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Nedeľa 23.2.2025
Roman, Romana

Hoci seriál Sex v meste o štyroch kamarátkach, ktoré si na vysokej nohe žijú v New Yorku skončil už pred vyše desaťročím a filmy tiež už stihli zostarnúť, séria sa stále teší veľkej popularite. Carrie Bradshaw a jej extravagantný módny štýl sa snažia napodobniť mnohé dievčatá, ale aj Dan Clay, ktorý sa nadšene prezentuje ako Carrie Dragshaw. Nejeden ikonický outfit sa mu podarilo napodobniť tak dokonale, že sa s ním ochotne stretla aj samotná Sarah Jessica Parker, s ktorou si padli do oka až tak, že mu odobrila jeho príspevky na instagrame.

Carrie Dragshaw začala existovať najprv ako kostým na Halloween. Podľa Dana s ním zožal toľký úspech, vrátane prvého lajku od Sarah Jessicy a ľudí natoľko bavil, že sa túto tému rozhodol rozvinúť. Momentálne berie instagram útokom. Priznáva, že po seriáli Sex v meste poškuľoval už na vysokej, ale medzi svojimi kamoškami, ktoré ho nadšene sledovali, mal problém si to priznať. Až keď naplno akceptoval svoju homosexuálnu orientáciu, vyznal sa naplno k láske nielen k seriálu, ale aj k móde, ktorú propagoval. Podľa Dana to bol vlastne seriál samotný, ktorý mu ukázal svet, v akom by mohol akceptovať samého seba. Teraz mu vzdáva hold prostredníctvom vlastnoručne vyrábaných outfitov. Výroba jedného looku mu zaberie zhruba mesiac, ale výsledky stoja za to. Koniec koncov, posúďte sami – v určitých okamihoch sú Bradshaw a Dragshaw vskutku nerozoznateľné.

In a city as big as New York, we have more than one of everything. Two baseball teams. Two ballet companies. And three newspapers–each with different readers. Journal readers go to conferences, Times readers go to benefits, and Post readers go to bed with you. And they all wanted to go to Augustine. At the corner of "See" and "Be Seen," Augustine was the Manhattan restaurant of the moment, and since Samantha was running PR for their soft opening we had a hard-to-get table for four. And we had something to celebrate: that magical moment in girl friends' lives when you're all single at the same time. But as I made my way to our overdressed and undersexed table, I couldn't help but wonder: were we like that hot reservation that everyone wanted but no one could get? Or were we that old has-been restaurant that everyone forgot? Extra! Extra! Four single women! Were we hot off the presses or yesterday's news? Whatever we were, we'd be it together. #carriedragshaw

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After heading West for a week of work, I was home. To quote another blonde wanderer, L.A. is too hot—too sunny, too sandy, too supermodelly. San Francisco is too cold—all tech, no talk. And I don’t trust a city where you can’t tell the difference between a billionaire, hipster, or homeless person. All hoodie, no Fendi. All flannel, no Chanel. For this Goldilocks, New York is just right. I couldn’t help but wonder: If my roots are so far away, why do I blossom in New York? I guess not all flowers grow in the sun. Some need the shade of skyscrapers, the ballet of crowded sidewalks, dollar slices in Dior, bodega cats and Birkin bags, MoMA with Monet, sunsets with Lady Liberty, the pleasure of 5th Avenue and the pain of Penn Station and most of all: the people-watching—because we might not have much nature, but we’re overflowing with life. So L.A. can keep its sun and San Francisco can have its screens, because I need magic, and I only bloom in New York. #CarrieDragshaw

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It can be hard out there for a single girl, but there are a few words that provide instant comfort: “Vogue September Issue,” “2-for-1 Cosmopolitans,” “Manolo Blahnik Sample Sale,” and “Perfect First Date Follow-Up.” PFDFU. It's flirty and funny. Easy, breezy, and cool. He's clearly into it and you're like a pair of purple control top pantyhose: fun and holding it all together. It takes you right back to that perfect first date, when the conversation flowed effortlessly, the spark lit instantly, and the first kiss felt like fate. As you flirt on the phone, you float on a cloud that seems to sparkle from the inside, and for a moment you forget your baggage, you forget your past, you forget how many times you’ve felt this feeling before but it failed to last…and you smile. I couldn't help but wonder: Maybe love is like a mobile phone. When you have a good connection, you’ve just got to keep talking and hope for the best. #CarrieDragshaw

