Malé drámy sa odohrávajú v každodenných ľudských životoch. Ale nielen v nich. Podobne na tom sú aj ich zvierací maznáčikovia. V nižšie priložených obrázkoch môžeš vidieť ich spôsob vyrovnávania sa s nemilými malými problémami bežného dňa. Tipujeme, že tieto fotografie ťa veľmi dobre pobavia.
1. Nervozita z prvého stretnutia so psíkom
Nimbus met our dog for the first time. This is her being intimidating from aww
2. Zrada
3. To bolí
My parents‘ new pupper misjudged his jump from PerfectTiming
4. Neznášam oslavy
My cat just had his first birthday party! He hated it from aww
5. Žiaľ v očiach
6. Nie, kúpať sa nechcem
Doggo no want bath from aww
7. Šok z pádu
I had just finished saying “I can’t believe she never falls in!” from PerfectTiming
8. Padám
I can never get a nice picture of them all together from parrots
9. Vnútorný nepokoj
10. Strach z veterinára
11. Čo si zač?
12. Psík má právo nevypovedať
i’m not gonna ask you again, what the fuck is in your mouth
— chris (@skatehair) June 28, 2019
13. Keď zistíš, že nejdete do parku
This is Thor. He thought he was going to the park. Even brought his teddy bear. But you just passed the park exit, and now he’s refusing to look at you. 12/10 please turn around this instant
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) March 25, 2019
14. Na vine je blato
This is Duffy. If you look closely, you can see exactly where the mud attacked him. Fortunately for the mud, there were no witnesses. 12/10 let’s get you cleaned pup
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) June 27, 2019