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Štvrtok 6.3.2025
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, Mirek

Filmoví a seriáloví fanúšikovia by iste dali všetko na svete, len aby sa mohli pozrieť na miesta, kde sa ich obľúbené filmy a seriály nakrúcali. Takými fanúšikmi boli aj priatelia, ktorí založili instagramový účet Secret Famous Places.

Tí cestujú po celom svete, pričom nachádzajú filmové lokácie zo slávnych snímok a seriálov. Na ich fotografiách úplne presne rekonštruujú ich najznámejšie scény. Našli tak už lokácie napríklad z Forresta Gumpa, Game of Thrones či Pána prsteňov. Vybrali sme pre teba 20 skvelých fotiek z ich archívu.

1. Hry o život

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We visited the filming location of Mockingjay in Berlin in 2019 ? we already had been there three years ago. This time a camera team of a german TV channel was with us. . . Location: The scene was shot at the metro station near to the ICC in Berlin. Katniss Everdeen and her crew were fighting against Mr. Snow's troops. Actually we were searching for a different place. But unfortunatley it was closed. So we decided to take this picture for the shooting, because it was at a public place. . . Clothes: This time Judith's outfit was quiet easy. We just needed her black leather jacket and a black zip jacket. . . Jennifer Lawrence we hope you like the picture ? . . Original Photo: Lionsgate . . #tributevonpanem #jenniferlawrence #thehungergames #filminglocation #berlin #secretfamousplaces #movies #actor #germany #wonderfulplaces #love #germanytourism #visitgermany #katnisseverdeen #city #photography #art #fun #visit_berlin #travel #blogger #instagood #travelphotography #traveltheworld #photoshoot #mockingjay #hollywood

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2. Pán prsteňov: Návrat kráľa

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Soon is Christmas! Time for „Lord of the Rings”!! 😀 When we were in New Zealand of course we wanted to visit these great filming locations. But it wasn’t so easy to find a picture of a man and a woman. Because almost every time you see an actress in the movies they are in a fictitious world. So we had just one solution: I (Judith) have to be a male actor…once again ? In the end I was Orlando Bloom alias Legolas. Could have been worse ? . . . Location: It was a long journey until we reached Mt. Sunday – the place where Rohan was built. It was one of the most beautiful places where we have ever been. There was no one – just us. The landscape was breathtaking. We’ve never seen something like this before. It was a long walk until we reached Mt. Sunday. At the end we forgot our battery pack in the car ? …so Robin had to go back all the way… For one night we stayed there in our tent – in the middle of nowhere. Believe me – that was soooo exciting ? . . . Clothes: Actually you just see the cape of Legolas. So we bought grey material and thought it wouldn’t be so difficult to get dressed like him. But it was ? The material didn’t want to stay the way we want it to be. Because of the wind and my fit of laughter it took a lot of time…But in the end we made it ? @Orlandobloom and Viggo Mortensen – we hope you like the photo. Just because of you we saw this amazing place. Thank you! #herrderringe #herrderringememes #lordoftheringsmemes #lordoftherings #orlandobloom #viggomortensen #newzealand #neuseeland #travel #travelphotography #secretplaces #secretfamousplaces #middleearth #lotr #thehobbit #frodo #filminglocation #nzmustdo #newzealandguide #world #movie #Nature #reisen #blogger #instatravel #series #peterjackson #fotografie

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3. Game of Thrones

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Our next picture of Game of Thrones with Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklage! This awesome location is located in Spain. We took the picture at a very cold and foggy day ? . . Location: This beach is located in northern Spain near to Bilbao. It is called Itzurun and is a beautiful area of unrral looking stone formations and cliffs ? . . Clothes: We bought Daenerys dress at a carnival store ? We used it for different pictures of GoT in Spain. Tyrion Lannister wears a dark coat. For that we brought black material with us. A lot ? . . @emilia_clarke @peterdinklage @gameofthrones we hope you like our picture ? It was a great location! . . Original Photo: HBO/Warner Bros. Television . . #GameOfThrones #Khaleesi #basque #visitspain #winteriscoming #EmiliaClarke #PeterDinklage #Spain #Bilbao #Itzurun #Daenerys #Lannister #GOT #secretfamousplaces #travel #travellust #adventure #reiseblogger #filminglocation #roadtrip #vacation #series #hbo #gameofthronesfinale #jonsnow #travelling #dragon #europe