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Yesterday I did a guest post for the brilliant queens of @everyoutfitonsatc and I wanted to post it too because 1) it's my favorite scene in the show ?, 2) it's my favorite Carrie caption I've written so far, 3) I made that fu*king bag, and 4) most importantly people have been so nice I wanted to say thank you! You are making this little queen smile huge ❤CD❤ In New York, if you want to know how the other half lives, you head to the Plaza—the hotel where Chanel got tea, Gatsby got mad, Sinatra got applause…and Big got away. As he drove off with his perfectly simple fiancé, I started thinking about My Other Half. What happens to the girls who never find theirs? Was my heart a half-empty hotel, with a “Big Vacancy” sign on the revolving door? I couldn’t help but wonder: Did some women need to tone down to settle down? Change their shape to find a match, change their soul to find a mate? Or could it be that life isn’t about searching for someone who makes you complete—it’s about realizing you already are. And maybe, just maybe, we’re born with the love we’re meant to find. And if the world says tone it down—turn it up. Because your true other half knows you’re already whole. #CarrieDragshaw

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Letter to 2016 from Carrie Dragshaw:  As I shut the door on a year when the lows seemed to outnumber the loves, I started thinking about escape. In here, in my tower, I was safe. Out there, dragons roamed—bad taste, bad luck, bad men. Maybe Rapunzel had it right at the start. The world is scary. Just stay home and brush your hair. But as I looked ahead to the New Year, I couldn’t help but wonder: Tomorrow, when the ball drops, can our spirits lift? When it strikes twelve can we start strong? Count down and rise up. Because maybe the best way to fight for love is to spread it. And maybe strong love starts small—a smile on the subway, a hug hello, a text to a friend, a friendly ear. Because these little things add up to life. After all, every castle is just a bunch of bricks in a great outfit. So, Rapunzels, let down your hair and prepare to slay. Because if all us princesses stick together, the dragons don’t stand a chance. #CarrieDragshaw

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They say there are two sides to every story. But how many sides are there to every girl? Most women I knew had a sexy side, a silly side, a sassy side, a smart, a serious, a supportive, a strong, and some days even a sad side. As I turned the corner after another night of trying hard to seem less complicated, I couldn’t help but wonder: How much of a woman’s life does she spend pretending? Pretending she's simpler, easier. Do we have to fake it to find true love? Show the lace but hide the leather, show the fur but hide the feathers. Or maybe, just maybe, if he can’t handle your Diesel, then he doesn’t deserve your De La Renta. If he can’t handle your Mimi, then he doesn’t deserve your Mariah. Because Marchesa, Moschino, Versace & Vivienne—they’re all part of this mixed up closet we call “Me.” And Big men have room for them all. So maybe that’s when you know the love is real—when you find someone who doesn’t make you push aside a side. After all, we need our feathers to fly. #CarrieDragshaw

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An ode to besties: When most people talk about seasons, they talk about the weather. When New Yorkers talk about seasons, it's all about the fashion. And what's hot changes faster than the temperature. One week it's pastels at Pastis. The next it's Balenciaga at Balzac. I couldn't help but wonder: In a city like New York, did we change men like we changed trends? Was love as fickle as the fall lines? As I tried out a new lunch spot and a new look, I realized there is one relationship that always lasts. No matter what hairstyle is in, what bag is "it," it's all best accessorized with a best friend. Someone who always listens and somehow hears you even when you’re silent, who laughs when you laugh and somehow makes you smile even when you're crying, who helps you pick out the perfect first date outfit (and the perfect break-up ice cream). Someone who knows you're crazy and loves you anyway, who loves you like crazy until you learn to love yourself, and who tells you, in all honesty, that hat does look weird. Someone who makes sure you never, ever, ever walk alone—or in the wrong shoes. It's nice to know that even in the city that never stops changing, one love always stays the same. Nights turn into mornings and then become memories, clothes turn into trends and then become regrets, men turn into boyfriends and then become baggage—but best friends simply stay and grow into soulmates. And what's even better is that through it all, from Juicy tracksuits to fishnet maxis, "soulmate" never goes out of style. #CarrieDragshaw __________________ Let's spread a little love today! Tag your besties and tell them how much you love them ? much love from DC & CD & our new wig

