Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Piatok 28.3.2025
, Sonja, Sonia

S tvorbou talentovanej výtvarníčky, ktorá na internete vystupuje pod pseudonymom Planet Prudence, si sa na Emefka už mohol stretnúť hneď niekoľkokrát.

V tomto článku ti prinášame ďalších 15 vtipných a presných obrázkov, ktoré s nadhľadom, iróniou a humorom poukazujú na každodenné problémy žien v súčasnom svete. Autorka, pravdaže, do veľkej miery čerpá práve z vlastného života. Jej patálie sú však univerzálne a sme presvedčení, že v jej komiksoch sa bez problémov nájde každá žena.

1. Pred večerou a po večeri

2. Hlad a sýtosť

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Tag someone who’s always hungry ???

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3. Ja a moja fotka na občianskom preukaze

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Tag your buddies??? happy Fridayyy ? ? I dropped the sketches on my Patreon page btw ? ~ ? SHOP ?: ?PATREON?: NEW BLOG: ~ Copic markers by @buschvanderworp ~ BOOK: see insta highlights! Links to Patreon, shop and book in my bio ? . #expectation #weekendvibes #friyay #fridaynight #traditionalartwork #positivemindset #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #markers #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #girly #funny #sorelatable #comic #comics #webcomic #problems #bodypositive #bopo #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #justgirlythings #instacomic #mentalhealthawareness #illustrationgram

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4. Úzkosť z telefonovania

5. Ako sa brániť pred blbými myšlienkami a poznámkami

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What is your best self care tip? ???? comic with my amazingly talented Patron @pencil_queen__ [PLEASE READ if my comics put a smile on your face: I love to draw and make comics for you. So if you have some change in your pocket, you can put $1 in my virtual tip jar on Patreon in order to keep putting a smile on your lovely faces. Link is just below ??? each and every $1 allows me to make more free time to make more comics, books, tutorials, talks with you,.. ?] ? I dropped the sketches on my Patreon page btw ? ~ ? SHOP ?: ?PATREON?: NEW BLOG: ~ Copic markers by @buschvanderworp ~ BOOK: see insta highlights! Links to Patreon, shop and book in my bio ? . #selfcaretips #saturdays #datinglife #millenniallife #saturdaynights #bizbabe #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #thatsdarling #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #thehappynow #funny #womenownedbusiness #comic #comics #webcomic #createdtocreate #bodypositive #bopo #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #justgirlythings #instacomic #creativeentrepreneurs #illustrationgram

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„Ugh, prejedla som sa.“
O 10 minút neskôr…

7. Zimná móda: očakávanie vs. realita


Kriminálne seriály, knihy o zločinoch a podcasty o zločinoch
„Som psychopat?“

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True crime – yes or no? ???? [PLEASE READ- I NEED YOUR HELP! If my comics put a smile on your face and if you have some change in your pocket, you can put $1 in my virtual tip jar and become a part of my exclusive Patreon family in order to keep putting a smile on your lovely faces and help me create these comics. Link is just below ??? each and every $1 allows me to make more free time to make more comics, books, tutorials, talks with you,.. ?] ? I dropped the sketches on my Patreon page btw ? ~ ? SHOP ?: ?PATREON?: ~ Copic markers by @buschvanderworp ~ . #patreoncreator #helpme #truecrimecommunity #fridaynights #truecrime #truecrimepodcast #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #thatsdarling #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #thehappynow #funny #womenownedbusiness #comic #comics #webcomic #createdtocreate #bodypositive #bopo #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #justgirlythings #instacomic #creativeentrepreneurs #illustrationgram

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9. Čo vidíš a čo nevidíš

10. Filter a bez filtra

11. Nedeľa o 11 doobeda vs. nedeľa o 7 večer

12. Privítanie frajera: očakávanie vs. realita

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Comment “?” if you agree???? [PLEASE READ- I NEED YOUR HELP! If my comics put a smile on your face and if you have some change in your pocket, you can put $1 in my virtual tip jar and become a part of my exclusive Patreon family in order to keep putting a smile on your lovely faces and help me create these comics. Link is just below ??? each and every $1 allows me to make more free time to make more comics, books, tutorials, talks with you,.. ?] ? I dropped the sketches on my Patreon page btw ? ~ ? SHOP ?: ?PATREON?: ~ Copic markers by @buschvanderworp ~ . #patreoncreator #helpme #datinglife #millenniallife #tinder #bizbabe #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #thatsdarling #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #thehappynow #funny #womenownedbusiness #comic #comics #webcomic #createdtocreate #bodypositive #bopo #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #justgirlythings #instacomic #creativeentrepreneurs #illustrationgram

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13. Úsmev v nedeľu a v pondelok

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? ART TUTORIALS ? coming to my @patreon when I hit the goal of $1000 per month since I can make time free for them by then ? looking forward to making them! If you like my work, you can pledge for $1/month or more depending on what Planet Prudence exclusives you’d like to add to your collection ? Link to my ?PATREON?: ~ Copic markers by @buschvanderworp ~ BOOK: see insta highlights! Links to Patreon, shop and book in my bio ? . #sundays #weekendvibes #lazysunday #mondayblues #traditionalartwork #positivemindset #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #markers #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #girly #funny #sorelatable #comic #comics #webcomic #problems #bodypositive #bopo #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #justgirlythings #instacomic #mentalhealthawareness #illustrationgram

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14. Otravný budík

15. Tepláky na vianočnú večeru

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