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4. La La Land

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It's time for La La Land! We visited #LosAngeles in California to find the famous filming location of La La Land, where Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone started dancing ? You can see there is no bench and the street lamps were decoration, too. But "Cathy's Corner" (name of this place at Griffith Park) has an amazing view over Los Angeles. You can reach this place by a 30 minutes walk starting at Griffith Observatorium, next to the "Hollywood" sign. The bush on the left site was cut down. But the best fun fact is: I was wearing Judith's shirt…I forgot mine at home…once again (#DowntonAbbey). The tie is clipped at the shirt ? Judith had to buy a yellow dress. This time a easy outfit for both of us. . . . #LaLaLand #emmastone #ryangosling #la #losangelescalifornia #california #visitcalifornia #griffithpark #hollywood #lovestory #fashion #cathyscorner #USA #travel #travelusa #filminglocation #secretfamousplaces #travellog #dance #wanderlust #explore #traveller #hollywood #oscar #hollywoodhills #discoverLA #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood #BestVacations

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5. Forrest Gump

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This time we have been in the USA to visit the filming location of Forrest Gump! It is our first picture with people we met there…so the photo shooting was very exciting ? . Location: Run Forrest, Run!", a famous quote and quite famous place! You can clearly see the Monument Valley Area with the beautiful red sand and stones. It is a very long road in Arizona and really hot out there…and it was October ? The silhouette of the huge rocks in the background is exactly the same, only the sign is new ? . . Clothes: We didn't have a cap like Forrest. So Judith draw the company logo ? The jacket was from a friend. Thanks to @anubis.hes and sorry for sweating. It was very hot ? . . Actors: The problem was the crowd of people behind Forrest Gump. So we asked some guys from Thailand if they want to be our shooting partner. They were very ambitious to get a perfect photo ? A special thanks for your great support!! @namekesara @kch._.m @smioroa @wonatz @23mariott @kittaploy Whole making-of ?? instastory And @tomhanks, we hope you like the photo ? Original photo: Paramount Pictures #USA #Arizona #MonumentValley #desert #forrestgump #tomhanks #traveller #hiking #roadtrip #secretfamousplaces #travellog #travellust #adventure #love #castaway #bubbagump #robinwright #westcoast #nationalpark #america #amerika #theus #california #travelphotography #marathon #runforrestrun #visitarizona #arizonaisgorgeous #see_arizona

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6. Skyfall

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Beautiful nature at Glen Etive, where James Bond and M are looking down to "Skyfall". It was an amazing view, but the weather was against us – three days of rain and stormy wind…It was quiet cold. But the view was absolutely worth it. It is a single track road for many kilometers and we drove with a camper…but it is possible to reach the destination. Fun fact: At the end of Glen Etive you arrive at Loch Etive, which is directy the sea. And this place was the filming location of Harry Potter…photo coming soon ? Original photo: Sony Pictures Releasing #JamesBond #JudiDench #DanielCraig #Skyfall #AstonMartin #DB5 #Glen #Loch #Scotland #Schottland #GB #lovegreatbritain #GreatBritain #Nature #Camper #RV #007 #Nature #Highlands #Großbritannien #Mountain #Secretfamousplaces #travel #vacation #traveller #highlands #filminglocation #travelblogger #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood

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7. Downton Abbey

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Downton Abbey – we are in love with #highclerecastle. It was amazing!! ❤ People were watching because it looked like Robin asked me to marry him…? the reason: the tripod was too small…so we had to kneel down. And no: he didn't asked ? . . Location: The original scene was filmed at Highclere Castle in Great Britain. You can see it in the background of the original photo. There are huge trees in front of it, so we know which perspective should be the correct one. But our tripod was to small. We made it anyway ? in both pictures you see a very clean area, it was amazing. The trees didn't changed and the weather was…ok. they had a little bit more sun. . . Clothes: Robin forgot his chemise and his tie in Germany. So if you have closer look: his "shirt" is a peace of paper ? and his tie is the belt of my coat. But it is quite similar to the original one. Cullen wears a little bit darker jackett…and a real shirt… But by the way…my coat is a bathrobe ? So…it was a lot of fun. For us and for the people around us. . . @theladydockers @tom_cullen amazing location, hope you like our photo 🙂 Making-of is on YouTube. . . Original photo: ITV . . #downtonabbey #michelledockery #tomcullen #castle #highclere #filminglocation #england #hampshire #secretfamousplaces #oscar2018 #movies #pics #actor #actress #filmfoto #wonderfulplaces #love #bbctravel #lovetheworld #nice #summer #film #cinema #oscars #lovely #instagood #traveler #lovegreatbritain #großbritannien