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Meanwhile uptown, I was living a teenage dream in a castle on a cloud, high above Central Park. The thing is, when you’re a teenager, you look at adults and see freedom: No Parents. No Rules. But when you’re an adult, you look at teenagers and see freedom: No Bosses. No Bills. I couldn’t help but wonder: When did getting older go from dream to dread? When it comes to growing up, were some of us too chicken to cross the road? Or maybe, every once in a while, you can make the mature adult decision to act like a rebellious adolescent. To serve a giant Kentucky Fried F*ck You to deadlines, diets, dating and the rest of reality. In life, most days you get dressed and conquer the world. So some days you can get stoned and eat from a bucket. You can solve your problems in your Prada mañana. Today, channel your inner Ferris Bueller and put 'em in the f*ck it bucket. Because in a fast-paced city like New York, sometimes you’ve got to hop out of the speedboat and just splash around—even if you might get caught. After all, before a flower can grow, it needs a little pot. #CarrieDragshaw

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The sidewalks of New York are full of traffic. But instead of cars we have clothes. Instead of Porsche, Lamborghinis and Little Corvettes we have Prada, Louis Speedies and Fendi Baguettes. But even in a city as crowded as New York, sometimes you walk alone. As I broke free from another break up, I couldn't help but wonder: We spend so much time dating—were we neglecting our most important relationship? We spend all our energy loving purses, dresses, and men—did we have any left to love ourself? What if the secret to being happy in life was hidden on the inside? Maybe self love is like a DIY Gucci purse: It takes a lot of work, and even if it doesn't turn out perfect it still feels fabulous. Because maybe our quirks and flaws make us who we are. After all, the cracks in the ceiling let the light in. The cracks in the sidewalk let the flower grow. And life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect. Sometimes the perfect little black dress…is grey. So I smiled. Because if you can love who you're walking with even when you're walking alone…well that's just fabulous. #CarrieDragshaw

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It can be scary to leave your comfort zone. To trade your trusty habits in hopes for a little magic. Before Samantha's party, the only S&M that I knew about was Saks & MasterCard (and Stillettos & Manolos, Stella & Miuccia, Schiaparelli & McQueen…) But after my attempted dominatrix was just a dud in latex, I left Big's in 50 Shades of Shame. S&M? Self-conscious & Mortified. I couldn't help but wonder: Do men really want a strong woman—or when we flex our muscles, are they afraid to lose their power? And fetish or no fetish, how much pain was one woman expected to take before she disappeared? Some people get off on pain. But most get out. How much rejection before she retreated to her comfort zone, wondering, Was I too bold, too out there, too this, too that, too much? As I put my whip away for good, I started thinking about the circus. The loud lion is the one who gets whipped. Even so, I think I'd rather be the lion who roared. Because maybe it's better to give your all and get hurt, than to play tame and wonder "What If?" Because I am no cowardly lion. I am woman. And through it all—tears, setbacks, scared men and masked pain—we keep roaring. #CarrieDragshaw

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Fashion Roadkill (Part 1 of 2) ?In the fashion world, you listen to Anna Wintour, not Mother Nature. Winter is Fall and Fall is next year. Spring is Cruise and Summer is Couture. As I took the runway for my first New York Fashion Week, I started thinking about courage. Sometimes you have to fake it. You have to strut like a leopard even though you feel like scaredy cat. After all, it was too late to say No now. Maybe courage is like a pair of sparkly underwear: bold, beautiful, but usually covered up. Hidden within because showing your sparkle can be scary. I couldn’t help but wonder: How often did our fear of heights stop us from strapping on life's Monolos? Were we so afraid to fall that we didn’t even step on the runway? ? To be continued… #CarrieDragshaw

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In the city of New York, there are over 4 million women. And Big, it seemed, wanted to date them all. Welcome to the Age of Options. Playing the field was the new power suit and monogamy was like last season Prada: outdated and hard to find. I couldn't help but wonder: in a world where the next best thing is just a right swipe away—was exclusivity left to die? Was every modern relationship destined to leave you green with envy, red with anger, or just plain blue? Well, even if polygamy was the new It Bag, just like Skechers and Scrunchies, some trends were not for me. I was looking for all-consuming love. And like we learned in kindergarten, if a boy is making you blue, it's time to pack up your crayons (and your construction paper clutch) and go home. Sure, there were a lot of women in New York, but as a wise one once sang: I'm every woman. It's all in me. And if that's not enough to beat his FOMO, then it's time to walk home solo. Because I'd rather be alone than on the side. And I'd rather be with my girls than be just another one of his. #CarrieDragshaw

