Pravdepodobnosť, že sa stanú takéto veci, je jedna k miliónu, no i tak sa zadarilo. Videli ste niekedy čosi podobné?
1. Tri autá rovnakej farby zaparkované pred budovou, ktorá k nim taktiež ladí
2. „Nejaká žena na svadbe okopírovala outfit mojej dcérky.“
At a friend’s wedding, I no idea who she is, but she copied my toddler’s outfit ?? from nevertellmetheodds
3. „Traja ľudia mi kúpili na narodeniny tú istú pohľadnicu.“
I was inducted into NHS tonight and my Father, Nana, and Grandmother ( who basically never talk to one another ) all got me the same Congrats card! from nevertellmetheodds
4. „Moja frajerka a jej sestra kúpili ich mame na narodeniny tie isté kvety. Ešte aj vázy sú rovnaké!“
My gf and her sis coincidentally got their mother the same flower arrangement for her birthday, down to the vase. from mildlyinteresting
5. „Moje obočie dopĺňa vzor na čiapke.“
My eyebrows continue the circle from my hat (don’t mind the Snapchat text) from oddlysatisfying
6. „Presne po roku som vyhral tú istú lotériu po druhý raz.“
It’s April 21st and I won the Hamilton lottery for the second time. Exactly one year after I won the first time. from nevertellmetheodds
7. „Môj brat mi kúpil model lietadielka, ktoré malo rovnaké číslo na chvoste ako to, ktorým som skutočne letela.“
Waiting at BNA and my brother bought me this model airplane. Looked up the tail number and it was 5 gates away. from aviation
8. „Moja ponožka dokonale splýva s kobercom u frajerky doma.“
My socks blend in perfectly with my girlfriends carpet. from mildlyinteresting
9. „Našiel som na parkovisku rukavicu, tak som ju hodil do kufra a nechal som ju tak. O rok neskôr som k nej na inom parkovisku našiel pár.“
Found one glove in a parking lot and threw it in my trunk. Found a mate in a parking lot about a year later. from nevertellmetheodds
10. „Kolesá na mojom aute sú rovnaké ako na odpadkovom koši.“
My car and garbage can have the same wheels. from mildlyinteresting
11. Milkshake, ktorý splýva s hrnčekom
my milkshake is the same color as my mug from mildlyinteresting
12. „Ja a môj kolega sme si priniesli také isté raňajky, v takých istých krabičkách a obaja k tomu máme ešte tri varené vajíčka v odstrihnutom obale.“
My coworker and I brought the same breakfast in for work. Chili in the same style tupperware and 3 eggs in a cut off egg container. from mildlyinteresting
13. „Náš snehuliak sa síce roztopil, no jeho tvár ostala taká, ako bola.“
My snowman fell over and melted, but his face and hair still look the same from mildlyinteresting
14. „Moju novú panvicu na linke takmer ani nevidno.“
My new pan and my countertop both have the same pattern from mildlyinteresting
15. Lampy z tohto salóna sedia presne do očí modelky
The way the chandeliers form the model’s eyes. from mildlyinteresting