Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Piatok 28.3.2025
, Sonja, Sonia

Mačky dokážu byť naozaj krásne stvorenia. Buď je to spôsobené ich hebkou a dlhou srsťou, sfarbením, alebo prenikavým pohľadom vďaka krásnym očiam. Tieto dve mačky, Xari a Auri, majú tak nejak oboje. Krásne oči, ktoré dokonale kontrastujú s ich striebristou srsťou.

Tieto mačky sú skrátka také krásne, až nebudeš chcieť veriť, že sú naozaj skutočné. Takéto nádherné zelenomodré oči nevidíš len tak na hocijakej mačke. Stačí jeden pohľad a ihneď si ťa získajú. 

Dokonalo fotogenické mačky

Xari aj Auri sú obe označované ako plemeno ruskej modrej mačky amerického typu. Sú charakteristické svojou štíhlou stavbou tela, doslova striebristou srsťou a zelenými očami. Určite si už videl mnoho mačiek, ktoré mali zelené oči, no pravdepodobne nie takéto. Ich oči majú miestami až tyrkysovú farbu, akoby si sa pozeral na nejaký drahokam či vodnú hladinu.

Obe mačky majú spoločný instagramový profil, na ktorom sa stihlo nazbierať 129 tisíc ľudí. Ich majitelia sú pár, ktorý žije v Anglicku, a okrem týchto dvoch mačiek majú ešte jednu. Nie je síce sivá, s fascinujúcimi očami, no tiež stojí za pozornosť – vyzerá tak trochu ako líška. Volá sa Errol a na svojom instagramovom profile má dokonca ešte viac fanúšikov, a to 134 tisíc.

Ak máš pocit, že sú mačky škaredé a zlé, minimálne tieto na fotografiách sa ti budú určite páčiť. Skrátka, do týchto dvoch mačiek s krásnymi zelenými očami sa nedá nezamilovať. 

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It's all just a matter of perspective! ?⁣ ⁣ We are not stuck at home. We are safe at home.⁣ ⁣ We are not being deprived of our freedom, we are saving lives.⁣ ⁣ We don't have too much spare time, we finally have the time to do the things we don't usually have time for.⁣ ⁣ People are losing loved ones every single day to this virus. Having to stay at home for weeks or maybe even months is a very small price to pay to save lives.⁣ ⁣ Make sure you don't lose perspective, even when half the world seems to be complaining about not being able to go out to see their friends, go for a nice meal or hit the gym. Don't lose sight of why this is so important and why all this whining is just the noise of a spoiled society that can't even tell the difference between being stuck and being safe. ♥️ #stayhome #staysafe #doitforthenhs⁣

A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on

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AD We may look like twins, but our personalities and tastes are anything but identical – including our taste in music! #spotifypets⁣ ⁣ Thankfully @spotifyuk has released a new feature that creates personalised pet playlists based on our personalities and likes. ???⁣ ⁣ ?‍♀️ Does your pets like listening to music?⁣ ⁣ Auri is a huge fan of classical music (as am I) and she always comes for a cuddle when I listen to it. She is not a big cuddler usually so this is my little trick to get her on my lap ?⁣ ⁣ Xafi on the other hand is a secret rockstar. She loves herself some Queen (maybe because she is the queen of the house? ?) and she always comes for a shoulder ride when I play Metallica ??⁣ ⁣ We have been using Spotify for years now and love their new pet focused feature. Why don't you try it out?⁣

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Sparkle sparkle little star, tell me where my treaties are! ?⁣ ⁣ Happy Caturday furiends! Tomorrow sparkle season officially begins – are you excited for the Christmas season yet? ?⁣ ⁣ We love Christmas and the whole festive season. For that reason we will soon post a few stories with Christmas gift ideas for your cats. It's just a compilation of our favourite toys, furniture and treats for cats basically. ?⁣ ⁣ We do not in any way want to encourage consumerism by the way. We basically just use Christmas and kitty birthdays to get toys and furniture we wanted to get anyway or needed to get – it's just nicer to combine it with a holiday I think and it keeps us from buying stuff for them all year round ? ⁣ ⁣ Tim and I otherwise don't do presents (neither for Christmas or birthdays). Instead I donate to a good cause every year. Last year I bought a variety of things from the Amazon wish list of the @woodgreen.theanimalcharity our friend @theshelterphotographer volunteers for. ♥️⁣ ⁣ I haven't decided what I will do this year yet, but I try to keep it to small and local charities and I prefer to buy goods from wish lists as I know then what exactly happens to my donation. ?⁣ ⁣ What are your plans this season? Will you go full on Christmas with all the sparkle or are you keeping it more low key? ?⁣ ⁣

A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on

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When you realise it's only four weeks until Christmas and you're pretty sure you are high up on that naughty list ? #weeklyfluff . ? The festive season is approaching fast and whether or not you celebrate Christmas – this is also a time that can be quite dangerous for cats. Christmas trees, decorations, fairy lights, winter sweets and foods and seasonal plants and flowers…for pet owners it can be very tricky to ensure we have a wonderfully cosy home without putting our furry family members at risk. I therefore wrote a blog on the subject listing the most common known (and unknown) dangers and how we can ensure we all have an enjoyable festive season together: . Click the link in our bio or go to to read it and feel free to share it with your friends and family . #catsafechristmas

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Sorry for having been gone for a while – here, have a hug! ?⁣ ⁣ I promise there will be no claws involved ?⁣ ⁣ ? Happy new week furiends! I hope you had a good weekend!⁣ ⁣ For those who follow Catmum on @anneken.prsck you will know the humans had a wonderful weekend away in the Forest of Dean. We get a lot of questions what we do with the cats when on holiday.⁣ ⁣ We have the most wonderful cat sitter who looks after our babies when away. We know she is wonderful because the cats are always super relaxed and happy when we come back home. They don't seem to miss us too much actually ??⁣ ⁣ We also have friends locally who drop in or house-sit when we are away. So the kitties usually get spoiled more when we are away than when we are home usually ?⁣ ⁣ What do you do with your pets when on holiday? ⁣ ⁣ P.s. for those wondering about the scaly brothers: those get boarded up at a lovely place nearby when we are away for longer ?♥️⁣

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One cat – a million expressions! ?⁣ ⁣ Auri is our little clown in the house – she definitely has the greatest repertoire of facial expressions in this house! ?⁣ ⁣ I thought I'd do a little Auri fun fact today since I haven't don that in a while:⁣ ⁣ ? Auri is the smallest cat in the house and weighs only 3.4kg. She eats like a champ, but is incredibly active and keeps herself lean⁣ ⁣ ? Auri has never meowed a lot until we started working from home more during Covid-19. Now she regularly "shouts" at Catdad while he is in virtual meetings and requests his attention⁣ ⁣ ? Auri is a cat-cat. She prefers Xafi as her cuddle partner and doesn't like to be picked up. She only cuddles with Catmum in the evenings on the couch and sometimes sleeps on Catdad's legs at night.⁣ ⁣ ? Auri is half a year younger than Xafi, but born to the same parents. She was the result of an "Oops-litter" (Her mum snuck away for a little tete a tete with the Dad when she was supposed to recover from her previous pregnancy…)⁣ ⁣ ? Auri was names after a character by Patrick Rothfuss. If you haven't read his books yet you should! ?⁣ ⁣ Is there anything else you'd like to know about Auri?⁣ ⁣

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