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Life isn’t always pretty. Sometimes it’s messy, and gritty, and hurtful, and hard. And sometimes it feels like life’s biggest lesson is just how to live with pain. As I took a break from trying to fix my life and instead tried to fix my kitchen, I couldn’t help but wonder: Can you ever really renovate your self? How many coats does it take to paint over pain? And even if it looks like you've gone from drab to fab, will some of us always be fixer-uppers? After all, I have bad hair days and bad mood days. Sometimes I get upset over nothing, and sometimes I feel nothing when I should be upset. I make mistakes. I stay out too late. I drink on an empty stomach and I sneak cigarettes and I let bad people in while I push good ones away. And my biggest fear is that no remodel could really cover up my deepest secret: I’m not perfect. And I have dents and scratches and imperfections that even a fresh coat of paint can’t hide. But just like Beyoncé and Bowie, sometimes the best thing to do is to paint anyway. To paint your face and remodel your self with the Sasha Fierceness you need and the magic Aladdin that'll keep you Sane. It's not faking it. It's making it. And even if you never turn out perfect, it's better to go down painting than sit around waiting for the handyman. Because maybe the one who can fix you, is you. But a side of you you haven't discovered yet. And maybe that's life's ultimate do-it-yourself project. To create your Self. And if we do it together, do-it-yourself won't mean alone. #CarrieDragshaw

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In life, sometimes when you look ahead, all you see is your past. Your future gets crowded with coulda woulda shouldas and maybe-next-time exes. As I stood in the market looking at a sea of foreign spices, I saw something sweet and familiar: Aidan. I couldn’t help but wonder: Inside every confident, forward-looking woman, was a part of her heart looking back wondering “What If?” Maybe life is like a crowded market in Abu Dhabi. It’s more than a little bazaar. You never know what you’re going to find, and there are so many paths it’s easy to get lost. But sometimes, if you have a perfectly cooked meal waiting for you at home, it’s best not to pick up anything at the market. Plus, New Yorkers travel with enough baggage already. Everyone loves adventure, but maybe life’s biggest adventure is loving someone so much you forget the old “What Ifs.” After all, when one Dior closes, another opens. And the other could be Big. #CarrieDragshaw

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Coco Chanel famously said: Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off. Not today, Coco. Some days a girl's gotta go extra. Because what if that one thing is what makes it yours? What are we giving up when we're toning down? And when did fitting in become more important than being fabulous? It's been said that New York never sleeps. It's also the city that never shuts up. Construction sites, car alarms, bus stops, bar fights, upstairs neighbors, subway screeches, sirens, pigeons, parties, pigeon parties. Still, I couldn't help but wonder: Is the loudest sound in all of New York the voice inside your head? Thinking too much about what other people think and not enough about what makes you happy. And if we can't even take risks with clothes, what else are we missing out on? Some days you have to say no to Coco and yes to Youyou, look in the mirror, and add one thing: quiet confidence. Because it takes more than feathers, gold, and sparkle to live as loud as New York. #carriedragshaw

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Maybe men are like rain drops: unpredictable and annoying. As Petrovsky rained on my Paris parade, I started thinking about the stormy weather in my love life. I couldn’t help but wonder: Did every relationship go through good weather and bad? Or was our relationship like a cobblestone road—charming, but a little too bumpy? A wise redhead once said: the sun will come out tomorrow. But sometimes you have to part the clouds yourself. Instead of waiting for Captain Planet, you have to play Mother Nature. After all, a little sunshine can stop a shit storm. Because, like Paris, Petrovsky was romantic and sophisticated—but just not right for me. And that’s OK. Maybe storms are what help you grow before you blossom in the sun. In the meantime, grab your umbrella, put some polka in your dots and dance in the rain. #CarrieDragshaw

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There’s no better city in the world than New York in the spring. Long lazy picnics in Central Park, farmer’s market pretzels in Union Square, freshly planted tulips on Park Avenue. And as flowers bloom, fashion blossoms. Daisies & Dior. Lilies & Lanvin. Gladiolus & Galliano. As I looked at all the flowers opening up, I couldn’t help but wonder: Maybe I could, too. Maybe I could let my heart out of hibernation and open myself up to love. After all, seasons change. Can people? With a spring in my step, I was frozen no more. And the best part is: When your heart blooms, you don’t even have to stop to smell the roses. The flowers follow you. And that’s just fabulous. Because even a New Yorker needs a little nature. #CarrieDragshaw

