Toto sú obrázky, na ktoré jednoducho jeden pohľad nestačí a možno aj po tom druhom budete ešte stále zmätení.
1. Tento preplnený koncert je vlastne len stroj, čo zbiera bavlnu
Cotton picker at night looks like a huge concert crowd from pics
2. Už si niekedy videl také obrovské holuby?
Pic of two plump pigeons perched on the ledge but ended up getting a picture of two massive pigeons looking for their car. from funny
3. Vďaka odrazu na okne pekárne to vyzerá, že niekto predáva zákusky z kufra svojho auta
Mirage of coffee shop window makes it look like this car sells pies out of the boot from mildlyinteresting
4. Tu zase odraz vytvoril lampu, lietajúcu po oblohe
Caught the reflection of the light in the window, looks like its floating in the sky! from mildlyinteresting
5. Topiaci sa sneh vyzerá ako ľadové tornádo
The snow slowly melting on the front porch looks like an Ice Tornado from mildlyinteresting
6. Drinky či barové stoličky?
These espresso martinis look like bar stools from mildlyinteresting
7. Dúfam, že majú na bránke ceduľu: „Pozor na dvojhlavého psa!“
My dogs appear to have merged this morning from mildlyinteresting
8. Táto slanina vyzerá, akoby bola zle zaostrená
This sliced ham looks like it’s out of focus. from mildlyinteresting
9. Odraz lampy na týchto okuliaroch vyzerá dosť strašidelne
The reflection of the lamp gives my glasses eyeballs. from mildlyinteresting
10. Zamrznutá strecha auta, ktorá vyzerá ako pohľad na Zem z vesmíru
Frost of the roof of my car this morning looks a bit like a view of the earth from space from mildlyinteresting
11. Plavecký tréning minimužíčkov
PsBattle: Soldiers training in the pool from photoshopbattles
12. Klávesnica notebooku, ktorá tvorí ilúziu s čiernymi bodkami (keď sa zapozeráte na priestory medzi jednotlivými klávesami, uvidíte čierne bodky)
My laptop’s number pad has the black dot illusion from mildlyinteresting
13. Keď niekto zabudne cvičiť zvyšok tela
My fiance took this pic that makes the cat look like he’s made out of a head and just one massive arm. from funny
14. Nikto by nechcel, aby sa podlaha pod ním zrazu prepadla, však?
This pattern makes it look like the floor suddenly drops off (x-post from /r/mildlyinteresting) from illusionporn
15. Mastné nohy alebo len trocha bielej farby?
are these legs shiny and oily or are they legs with white paint on them
— kayden stephenson (@kingkayden) October 26, 2016
16. Keď Godzillu zastúpi chrobák
My friend had a bug on his windshield that made him look like a Godzilla monster. from mildlyinteresting
17. Kto fotí koho?
I took a picture of a monkey and the glare made it look like it was taking a wicked selfie from mildlyinteresting
18. Dôkaz, že Kentaur naozaj existuje
My sister looks like a female Centaur. from mildlyinteresting