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8. Votrelec: Covenant

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One of the most beautiful filming locations we have seen so far – Alien: Covenant in New Zealand! . . Location: First we thought it was a scene at #MilfordSound, but in the end we found it next to a highway… puuh ? you can see in the original picture, that it was a rainy day with a lot of clouds. Our weather was quite windy and cold, but we saw the sun quite often. The original scene was recorded between huge mountains with a unbelievable wide area. No houses or people living there. A perfect filming location. And we found it! The mountains in the background are the same and even the forrest in the right side didn't changed. . . Clothed: Unfortunately they wear these "pretty" caps ? and so we wear it, too. ut the hardest part was the straw in the foreground. The filming team placed them of course more naturally. In the scene they were walking through ot. Our Problem was the wind Wind ist was a little bit too strong for this little decoration ? and it was pretty cold…but in the end we made it! ? Whole story on Youtube. . . @rsafilms perfect filming location! Great choice! . . Original photo: 20th Century Fox . . #michaelfassbender #katherinewaterston #ridleyscott #newzealand #southisland #alien #covenant #aliencovenant #milford #sound #bestplaceonearth #beautiful #wonderfulplaces #hollywood #cinema #actress #vacation #secretfamousplaces #photo #filminglocation #mothernature #outdoor #nz #explore #photography #screenshot #blockbuster #NZMustDo

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9. Thelma a Louise

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We are back in #Germany and this is our first photo from our trip to the USA! ? We visited the beautiful Arches Nationalpark in Utah for a filming location of Thelma and Louise ? But just because we asked you for ideas of filming locations some weeks ago. Thanks to @irisnhf for this great suggestion and all the other answers. It is an awesome nationalpark with great nature and cool trails. @utahunique. The rock formation in the background is still the same, so it was quite easy to find it – luckily, because it was extremely hot ? You can find the making-of of the photoshooting in our Insta-Story ? @susansarandon we hope you like the photo 🙂 Original photo: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer #utah #thelma #louise #susansarandon #ArchesNationalPark #beautahful #wowutah #travel #nature #USA #nationalpark #mountain #thelmaandlouise #geenadavis #bradpitt #secretfamousplaces #hike #trail #landscape #filminglocation #hollywood #photography #instatravel #travelblogger #tourism #roadtrip #summer #moab

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10. Outlander

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We have been in Scotland and of course we visited the filming location of "Outlander" ? in the series they say that they are in Inverness. But in real these scenes are produced in Falkland. Its a little sleepy town and a lot of tourists we talking to us because they were searching for filming locations too. A part of Judiths outfit is from her Mum ? we already bought Robins hat for the filming location of "Sissy" ? (photo coming soon) The "B&B" is actually a hotel. By chance we met "Heinz" from London. He was asking what we were doing. And suddenly he was our photographer ? that was really funny. Whole story in the Instastory. @caitrionabalfe and Tobias Menzies we hope you like the photo! ? Original photo: Sony Pictures Television #outlander #scotland #inverness #falkland #tobiasmenzies #caitrionabalfe #series #uk #photography #filminglocation #claireunderwood #clairefraser #frankrandall #secretfamousplaces #traveling #blogger #love #highlands #nature #hollywood #adventure #traveltheworld #travelblog #scottish #love

