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Utorok 25.3.2025
, Marian, Marius

Milia a Matteo sú manželia a naozaj sa milujú. Keďže ale každý z nich pochádza z iného prostredia a kultúry (Milia je z Indonézie a Matteo z Talianska), nie je v ich vzťahu núdza o zábavné okamihy. Tie navyše zaznamenávajú v podobe pôvabných malých kresieb a komiksov.

Inšpirujú sa priamo vo svojich životoch a rozdieloch v niektorých otázkach. Tak napríklad každý z nich má inú toleranciu na pikantné jedlo, ale napríklad aj na cvičenie či jogu. V nižšie uvedených obrázkoch s humorom a nadhľadom zaznamenávajú aj obyčajné udalosti svojich životov a zmieňujú sa aj o pandémii koronavírusu, resp. o tom, ako na nich vplývala domáca izolácia. Ich dielka ti iste zdvihnú náladu.

1. „Pikantné?“

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Did you ever try to take with your bare hands a wooden trunk on fire and put it directly into your mouth, quietly chew and swallow? No? Why should you do that, right? Well, no-one in South-East Asia would do the same, with the exception of the chili in the food. #spicyfood Be ready to sweat, to get red, to see vapor going out from your ears and fight against powerful attacks of hiccough. Matteo survived…until now. #internationalcouple #mixedcouple #interracialcouple #interracialrelationship #interraciallove #interracialmarriage #mixedlove #mixedmarriage #marriedlife #swirl #swirllife #swirllove #bwwm #couplegoals #coupleillustration #yellowfever #balilife #baliwedding #canggu #asiangirls #indonesiangirl #bae #artis #drawing2me #husband #wife #bule #farang #pedas

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2. Učenie jogy

3. Meditácia

4. Objatie vysokého človeka

5. 83 vs. 1

6. Po dvoch mesiacoch karantény

7. „Bude to v poriadku…“

8. Tradičná masáž

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If you have flu and you live in South-East Asia… Well. That's not easy to get immediately for those who are not living here. You should know that the traditional method to fight the flu in here it's nor the Paracetamol, neither some special herbs…but a coin. The ancient belief says that if you rub energetically a coin on the skin until it burns and the patient screams in despair, the flu goes away. Science firmly marked all of it as a dangerous no sense method and gives the merit of eventual good results only to the Placebo effect, but most of the people don't know any Placebo in their families, so they keep doing it and fighting the flu away. . . . #internationalcouple #mixedcouple #interracialcouple #mixedmarriage #marriedlife #swirl #couplegoals #coupleillustration #bali #balilife #baliwedding #canggu #artis #drawing2me #husband #wife #bule #farang

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9. Vedľajšie efekty izolácie

10. „Môžem ťa zjesť?“

11. „Vyzeráš super!“ – „Vďaka!“

12. „Viem lietať!“– „Áno, to zvládnem!“

13. Romantika

14. „Pripravená na plávanie?“–„Ako ryba!“

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DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SWIM? Paradisiac beaches, white sand, blue seas, uncontaminated locations, wonderful diving spots, perfect surfing waves and so on. All around Southern-Eastern Asia the aquatic life can offer endless joy for those who want to get it. What Matteo never got is: Why do most of the people in here not swim like dolphins? Well, at least now Milia has turned as a new kind of fish, with some help. After only 1 month, from a level 0, she was able to move arms and legs in coordination staying up. After 1 year she is freely moving all along the swimming pools and quiet seas. Do you want to challenge her? #internationalcouple #mixedcouple #interracialcouple #interracialrelationship #interraciallove #interracialmarriage #mixedlove #mixedmarriage #marriedlife #swirl #swirllife #swirllove #bwwm #couplegoals #coupleillustration #yellowfever #balilife #baliwedding #canggu #asiangirls #indonesiangirl #bae #artis #drawing2me #husband #wife #bule #farang

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15. Nabalení

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