. from mildlyinteresting
16. Meteorit
I have a meteorite in my house my mother found from mildlyinteresting
17. Bajonet
Found this bayonet hidden in a wall of house my dad and I were renovating. from mildlyinteresting
18. Nickelodeon magnetofón
Found a vintage 90s Nickelodeon boombox, it still works from mildlyinteresting
19. 100-ročný časopis
This 100 year old magazine I found in the rafters while gutting a house from mildlyinteresting
20. Mydlo z bývalej Juhoslávie
While packing my house I found a small soap from a country that no longer exists from mildlyinteresting
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