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11. Game of Thrones

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Our first picture of #GameOfThrones! It was a quite long way, but it was an amazing location. We can't wait for the final season ? . . Location: It is located next to Bilbao, maybe a 30 minutes drive. After you arrive at the parking spot, you have to walk for an hour: first a long way down and over a mystical path and stone bridges next to the ocean. Then you reach the island "Gaztelugatxe". You can see a small part of the path in the gallery. Before you arrive at the top of the mountain with a hermitage, you are standing at the same spot as "Khaleesi" and "Jon Snow". We had little problems taking the photo, because the camera had to be behind the path and our tripod was at maximum height to give us the same camera position. But it wasn't enough, so we placed Robin's smartphone on the top of our camera to be even more higher. It worked ? . . Clothes: Have a look at Khaleesi, it can't be more difficult. She has a dragon-brooch, a cape and a difficult dress. We bought them together as a carnival costume and it was important, because didn't know how to make it on our own. Her hair is complicated, too. ? Jon Snow wears a biiig coat, that is why we bought 2x3m material and the shoulders were covered by a fake fur of my jacket. . . Kit Harington and @emilia_clarke we hope you like the photo ? . . Original Photo: HBO/Warner Bros. Television . . #Khaleesi #JonSnow #got #emiliaclarke #kitharington #gaztelugatxe #spain #basque #finalseason #winteriscoming #snow #game #dragons #daenerystargaryen #bilbao #motherofdragon #winterfell #stark #lannister #gameofthronesseason #visitspain #forthethrone #daenerys #travel #secretfamousplaces #traveltheworld #love #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood

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12. Sense8

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In June we had been in Iceland and a lot of you said we had to visit the filming location of #Sense8. So we did that ? . . Location: We read in the internet that the church in this scene is called Hallgrimskirkja Saurbae. So we stopped there a few days before our tour was finished. Actually we visited that place because of a picture where Riley and Capheus are sitting on the graveyard of this place. But when we arrived we didn't feel comfortable with doing a shooting on a graveyard. So we decided to do the shooting with our back-up picture. Riley has the same outfit and we avoid to sit on the graves. Nobody was around ? but unfortunatley it was pretty cold (if you're not from Iceland it's hard to "survive" a photo shooting because of the cold ?) . . Clothes: We got the cap from Judith's mum. Thanks for that ? the jacket was a big piece of material, because we didn't have a jacket like that. The chain is DIY…we took a piece of yarn and a something from Robin's GoPro. It's a little bit strange…but we didn't have something else…? . . . @twopencemiddleton and @Sense8 – we hope you like the photo ? . . #Iceland #Europe #Island #secretfamousplaces #travellog #travellust #adventure #roadtrip #series #actress #season #netflix #tuppencemiddleton #filminglocation #icelandroadtrip #travelling #icelandtrip #icelandic #icelandtravel #love #vacation #Urlaubszeit #reiseblogger #drehort #sommer #serie #hobby

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13. Tajný život Waltera Mittyho

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In June 2019 we visited Iceland. And the best known movie with filming locations in Iceland is "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" with @benstiller ? . . Location: There is a small road in Nothern Iceland to a City called "Seydisfjordur". You can't miss the hotel, there aren't many ? it is a small town in a very cold region. Remember: June…and it was 2°C! ? The hotel in the background is called @hotelaldan. . . Clothes: Ben Stiller alias Walter Mitty wears a red pullover and has bag over his shoulder. But most important is the longboard/skateboard. The problem: we didn't have skateboard with us ? of cours not…so we had to take two cans of baked beans and a wooden board ? Did you realise that? ? . . @benstiller we hope you like it! ? great Movie! ? . . Original photo: 20th Century Fox . . . @iceland @guidetoiceland #Iceland #waltermitty #benstiller #icelandtrip #travelling #europe #filminglocation #sfp #secretfamousplaces #Gufufoss #icelandscape #icelandtravel #icelandic #icelandtrip #icelandroadtrip #guidetoiceland #travellust #travellog #roadtrip #movie #travel #travelblogger #travelphotography #traveltheworld #hollywood #actor #photographyart #travelphotography

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14. O. C. California

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O.C. California! It was an amazing day, we visited a filming location of O.C.! ? Check out the curtain, table and all other elements, it is still the same. It was like a trip into the series, we loved it so much. . . Location: It is a diner called "Redondo Beach Coffee Shop" on a pier at Newport Beach. If you are in the near of it, you have to visit it! The waitress was so nice to us, she gave us all the time we needed for this picture. She even brought us the original menu and bottles ? . . Clothes: For Robin it was a decent pink shirt and black trousers, Judith had to wear a white shirt. A little bit hot for this temperature ? but absolutely possible. . . @rachelbilson and Adam Brody, we hope you like the picture ? we love it ? . . #oc #occalifornia #rachelbilson #adambrody #la #losangeles #california #newportbeach #usa #westcoast #redondocoffeeshop #redondobeach #secretfamousplaces #travel #travellust #smile #visittheusa #visitcalifornia #series #travelusa #2000s #orangecounty #hollywood #filminglocation #vacation #photography #mischabarton #love #serie

