Príroda okolo nás je skutočne úchvatná a nezriedka aj tajomná. V jej útrobách môžeme objaviť množstvo fascinujúcich živočíchov. Často pritom ide o zvieratá, ktoré rozhodne nestretávame bežne, keďže žijú v hlbokých pralesoch, prípadne v hlbinách oceánov a morí.
V tomto článku ti prinášame výber poriadne exoticky vyzerajúcich zvierat, o ktorých existencii si možno doteraz ani netušil.
1. Glaucus Atlanticus
This is Glaucus Atlanticus, or sometimes called the "Blue Dragon". It’s a sea slug that preys on the Portuguese Man o‘ War, and collects it’s stinging nematocysts for its own defense. from pics
2. Ogcocephalus darwini
? The red-lipped batfish is a weird looking fish that is best known for its bright, , almost fluorescent, red lips and for its highly adapted fins, that allow it to walk on the ocean floor from NatureIsFuckingLit
3. Umbonia spinosa
4. Panda ant
5. Žralok Owstonov
6. Ústonôžka
7. Stromová vretenica
8. Ryba Pacu
? The mostly vegetarian cousin of the piranha, the Pacu fish ? from NatureIsFuckingLit
9. Modrá ryba oceánov
10. Narval jednorohý
? A Group of Narwhals clashing theirs Tusks ? from NatureIsFuckingLit
11. Člnozobec kráľovský
12. Morské prasa
13. Mihule
This is Jeff my pet Lamprey. It’s his 1st birthday today. Boy, life would suck without him! from pics
14. Delfín Irrawaddy
15. Jeleň s klami (Elaphodus cephalophus)
The tufted deer is mainly solitary or found in pairs. It is crepuscular and travels in fixed routes about its territory, which is vigorously defended by the males. from Awwducational
16. Vlk hrivnatý
17. Ružový pásavec
? A Pink Fairy Armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo. It almost looks like a piece of sushi from NatureIsFuckingLit
18. Mara stepná
? Patagonian Mara looks like a cross between a kangaroo and a rabbit from NatureIsFuckingLit
19. Dudok savanový
20. Rajka pôvabná