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Utorok 11.3.2025
, Angelika
Anděla, Angelika
, Andělína, Angelina

Joseph Ford je profesionálny fotograf, ktorý počas svojej cesty za slávou narazil hneď na niekoľko prekážok. Prvou boli rodičia, ktorí neistú kariéru v umeleckom svete neschvaľovali ani v najmenšom. To však ešte netušili, že o niekoľko rokov neskôr bude mať ich syn na svedomí hneď niekoľko úspešných kreatívnych projektov.

Jedným z nich je práve tento. Posledných päť rokov pracoval po boku šikovnej pletiarky Niny Dodd na pozoruhodných „neviditeľných“ svetroch, ktoré akoby splývali s prostredím. Všetko to začalo, keď mu Nina ukázala svoj návrh svetra upleteného podľa vzoru na sedačkách v mestskej hromadnej doprave. A ako to skončilo, sa môžete pozrieť na vlastné oči.


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Tom and Dre, 2019 48 hours knitting by @ninadoddknits Thanks to @burlandmusic and @_andrenels for agreeing to pose. Often when looking for models I wander the streets for hours or days, searching for inspiration. I’d wanted to step away from the stereotypes of people who fish so I went to a skatepark. Tom and Dre were surprised to be asked to model but agreed. I’d scouted the location on a grey day, and the jumper colours only matched the sea wall when the sky was overcast, so we had to wait hours for clouds to come over. We weighed the fishing line down with a thermos flask to make it look like Tom had just caught a big fish. No idea what the real anglers thought we were playing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #invisiblejumpers #knittedcamouflage #knitting #knittersofinstagram #hoxtonminipress #ninadodd #josephford #blendingin #fishing #angling #fishermenofinstagram #fishermen #aquamarine #seaside #seawall #anglers #pecheurs

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I met @seth_globepainter when we were both artists in residence last summer at @mausa.vauban . I loved his work and suggested collaborating together to do a knitted camouflage picture with @ninadoddknits He had painted a series of murals around the Marché des Batignolles in the 17th in Paris, all based on children’s books. It was tough to choose which one to photograph, the whole series is inspiring, but in the end this one seemed the most playful. Hope you all recognise the story? Seth also posed in front of another one of his murals, based on Les Contes du Chat Perché by Marcel Aymé. The sweater was knitted specifically for the first picture so doesn’t blend as well but I love the mural. A big thank you to @stanislas.belhomme.mausa and @clementine.lemaitre who invited me to exhibit at MAUSA Vauban and introduced me to Seth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #sethglobepainter #graffiti #streetart #paris #knittedcamouflage #knitting #artist #collaboration #paris #marchedesbatignolles #batignolles #paris17 #aliceinwonderland #aliceaupaysdesmerveilles #JosephFord #NinaDodd #Seth #books #purple #portrait #knittersofinstagram #blendin #mural

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I spotted this location in Brighton a while back. I loved the rich palette of greens and blues, the dilapidated door and the ragged grey mop against the wall. It seemed the perfect place to photograph Fimber Bravo, the renowned steel pan player. I’d come across his captivating music a few years ago and wanted to work with him for a while. Nina, knitter extraordinaire, loves a challenge and spent weeks working on this jumper. Time well spent. Thanks to #fimberbravo for modelling, @dukeofwoollington as always, @infinityfoodsbrighton for allowing us to take over your loading bay and @lilli.bpayne for your help on the shoot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #fimberbravo #knittedcamouflage #infinityfoods #brighton #brightonlife #knittersofinstagram #camouflage #musician #portrait #steelpan #dreadlocks #leaves #green #chateauoart

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For the latest shot in the series, @ninadoddknits modelled the knitwear herself. When I scouted out the location I was thrown out by security guards very quickly – a bloke with a medium format digital back was obviously a big threat to public safety in this particular shopping centre. When Nina had finished her knitting magic, we went back and took the pictures as surreptitiously as you can when wielding a large camera. Managed to get the photos done pretty quickly, and beat a hasty retreat when we saw security converging on us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #escalator #legwarmers #80s #silver #lines #camouflage #knittedcamouflage #knitting #knittersofinstagram #shoppingcentre #blendingin #legs #stairs #nofilter

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Here’s the latest knitting picture. This time we decided to up the ante and photograph animals, as if matching knitting to real life wasn’t already complicated enough. Nina did a rather intricate cable knit pattern this time. The original plan was for me to film Buddy the rat running across the carpet in front of the waiting cat. However Buddy didn’t want to play ball. He was quite happy putting on his knitted coat but as soon as we put him down on the rug, the friction between the wool and the carpet meant that he simply walked out of the sweater and scampered away. The second time we tried this he turned and gave me a quick glance before running off. Bingo. In the end we gave him a mini Babybel and he sat there happily munching away while we filmed him. Just to reassure anyone who’s worried about how this scene played out with the rat and cat, we photographed them separately. The cat could obviously smell that there had been a rat and kept looking around suspiciously which worked perfectly for the picture. Thanks as ever to @ninadoddknits @noodle_bear91 Stef for the loan of your house and cats and of course to Buddy the rat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #knittedcamouflage #rat #ratsofinstagram #knittersofinstagram #josephford #ninadodd #hideandseek #rodents #blendingin #pink #babybel #saycheese #cableknit #animals #cuteanimals #hunting

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Michaela Molnárová
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