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15. Pretty Woman

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Julia Roberts and Richard Gere ? We visited a filming location of "Pretty Woman" in LA in 2018! At first we didn't find the location. Too many things didn't exist anymore. But luckily we had a second photo with us. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere were walking in a park. In the background you can see a fountain. It still exist, even if the surrounding changed a bit ❤️ . . Location: The park is called Grand Park and has the Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain in the north area of the park. It was very hot, especially with this lot of clothes ? . . Clothes: It wasn't easy to find a jacket like Julia Roberts had. In the end Judith wore a beige-coloured coat. Unfortunately it's a little bit different. But it was the best solution we could find. Richard Gere wore a dark suit. This was easy ? . . @Juliaroberts and Richard Gere, we hope you like the picture ? . . Original Photo: Buena Vista Pictures . . #juliaroberts #richardgere #prettywoman #losangeles #la #hollywood #usa #california #rodeodrive #westcoast #america #roadtrip #losageles_city #visitcalifornia #travel #instagood #filminglocation #travelphotography #travel #movie #actress #vacation #adventure #vacation #travellust #trueclassic

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16. Hlavne nezáväzne

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This scene is from the movie "No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. It was recorded in Los Angeles ? We have been there one year ago. . . Location: The main characters Emma and Adam are on a date. Adam wants to show her something special. So they visit this light installation of a museum. It is called "Urban Lights". Fun fact: We were not allowed to use a tripod…someone could stumble ?? It was a very cool location, many people have been around. Luckily we met Amy (@simply_journious). She helped us to take this picture. Thanks a lot ? You did a great job! The location changed just a little bit. There was no pole in the right side, when we visited it. . . Clothes: For Robin it was – as often – quite easy. He had to wear a suit. Unfortunately we forgot his black jeans ? For the jacket he is holding we just needed something which has the same colour. My dress was difficult. We searched for a long time to find something which looks like a dress and has the right colour. Finally we used something like a blouse I already had at home. . . @natalieportman and @aplusk we hope you like the photo ? . . #usa #nostringsattached #freundschaftplus #losangeles #california #natalieportman #ashtonkutcher #hollywood #urbanjungle #secretfamousplaces #roadtrip #america #westcoast #travellog #filminglocation #travellust #travelling #MuseumOfContemporaryArt #losangeles_city #visitcalifornia #travelphotography #america #date #love #urbanlights #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood #filminglocation #travelcouple

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17. Money Heist

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We went to Madrid (Spain) to visit the filming location of La Casa De Papel // Money Heist // Haus des Geldes! It was quite difficult to find it, but we did it ? . . Location: It is located in Madrid in an industrial area. We had a lot of luck finding the spot. After we asked the tourist information in Madrid, people in internet boards and searched for a long time online, Judith saw a sign in the scene with "ITV" on it. She searched on Google maps and found the right spot by chance ? When we arrived in Madrid and found the right spot, we could see the red gate where the actors leave a building in the scene. The building in the background has dark looking windows, which are still the same. In the original scene you can see a lot of poster and papers in the background. Unfortunately they were gone when we arrived. . . Clothes: As "usual" Robin had to wear a suit ? Judith had to wear a jacket – which she borrowed from here dad. With some additional buttons it looks more and more like a womens jacket ? . . @estheracebo and @jaimelorentelo we hope you like the photo ? . . Original photo: Vancouver Media /Atresmedia . . #moneyheist #lacasadepapel #hausdesgeldes #tokyo #helsinki #elprofesor #bellaciao #moscow #berlin #monicagaztambide #spain #madrid #europe #wonderfulworldpic #secretfamousplaces #travellog #travellust #moneyheist3 #filminglocation #hollywood #netflix #city #series #photography #love #vacation #actor #actress #travelblogger