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They say life's a journey, not a destination. I guess that's why us girls need so many bags. As I stepped into another new relationship, I started thinking about baggage. We all have it. We might try to dress it up in Louis Vuitton luggage or squeeze it into a cute little fanny pack—but even fake Gucci carries real emotions. I couldn't help but wonder: If everyone has baggage, why do we try so hard to hide it? And if we're so comfortable baring our skin, why do we hide our hearts? Maybe true love comes when someone sees it all (even the ugly duffle you hide under your bed) and loves you anyway. Someone who loves you more the more they see. Who sees you when you’re scared, anxious, angry, or even just sad, and sticks around to make sure you learn to love your authentic self and never try to be anything else. To make sure you love you as much as they do. And to make sure your shoes always, always match your baggage. #CarrieDragshaw _______________________ Let’s spread a little love today. Tag your besties—the ones whose baggage matches yours—and tell them how much you love them. ? CD&DC

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Dating in the Digital Age: A Ghost(ed) Story — New York can be a scary place: angry bouncers & snooty baristas, glamazon models & trust fund club kids, subway rats & subway gropers. But, by far, the scariest figure in all of Manhattan is: The Ghost. The guy who acts interested and then just disappears. Instead of "Boo!", this ghost says…nothing at all. No balls (but still a dick). Leaving the ghosted woman to wonder, Why didn't he text back? What did I do wrong? What's wrong with me? The 7 Stages of Ghosted Grief go something like this: 1) Shock & Denial (He'll text back. Maybe he's just at the gym?) 2) Pain & Guilt (Why did I tell that stupid story!) 3) Anger & Bargaining (I can do better than him anyway!) 4) Depression & Reflection (I'm broken and I'm going to die alone. I wonder: In an age of bots, swipes, and texts, is honest communication as old-fashioned as a newsboy cap? Is open dialogue as out of place as an oversized tie on a little black dress?) But then come stages 5, 6 & 7, which, for me, are Samantha, Miranda & Charlotte. You need your most fabulous friends to perform an exorcism. After all, you can ghost the ghost. Erase him from your memory and free up space for all the good stuff. Replace his ghost with The Phantom of the Oprah and have yourself an A-Ha Moment: Ghosts aren't really scary. They're scared. And you should never let a dead text stop you from living your best life. #CarrieDragshaw ________________________ This has been a Pubic Service Announcement paid for by Drag Queens for a Gentler Planet. Remember kids: Be Human, Don't Ghost #behumandontghost

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Meanwhile back in Manhattan, I was heading to a midtown brunch to debut a midriff top. As I waited to be picked up, I started thinking: On the road to love, some of us are stuck on the sidewalk. Single. But that doesn't have to be sad. When life gives you “meh,” make a-meh-zing. When life gives you crap plaid, make a crop top. And when life gives you "single," make it sensational. I couldn't help but wonder: Is being single the new summer vacation? Hot, steamy, fun and free from responsibility? And in the age of 10,000 Netflix options and a ZipCar on every corner, could singledom—with all its choice, freedom and flexibility—be the ultimate status symbol? After all…Not all Dorothies are lost. Who needs a Tin Man when you have Tom Ford and the Wizard of Ozcar de la Renta? Some Dorothies are just happy explorers in sparkly slippers, skipping from brick to brick with courage, heart and brains. Single by fate. Sexy by nature. Smiling by choice. #CarrieDragshaw

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As I stepped past BeBe, my new BF headed to AA. My life was full of letters—D&G, DKNY, CK1, APC, Agnes B. (and DSW on the DL)—so why be scared of two more? As I obsessed over his addiction, I couldn’t help but wonder: Was I just as drunk? My vision of our future blurred because I took in too much of his past? And did we all spend so much time downing someone’s setbacks that we blacked out their strengths? After all, what is AA except a room full of people who had the courage to change. Just like Gucci in '94, sometimes you have to reinvent yourself to survive. In life, everyone's problems are different—but what if the stuff that helps us survive is all the same? The strength to look past a past full of pain. The heart to beat a scary disease. The bravery to look into a broken marriage and believe you deserve more. The courage to look into a mirror, broken, and believe you can be more. The daily heroism of living with anxiety or depression, loneliness or loss. The strength to not let a break up break you. The balls to love your body. The pride to love yourself. The simple power to not let anything—anything—take you down. I realized, every person you will ever pass on any sidewalk in any city has two things in common: We all have pain. And we haven't given up. We hide it on the inside because we think it makes us look weak. But what if our pain is also our power? Because anyone who dares to create a "New You" learns this, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly: You're so much stronger than you think you are. #CarrieDragshaw

