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Sobota 22.2.2025

Skutočné priateľstvo nepozná žiadne prekážky a často nás môže aj prekvapiť. Napokon, môžeme to vidieť všade naokolo. Ľudia, o ktorých by sme to ani náhodou netipovali, k sebe majú okamžite veľmi blízko a zdá sa, že ich nič nemôže rozdeliť. Protiklady sa skrátka priťahujú, to je stará známa pravda.

Podobne to chodí aj vo zvieracej ríši. Na EMEFKA sme ti už priniesli článok o nelietavom holubovi, ktorý našiel dokonalého priateľa v šteniatku, ktoré nevie chodiť. Dnes ti predstavíme ďalšie pozoruhodné kamarátstvo.

V tomto prípade sa pevné puto vytvorilo medzi malou sovou menom Poldi a veľkým psom Ingom. Poldi sa vyliahol o dva dni neskôr než jeho súrodenci, čo znamená, že je zraniteľnejší a potrebuje väčšiu pozornosť.

Ingo ho však okamžite prijal za svojho a poctivo ho ochraňuje. Obaja priatelia sú už nerozlučnou dvojkou a žijú v domácnosti s fotografkou Tanjou Brandt.

Práve ona na sociálnych sieťach zverejnila viacero ich spoločných fotografií. Tie si okamžite získali srdcia tisícok fanúšikov (Tanjin instagramový účet sleduje viac ako 340-tisíc ľudí). A nie je vôbec ťažké uvedomiť si prečo.

Úprimnejšie priateľstvo sme totiž už veľmi dlho nevideli. Sme si istí, že pohľad naň zabrnká na city aj tebe.

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Spring-time… ? . We were outside much earlier today but it was already this morning sooo much sun …. ☀️ . After this 2019 I thought 2020 will be our year. But then came Corona … All customers cancelled their appointments – some of them far into May. . But so what – the main thing is that the animals do not run out of food. I'm not too worried about it – because I cannot change something ? We will enjoy spring and summer ❤️ . Ronja was tired this morning and there were so many birds of prey, grey herons and geese on the way. And she also did not like the hares very much today. At the second break (I can't walk that far yet) she pressed herself against Ingo and we turned around. . In the car she sat on the backpack again and yelled at the geese ? . Thank god, Gandalf was at home ?? with sooo many animals, his day would be destroyed ??? . ————– . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #nature #companions #tierfotografie #followme #owl #owllove #ourplanetdaily #friendship #dog #dogs #instragram #birds #funny #NikonDach #friends #owlsofinsta #master_shots #cutecouple #big_shotz #storm #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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Courage where we are afraid, Power where we are weak, Loyalty where we would betray ourselves… Trust that we have lost long before. Beauty where we find ourselves ugly, Not to be alone where we feel lonely… No prejudices where we have already presented ourselves with an opinion Common paths, where we have lost the sight of our goal …… …. thanks our animals !!! . ——— . Enjoy your day ❤️❤️❤️ . . ——————– Werbung, da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #trust #tierfotografie #nature #cute #beauty #bird #photooftheday #friend #owl #owls #bestbirdshots #owlsofinstagram #dog #dogs #dogslovers #dogsofinstagram #birds #friendship #friends #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikondeutschland #nikonphotography