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18. Tajný život Waltera Mittyho

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We went to the famous scene of "The secret life of Walter Mitty", where he used a longboard to drive down a road in Iceland! ? The weather was quite cold…but we were happy that it didn't rain. . . Location: "Walter Mitty" drives down Route 95 to Seyðisfjörður, it is an amazing area, very high. It was just 4°C, but this is quite normal there. You can spot a waterfall called Gufufoss on the left side of Walter Mitty – and this was a good hint. But you spot also some changes. The stripes on the street are more colorless now and the street got a new barrier. But – what is good for us – mountains and waterfalls remain very similar over years ? so we could find this filming location easier. We loved that route. But when you visit it, be always prepared for cold wind and snow, even in summer! . . Clothes: Robin needed a red pullover and a bright trousers. And of course one very important thing: A skateboard. Did you recognized it? We used a baked beans can as rolls and a wooden beam as the board ? And for Walter Mitties bag we just used a belt. So the only thing we had to buy was the baked beans ? . . . @benstiller we hope you like the photo! ? . . Original photo: 20th Century Fox . . @iceland @guidetoiceland #Iceland #waltermitty #benstiller #kirstenwiig #travelling #europe #skateboard #filminglocation #sfp #secretfamousplaces #Gufufoss #icelandscape #icelandtravel #icelandic #icelandtrip #icelandroadtrip #guidetoiceland #travellust #travellog #roadtrip #movie #travel #travelblogger #travelrepost #travelnow #hollywood #artist

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19. Game of Thrones

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A new photo is coming! We can't wait for the new season, so we filled our waiting time with Game of Thrones filming locations ? . . Location: It is located next to Bilbao with an astonishing cliff in the background. The city is called Zumaia and the beach Itzurun. It is easy to find and a beautiful area! But if it is windy or even stormy, you can't visit this spot the whole day because of the tides. The stone formation in the background is absolutly remarkable – and huge ? have a look at the gallery for more pictures ? On the left you can spot stairs, which is the connection from the city to the beach. . . Clothes: Khaleesi wears a quite difficult dress/uniform, but we planned to visit more locations with this costume, so we decided to buy a similar one to look as close as possible to the original one. Her red cape is from a carnival costume of "300" ? And we adapted Jorah Mormonts cape with a huge material web ? . . @emilia_clarke and Iain Glen we hope you like the picture ☺ . . Original photo: HBO/Warner Bros. Television . . #Khaleesi #JonSnow #got #emiliaclarke #iainglen #itzurun #spain #basque #finalseason #winteriscoming #snow #game #dragons #daenerystargaryen #bilbao #motherofdragon #winterfell #stark #lannister #gameofthronesseason #visitspain #forthethrone #daenerys #travel #secretfamousplaces #traveltheworld #love #travelphotography #travelblog #reisen

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20. Ant-Man

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Time for Ant-Man! ? This is our first picture of the Marvel Universe. We visited San Francisco and walked a quite long way from the city to the bridge. We didn't expect that it's so far away (for walking). And the bridge is really huge ? . . Location: You can walk to the bridge from San Francisco starting at the piers, but it takes ~2 hours. You can see it the whole time, so you always see the "finish line" ? Looking at both pictures you can spot the different weather…in San Francisco is really crazy. They say: 4 seasons in one day ? We didn't expect, that the building in the background was real. It could have been it in a studio. Even the fence was there ? . . Clothes: Robin needed quite dark clothes. He had everything at home. Only the jacket was from a friend. Thanks a lot @anubis.hes ? . . Paul Rudd, @marvel and @marvelstudios we hope you like our photo! . . Original photo: Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Studios/Motion Pictures . . #antman #marvel #marvelstudios #paulrudd #evangelinelilly #avengers #endgame #thanos #sanfrancisco #sf #california #usa #westcoast #goldengatebridge #sfp #secretfamousplaces #ironman #captainamerica #captainmarvel #robertdowneyjr #chrishemsworth #chrisevans #spiderman #onlyinsf #sanfranciscoworld #visitcalifornia #worldplaces #watchthisinstagood

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Tento obsah je štandardne platený, no tvoj kamoš je členom Emefka PREMIUM a obsah ti odomkol. Stačí zadať tvoju emailovú adresu.