Ak má človek šťastie, často môže na rôznych miestach naraziť na skutočne nečakané veci a predmety. Nezriedka sa tak stáva po nasťahovaní do nového domu či bytu. Noví majitelia s prekvapením nájdu predmety, ktoré patrili predchádzajúcim obyvateľom a ktoré sú často staré niekoľko desiatok či dokonca stoviek rokov.
V tomto článku ti predstavíme 19 prekvapivých nálezov, ktoré ľudia objavili vo svojich obydliach.
1. Sci-fi plagát skrytý pod tapetami
This vintage space themed wallpaper found under 3 layers of other wallpaper in an old farm house. from mildlyinteresting
2. Pozoruhodný prsteň
I found this ring in my backyard while doing gardening. After cleaning it, it doesn’t look like a normal ring. Any ideas ? from whatisthisthing
3. Parkety v štýle Monopoly pod kobercom
Pulled up the carpet at the house, and guess what I found! from funny
4. Náboje z prvej svetovej vojny s umeleckými rytinami vojakov
WW1 shell art. These are two spent shells from WW1 which soldiers would commonly knockout patterns into in times of boredom. I found these two around a year ago in a old barn. from interestingasfuck
5. Slovník z roku 1877
A dictionary from 1877!! That I found while looking through my dad’s history collection! from interestingasfuck
6. Trezor schovaný pod posteľou
Grandma died and found this under her bed, no marking or brand name on it. Was wondering if anyone knew what kind it was so we could look up how to break into it from WhatsInThisThing
7. Obraz pod tapetou
Friend was redecorating his new house and found this under a layer of wallpaper from pics
8. Článok z novín oznamujúci vraždu Johna F. Kennedyho
[OC] While my family and I were getting Christmas decorations from the basement today I found a newspaper from the day that JFK was assassinated. from interestingasfuck
9. Najstaršia selfie?
I found a very old selfie while digging through old stuff in my cellar. from interestingasfuck
10. Odtlačok psej labky
11. Hojivá masť zo 60. rokov
I found old medicated ointment from the sixties in my grandparent’s house. (Taped a little from ripping) from mildlyinteresting
12. Nádoba na keksíky z roku 1942
13. 16-rokov starý pomarančový džús
Cleaning out some boxes I had since I was a kid, and found these juice bottles. This is the color of 16 year old orange juice. from mildlyinteresting
14. Cintorín z počiatku 19. storočia, ktorý sa skrýval v pivnici
Untouched 1800’s Cemetery preserved in the basement of a tall building built over it. from mildlyinteresting
15. Odkaz na podlahe
Found a message while removing our cork floor tiles from mildlyinteresting
16. Nádoba na mince
Clearing out my grandpas things. Found this old metal lockbox. It’s heavy! Believe it’s full of coins. Should be easy to pry open. I’ll post results once I find something to pop it open with. from WhatsInThisThing
17. 2000 rokov stará rímska minca
18. Stará hra Monopoly
This old monopoly game I found in my air bnb from mildlyinteresting
19. Vydarené kresby skryté pod tapetami
Found some nice drawings under the wallpaper I’m removing from mildlyinteresting