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They say your dress should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady. But sometimes it needs to be sexy enough to show you’ve got balls. Because in a city as loud as New York, sometimes your clothes need to do the talking for you. So I picked a dress that said, “I’m more important than your phone” and, “If you don’t treat me right, someone else will.” But did I really believe what my dress was saying? Or was I relying on an outfit to make me feel the way I wished Big would? Maybe love really is like a dove: beautiful and peaceful, until it shits all over you. I couldn’t help but wonder: How much in life do we really control? You can’t pick your family, you can’t change a man, and you can’t force love. But you can pick your outfit. And every day, no matter what’s going on in the world, you decide what to wear. So that night I decided to wear confidence, leave self-doubt and needy dependence in the closet, and accessorize with sexy. Because a freakum dress can’t change the world. But the girl inside it can. #CarrieDragshaw

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The universe is full of laws. If you drop an apple from a tree, it will fall. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it will boil. And if you look like sh*t, you will run into your ex. I stood stiff as a headboard on the floor of the furniture expo as my armoire of old boyfriends burst open. To me, Big and Aidan lived in different universes—but here they were, together. Room & Bored meets William Sono-no. Maybe dating is like furniture shopping. You’ve got your comfortable recliners that feel great, but don’t excite you. And you’ve got your sleek designer armchairs, that look great on the showroom floor but cause nothing but pain when you take them home. Is love just an afternoon at Crate & Barrel, choosing between comfortable and exciting? The problem is, you’re never boy-crazy for the La-Z-Boy. And that’s another law of the universe: The head can’t beat the heart. So maybe what you really need is less Pottery, more Barney's. A man that's like a good pink bra: sexy AND supportive. Catches your eye and is there to lift you up. Because this booth b*tch comes "some assembly required." But with the right finish we could be fabulous. #CarrieDragshaw

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Carrie's L.A. Odyssey (Day 2 of 7) ? Selfies are like cigarettes: Painful if they don't have a filter. In 2017 L.A., we take Ubers, take SoulCycle, and have entire walls for taking selfies. Even if I couldn’t change, L.A. certainly could. Since 2000, the trees got tall, downtown got cool, juice got expensive, gluten got evil, and reality got a lot of TV shows. Nowadays, we text instead of talk and swipe instead of flirt. Was digital dating some new drug? Fun for a quick high, but can distort reality, impair decision-making and may damage the heart. Were screens the new nicotine? Expensive, addictive, and dangerous in excess? And even with all this technology, were we really just iLone? Maybe we needed an SOS over SMS to disconnect from our phones and reconnect to our selves. Or maybe I was just bitter. As I looked around at all the new devices, I thought, in 17 years full of change, was my operating system the only one that hadn’t gotten an upgrade? #CarrieDragshaw

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Carrie's L.A. Odyssey (Day 5 of 7) ? As I basked in the rays of the City of Angels, I had a thought. Life isn't Los Angeles: it won't be sunny every day. And love is as fickle as the weather in New York. But maybe happiness is less about changing your life and more about changing how you look at it. It's less about changing your city, your weight, your boyfriend, or even your self—and more about changing your perspective. To see the pool float as half full. To stop comparing yourself to where you should be and start celebrating yourself for where you are. After all, the air in L.A. has smog and the air in N.Y. smells like pee, but you can still stop and smell the roses. Maybe life is like a Brazilian Wax: You're in for a lot of pain if you expect everything to be smooth. But if you can greet life's imperfections & hairy challenges with a smile, the forecast looks bright. The storms won't hurt you if there's sunshine in your soul. The nightmares won't scare you if there are dreams in your heart. And you'll never be alone if you become the love you’re looking for…. TO BE CONTINUED #CarrieDragshaw ? See you Monday for the final "episodes" of our L.A. Journey. You've made this week so so fun for me. Thank you x a trillion!!

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Tento obsah je štandardne platený, no tvoj kamoš je členom Emefka PREMIUM a obsah ti odomkol. Stačí zadať tvoju emailovú adresu.