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Piatok 14.3.2025
Rút, Matylda
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Umelec Dino Tomic si na naše stránky už cestu našiel. Vo svojej tvorbe sa zaoberá zobrazovaním známych osobností, politikov či fiktívnych postáv v radikálne odlišných štýloch. V jeho tvorbe tak môžeš naraziť napríklad na severokórejského vodcu Kim Čong-una, ktorý akoby vypadol z filmu od Tima Burtona, bývalého amerického prezidenta Georgea W. Busha v štýle South Parku či vynálezcu Elona Muska v tvare emoji.

Tomic je mimoriadne nadaný umelec, ktorému nerobí žiadny problém dokonale napodobniť štýl rôznych umelcov. V tomto článku nájdeš ďalších 20 jeho vydarených kúskov.

1. Kim Čong-un

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I hate you bastards in the west Donald Trump you're just a pest So I have built some rockets that I will test And show you all who's the best I'm Kim Jong Un and mad as hell Pissed off with everyone can't you tell And all your sanctions are just swell Cos then you bastards have nothing to sell Angry as I am today I think I might just blow you away My hydrogen bomb is working I say Look out your window it's on its way Call me a fuckwit say what you will A madman a tyrant a flamin'dill When I win the war with China's will There will be nothing left and no one to kill Yes I'm Kim Jong Un with a beautiful plan To control the world because I can With a haircut to die for what a man Owner of the free world the west once ran Wish all of you a great 1.April haha 🙂 ( Im pretty sure I know what to expect : several hundred people will unfollow me – and completely miss the joke ) I added this one as a print as well if anyone want is here

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2. Disney princezné ako záporáčky

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Disney Villain FACE swap! This is the 3rd piece i did in this series so far ? Would you like to see more of these ? ? if yes who should i make ? ? prints of all of these are available on my store PS . I do know that the name in the middle is wrong ( thats done on purpose ) because that gets people talking and commenting on the post „as to correct me„ but thats the whole intention here ? because the more people comment and engage with the post the more the algorithm will pick it up and the more people will see it ? I did it with the last 4 posts. Its so stupid that i need to do things like this but there is really no other way to get the algorithm to pick it up except for making really cool art and hoping that the algorithm gods will allow my followers to see my posts ( this time i picked a super obvious mistake haha ) + most people will never bother reading the description and just blindly comment so for all of you nice people reading the description lets troll all the people who dont read and lets have fun here – comment your favorite vegetable under this post to even more confuse everyone haha ?

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3. Disney záporáčky ako princezné

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Disney princess Villain swap! Uno reverse card activated! Yesterday i posted a pic of how Disney princesses would look like if they had the villains faces , and well today i show you how the villains would look like if they had the princesses faces =D Would you like to see more of these ? =D if yes who should i make ? =D prints of all of these are available on my store PS . I do know that the name in the middle is wrong ( thats done on purpose ) because that gets people talking and commenting on the post „as to correct me„ but thats the whole intention here =D because the more people comment and engage with the post the more the algorithm will pick it up and the more people will see it =) I did it with the last 3 posts ( the 3rd one was the misspelled name of squidward ) Its so stupid that i need to do things like this but there is really no other way to get the algorithm to pick it up except for making really cool art and hoping that the algorithm gods will allow my followers to see my posts =) what are your thoughts about this subject ? =)

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4. 9 postáv v štýle Venoma

5. 9 postáv v štýle Carnagea

6. Sfera Ebbasta

7. Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

8. Swae Lee

9. Batman

10. Tekashi 6ix9ine

11. Jack Black

12. Americkí prezidenti

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USA presidents in 9 different styles =D each president represented by a different show =D Picked out these just because i feel they are the most meme worthy presidents ( there where a few more i wanted to include but i had to narrow it down to 9 ) and if you swipe left you can see the two very first pieces I did of the 9style trend that kinda exploded haha never thought I would make do many of these – but you guys demend more and more !!:) what piece here is your favorite ? and who should i do next ? all of these drawings you see in the videos are available as prints on my store =) the only one here i did not draw from scratch was the south park one – i just redraw their version just because its so perfect ! =D

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13. Green Day

14. PewDiePie

15. Robert Downey, Jr.

16. Stan Lee

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Stan Lee drawn in different styles ,wearing different outfits of characters he created /co created :)the more I do these the more I feel like I'm nailing them better – I understand a bit better each style and flow- I like my last pieces a lot better then my first pieces 🙂 This one is also available as a print on my store . ? also sorry for making so many of these , im just having so much fun doing it and you know the quarantine is super boring haha. The characters i did were made from fantasy using the respected art styles of the different shows ? Often i base them on existing characters and change up their features to resemble more the new character ? who is your favorite here ?:) and who should i do next ?

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17. Dwayne „The Rock“ Johnson

18. Bob Ross

19. Joe Exotic (Tiger King)

20. Elon Musk

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