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Nedeľa 23.2.2025
Roman, Romana

Mr. Pokee, ultra fotogenický ježko, je na Instagrame veľmi známa firma a k dnešnému dňu toto pichľavé klbko ukoristilo srdce už takmer miliónu a pol sledovateľov. Podľa nášho názoru veľmi zaslúžene, keďže sa naň pozerá o čosi príjemnejšie ako na všetky tie našpúlené papuľky, smútičká a podobné moderné srandy.

Nanešťastie, Pokee už tu s nami nie je a v apríli tohto roka sa pobral na druhú stranu dúhy. Jeho profil však žije ďalej – ako jeho staršími fotkami, tak aj fotkami nového ježka Pokeeho majiteľky, ktorý sa volá Herbee. My sme vám z nich povyberali tie najrozkošnejšie (klamem, všetky boli rozkošné úplne rovnako), pretože veríme, že tieto fotky sú schopné vylepšiť akýkoľvek deň.




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☀️Giveaway Time☀️ *Werbung/Ad . UPDATE: The winners are @simplysaylor & @st_madeleine ?? Congrats guys! Don’t be sad if you didn’t win this time – there will be more giveaways!! . We are giving away two pairs of @blowfishmalibu! The two lucky winners will each get to choose one Blowfish Malibu pair via @famousfootwear!! ?Please note that you must be located in the US to participate!! To enter the giveaway: 1. Make sure you’re following us @mr.pokee 2. Follow @blowfishmalibu and @famousfootwear 3. Tag at least two friends in the comments (1 comment = 1 entry) The Giveaway ‪ends on Sunday, 7/14‬, 11:59PST and the two winners will be announced in this post! Good luck, friends ?✨

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If you’re a bird, I’m a bird ?♥️ . Herbee got to go on his first adventure this week – We went to Berlin together! So many of you have been asking what Herbee is like. Sooo, since I’ve only had him for about 3 weeks, I’m just getting to know him at the moment. BUT I can tell you this much: He is a very nice, calm and sweet hedgehog but he is also very brave and afraid of almost nothing! Hedgehogs usually put their quills up for protection when they are scared, because they know that the enemy comes from above. But Herbee almost never does this – I’ve actually been wondering if he even knows how to use his quills, but I guess he has just always felt safe and protected in his life! He makes it so easy to like him! I will tell you guys more about him once I know him better ?? . P.S. I LOVE the fact that Pokee lives on though my tattoo on every photo of Herbee! ♥️ . #herbeehedgie#whpgoingplaces#hedgehog#traveler#travel#berlin#happiness#happy#smile#weeklyfluff#dailyfluff

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Something crazy happened the other day and I felt like sharing it with you guys. You know how I wasn’t able to enter my apartment, right? I still don’t sleep there, but at some point I decided I had to go back, just for a short period of time. I realized that the more time was passing, the harder this step would be for me to take. Anyway, the whole atmosphere was really strange, the sky was grey and full of clouds and I had this very uncomfortable feeling while I walked through the door. Imagine all the pictures of Pokee I have on my walls, his cage, his smell… ?? . It was hard for me to breathe, so I sat down in the living room by the window and turned on some random music to distract myself. It really helped me calm down again until the song “no sleep” by Martin Garrix started to play. It was the song I used in the last TikTok video I made a few days before Pokee left. At the exact same time as the song started to play I could feel an oddly warm ray or sunshine lighting up my face. I looked out of the window and could see a hole in the cloudy sky that the sun was fighting its way through. I immediately got tears in my eyes and I started to cry like a little baby. But it wasn’t the sad kind of crying! It was more of a feeling that I can’t really describe – like a mixture of harmony and happiness☀️ . The sunshine lasted the entire song. And by the time the song was finished the sun had started to get weaker until it completely disappeared behind the clouds again. In that very moment I felt a deep love and thankfulness. I’m sure that Pokee wanted to let me know that he’s still here and always will be there to help me with the most difficult challenges ahead of me ??‍♀️? . A few days later I received a message from a scientist. I told you guys before that I felt Pokee was with me. And he explained to me that when someone dies, the energy that is stored within their body escapes, mostly in the form of heat. According the the first law of thermodynamics “energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another.” And he came to the conclusion that a part of Pokee will “really” be around in the universe for “ever”?♾

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It’s been a week since I had to say goodbye to Pokee. I wanna thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being here for me during this hard time. My heart still hurts so much every time I think of him. You guys keep on telling me that it’s getting easier as time goes by and I wanna believe that’s true. Deep down inside I know that Pokee is still here with me and always will be ?♾♥️ . I know that at some point I will have to go on with my life and start to heal. So many of you said to me that Pokee wouldn’t want to see me sad for the rest of my life. I hope this doesn’t sound crazy, but in the hardest times, when I’m really sad or having a hard time taking decision, I can feel that Pokee is right here with me. I don’t know if this makes sense, but I can feel a kind of strength that helps me take decisions that were long due. And somehow it feels like he is showing me the next steps to help me starting to heal ☀️ . STEP 1: Get a tattoo! I’ve had that thought on my mind for a really long time, but never had a concrete idea on what it should look like. Last Saturday a picture of a tattoo popped up in my head out of nowhere! It’s made in one line and connects the word “pokee” with a heart. It symbolizes my love for Pokee until eternity. It’s usually really hard to get a last minute appointment at a good tattoo studio, but for some reason I got in on the very next day. I feel like it was meant to be ?? . STEP 2: Confront yourself with a different hedgehog! I believe this was a very important step for me. After losing Pokee I thought I would never be able to hold another hedgehog and that it would tear me apart and hurt so much. But in fact, it didn’t. I got to visit my friend Leo from @squadofelsa and they have 4 hedgehogs – I held all 4 of them and took a photo with Elsa as a proof for you guys! I even became the godmother to Yuki! It was really nice to hold a different hedgehog and it made my heart so happy for a few seconds! Oh, how much I love hedgehogs ? . To be continued in the comments…

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You so precious when you smile ????

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Michaela Molnárová
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