Možno máš dojem, že práve ty si ten najväčší smoliar pod slnkom a takzvaný „deň blbec“ zažívaš až znepokojivo pravidelne. Nuž, tak možno ťa poteší, že v tomto pocite rozhodne nie si sám! Ba dokonca by sa dalo povedať, že mnohí ľudia sa musia vyrovnávať s ešte väčšími schválnosťami osudu.
V tomto článku nájdeš hneď 20 ukážok dokonale mizerného dňa, keď sa pokazilo všetko, čo sa pokaziť mohlo.
1. Au
Eyelid somehow got stuck in the zipper of his jacket from Wellthatsucks
2. Mačka v miske s ryžou
Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice… from Wellthatsucks
3. Schody to nezvládli
RIP Homie from Wellthatsucks
4. Očakávanie vs. realita
I ordered a 6ft tall rainbow tree from a Facebook ad and this is what showed up! I’m crying from laughing so hard, I’ve never had this happen in real life! from Wellthatsucks
5. Pečenie je radosť!
Spent 12 Hours Making "Cinnamon Swirl" Sourdough Bread from Wellthatsucks
6. Nové nohavice po úprave bielidlom
7. Dám si vínko. Tak nie…
All I wanted was a glass of wine after a hard day… now I have to clean what looks like a murder scene from Wellthatsucks
8. Čistenie mosta
Trying to clean a wooden bridge in The Netherlands. from Wellthatsucks
9. Keď síce máš PlayStation 5, ale hrať nemôžeš
PS5 gets delivered today and I just happen to break my thumb. from Wellthatsucks
10. Varíme kávu bez hrnčeka
I made a coffee without a mug. Good morning! from Wellthatsucks
11. Snehová krajina
Somebody forgot to close the door of their truck last night from Wellthatsucks
12. Obed na zemi
13. Len štipku korenia
14. Strategické miesto
15. Úroda reďkoviek
I was so excited to harvest my radishes…but instead I get to join the tiny vegetable club from Wellthatsucks
16. Chutná pizza
And the best pizza delivery guy award goes to… from Wellthatsucks
17. Trochu sa ochladilo
When you prop wipers up for the night so they don’t freeze to the windshield from Wellthatsucks
18. Televízor to vzdal
19. Policajný vrtuľník sa s tým nebabre
Police helicopter taking too close a look at a house from Wellthatsucks
20. Nôž nezvládol melón
My knife broke when I tried to cut the watermelon I just bought, just to find out that it went bad from Wellthatsucks