Čo asi naši domáci miláčikovia robia, keď nie sme doma, prípadne, keď ich necháme na nejaký čas osamote? Ak máš doma nejaké zvieratko, tak tieto situácie iste poznáš a na mnohých obrázkoch nižšie sa bez problémov nájdeš.
Prinášame ti totiž výber obrázkov, ktoré zachytávajú prefíkané kúsky psov a mačiek, ktoré svojim pánom pripravili hneď niekoľko prekvapení. Ale kto by sa ne mohol hnevať?
1. RIP nová posteľ
Thanks for the new bed, it was delicious! Also sorry about your area rug from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
2. Vykopávanie jám na záhrade
He likes to dig a hole and then sit in it and watch things go on all day. from AnimalsBeingDerps
3. Radosť
4. Pohoda
Why!?! from AnimalsBeingJerks
5. Tam hore niečo je
K from CatsAreAssholes
6. Malá mačka, veľké škody
She looked guilty for a split second, then continued on her rampage from CatsAreAssholes
7. Keď je pán v práci, doma sa dejú veci
Got a live feed camera so I could see what my dogs are up to while I’m at work from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
8. Smäd
Upon discovery, Moose will only drink water straight from the tap now. ? from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
9. Hľadá ma niekto?
Was looking for my dog this morning…this is where I found him from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
10. Stačí na 30 sekúnd odísť a…
Left the room for 30 seconds to get the furniture polish from CatsAreAssholes
11. Smädí ma
12. Nové obľúbené miesto
13. Ty si doma?
When you didn’t expect your owner to come right back cause they forgot something from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
14. Mňam, mňam
15. Pohodička
Took some clothes out of storage. Left the room for 15 seconds, came back to this. from WhatsWrongWithYourCat
16. Môžem si to vyskúšať?
Not happy about the clothes in front of "his" heater from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
17. Chutný stôl
18. Chladenie
So that’s why my kitchen floor is always wet. from CatsAreAssholes
19. Hlavne pohodlne
We wanted a dog, but got this strange rabbit from WhatsWrongWithYourDog
20. Toho piva veľa nebolo…