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Štvrtok 27.2.2025
, Alexander, Alexis

V tomto článku by sme chceli tvoju pozornosť upriamiť na výborné diela umelca Dina Tomica. Ten sa vo svojej tvorbe venuje rôznym maľbám aj tetovaniam, ale na internete sa stal známym najmä pre svoje ilustrácie, v ktorých nevšedne zobrazuje známe celebrity či fiktívne postavy. Čo to v praxi znamená?

Napríklad to, že si môžeš pozrieť, ako by vyzeral taký Joker v štýle Simpsonovcov či ak by vystupoval v seriáli Pokémon. Alebo ako by vyzeral americký prezident Donald Trump, ak by bol postavou vo filme Tima Burtona. Dino Tomic má perfektne zvládnuté techniky rôznych tvorcov, takže výsledky sú v jeho podaní naozaj dokonalé.

Nižšie nájdeš 20 ukážok z jeho bohatej tvorby.

1. Pinocchio

2. Yoda

3. Pennywise

4. Joker

5. Donald Trump

6. John Wick

7. Billie Eilish

8. Batman

9. Salvador Dalí

10. Freddie Mercury

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Freddie Mercury drawn in 9 styles! What price is your favorite here ? All of these have been drawn from scratch by me – they where not based on any existing characters only the style – the only exception here is the big mouth one since he was actually in the show – so I dressed him up in a different famiuse costume 🙂 for some reason people tend to get mad when I draw a character that exists with differences so that he fits the other theme – especially when it's a direct or indirect reference to either one of the characters ( as a Easter egg ) these are the same people that don't bother reading the description where I point that out haha .if you like these that I do you can support me and get a print here

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11. Super Mario

12. Michael Jackson

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Michael Jackson drawn in 9styles! Who is your favorite here and who should I draw next ? Just to be clear the people I draw normally are not necessarily people I support or people I feel deserve the spotlight due to who they are or what they have done . I do these either because someone has ordered them or because you guys have requested it . Like this one of MJ : I had a voting pool on my story to see if you wanted me to make him or not ( because he was one of the most request people so far ) 7833 have voted YES for me to make him and 459 voted NO for me to make him 🙂 as always all of my art is available as a print on my store If you swipe to the left you will see me signing the huge about of books you guys have ordered haha !!:)

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13. Spider-Man

14. Johnny Depp

15. Mike Tyson

16. Snoop Dogg

17. Venom

18. Elvis Presley

19. Pikachu

20. Michael Jordan

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Michael Jordan drawn in different styles. @chicagobulls thank you for ordering and sharing my work !:) the more I do these the more I feel like I'm nailing them better – I understand a bit better each style and flow- I like my last pieces a lot better then my first pieces 🙂 This one is also available as a print on my store . ? also sorry for making so many of these , im just having so much fun doing it and you know the quarantine is super boring haha. The characters i did were made from fantasy using the respected art styles of the different shows ? Often i base them on existing characters and change up their features to resemble more the new character ? who is your favorite here ?:) and who should i do next ?

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