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This one single sunflower ? . I remember the day we were on the road. In a field, we saw this one sunflower and I thought it would bring us luck. well, it didn't, but that day is always in my memory. . Ingo was really funny this day (like nearly all days ?) and Poldi was in a bad mood and had a wet belly. For a book we had to recreate a picture where Ingo brought Poldi the fried sausage, that had fallen down. . reenacting a picture is always something different than the real situation was and accordingly it worked badly ?? . Ingo didn't really want to share the sausage and when he poked the first sausage on poldi's head, the mood was deep in the cellar. So Poldi pinched Ingo‘s nose and Ingo swallowed the sausage ??? . There were a few pictures but we went to the meadows instead – and the one single sunflower ?… . . ——————- Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #nature #dog #dogs #doglovers #tierfotografie #owl #followme #bird #birds #ourplanetdaily #owls #owlsofinsta #dogsofinsta #friends #cutecouple #master_shots #instagram #love #friendship #bestbirdshots #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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We are so waiting for the snow …. ok, not all of us ??? . Sir Gandalf don‘t calculate with snow ? he sooo hates snow ??? . His mood is the deepest ever in snow – like weather, rain, wind, great tits (Kohlmeisen) all together ???? . This is an old picture. While photographing I thought, something is wrong ? fog, I thought ? . At home I saw: I wanted to clean the lense before we went out and it was the wrong cleaning product – not fog ???? . ——————- Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #fog #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #nature #wildlife #heron #tierfotografie #frog #followme #bird #birds #ourplanetdaily #wildlifephotography #master_shots #big_shotz #beauty #bestbirdshots #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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Ingo and Poldi ❤️ A picture that I like so much – it was the beginning of their friendship? . At the moment I'm working on the new book and I take as many pictures as I can with my leg. We have a lot of projects in our head? After yesterday, I lay down again today. But now I try to catch up on work. . I am not in nature with the animals much, because they are not the same since New Year's fireworks? Rüdi doesn't come out of his hiding place and doesn't eat much – just like Milla? The others are still upset. Hilde and Horst, the two pensioners, have been hit the hardest. Horst is slowly getting his second eye open again, he has a serious concussion. Hilde injured herself on the wing. They're so afraid of the rockets……? . On Thursday we will spend the night in the forest and I am very curious what to expect haha – I will report? I am sooo feary in the dark hahaha ?? . But now I have to work ? . . ——————- Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #nature #dog #dogs #doglovers #tierfotografie #owl #followme #bird #birds #ourplanetdaily #owls #owlsofinsta #dogsofinsta #friends #cutecouple #master_shots #big_shotz #love #friendship #bestbirdshots #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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That's how it all started… . On our construction site behind the house. Carefree… . What has remained is our trust in each other and our friendship. . And our memories… . At the moment I am inquiring about glasses for Ingo. We won't be really carefree outside anymore. Ingo with glasses and me with Bilbo Beutling hobble foot…. . But well, they always talked about us anyway. Let's give even more substance. And we are working on it that the owls will trust Ingo just as much, also with glasses …. . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #tierfotografie #dog #followme #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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You don't want to sit down, with these two ….. ? . We used a shop break to go for a little walk. I walk better and better sometimes even some meters without pain ? . But it was so foggy that you could barely see a few meters….. ? which didn't contribute to Walter's mood….? . You could hear buzzards everywhere and you could hear the windmills but you couldn't see anything….? . As we arrived at the car, Ingo sulked too ? Walterchen wanted to go home urgently and Ingo wanted to stay there ?????? . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #tierfotografie #dog #followme #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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There's so much that scares me. Sometimes it's just the passing of time, sometimes it's situations, uncertainties. Sometimes it is the darkness. Buildings that I look at and wonder whether the residents are happy or not …. . But when I look into his eyes I know that everything will be ok ….. . And exactly these eyes are now getting cloudy…. ? Shepherd keratitis. Ingo will probably get medication lifelong now. First 4 times a day. We hope it stops a bit. It is not curable? . It's strange, that it started at the same time as my accident…. ? . So – I will be his eyes somedays ….❤️ . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #tierfotografie #dog #followme #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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It's only as cold as you allow ❄️❤️. . Many ask how I am. I am already really happy. If someone had told me that I can't really walk for almost 10 months, I wouldn't have believed it?? . I'm not really fast yet but it's getting better and better. Working really well is still the problem but I don't give up. Taking pictures is extremely painful and I miss the best scenes because I am so slow? . Tomorrow I have to go for a few days on a training and Friday we do more tests with Ingo, because of his eyes. . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #leipzig #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #followme #tierfotografie #dog #love #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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Soon the cold season begins and it becomes dark so fast… . But also cuddling time ❤️??? . Lenni liked every season, contrary to Sir Gandalf???❤️ . As soon as it's cooler, he immediately flies into the scarf from walkers and cuddles up there???? . Strangely enough, everyone is totally delighted – not one of them was afraid that an owl would suddenly fly into his scarf ??? . —————- . Werbung/Advertisement da Nennung #animal #animals #animalphotograpy #tier #tiere #friends #friendship #freundschaft #love #tierfotografie #dog #autumn #dogsofinstagram #doglosvers #cute #bird #birds #owl #owls #eule #friend #friends #eulen #bestbirdshots #Eulen #eizo #sirui #nikon #nikonphotography #nikondeutschland

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