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Sobota 22.2.2025

Príroda je nekonečne fascinujúca. Dokáže nám ponúknuť rôzne zaujímavé scenérie, od tých krásnych a romantických, ktoré sa objavujú na pohľadniciach a v kalendároch, až po také, ktoré by sme možno najradšej nevideli. Príroda neznamená len roztomilé šteniatka, ale občas sa nám naskytne pohľad na niečo naozaj desivé.

Aj napriek tomu, že sme ako človek na vrchu potravinového reťazca, neznamená to, že nie sú tvory, ktorých by sme sa nemali báť. Tieto obrázky naženú husiu kožu každému, kto má aspoň minimálny pud sebazáchovy.

A že draky neexistujú

Then there was this guy… from r/interestingasfuck

Sledoval som tohto kamoša, ako sa snaží poraziť vtáka asi desaťkrát väčšieho ako je on. Toto bola po dobu desiatich minút jeho víťazná póza, keď si vták sadol porazený na vedenie.

I watched this guy fight off a bird 10 times his size. This was his victory pose for a good 10+ minutes as the bird perched on a power line, defeated. from r/whatsthisbug

Vzácna mutácia spôsobila vetvenie chápadiel chobotnice

A rare mutation causing the tentacles on the octopus to branch from r/interestingasfuck

Keď máš pocit, že ťa niekto sleduje, ale nikoho nevidíš, treba sa pozrieť naozaj všade

Frogs in a tight space from r/oddlyterrifying

Nič také, iba lebka s kuklou motýľa v oku

My mom found this skull with a chrysalis inside the eye socket from r/mildlyinteresting

Noha po uštipnutí malým hadom

A human foot after a baby diamondback snake bites it from natureismetal

Nechceš vedieť, čo tam ten pavúk vo vnútri ukrýva

I think I found the entrance to the spider-verse. from pics

A už vôbec nechceš vedieť, čo sa udialo tu

What, exactly, was the sequence of events that led to this? from r/WTF

Keď ťa od pohodlia domova delia tieto dvere

The door I had to get through last night to get to my room from mildlyinfuriating

Orol, ktorý je veľkostne porovnateľný s vlkom

Bald eagle size vs grey wolf, caught on trail cam from r/pics

Príroda dokáže byť naozaj fascinujúca

This… bothers me in so many levels from r/oddlyterrifying

Keď počuješ nejaký buchot a z okna sa ti naskytne takýto pohľad

I heard some noise on the roof this morning from natureismetal

Nič, čo by si chcel nájsť u seba doma

If I saw THIS in my bathroom corner, I’d burn my house down from r/WTF

Včely zabíjajú sršňa zvyšovaním jeho teploty, a tak ho uvaria za živa

Bees killing a murder hornet by raising their temperature in order to cook it alive. from r/interestingasfuck

Dávajte pozor na svojich chlpáčov, kliešte sú neoblomné

Tick season is here, make sure to check every spot! from r/WTF

Takéto niečo nájdeš iba v Austrálii

got home from work to find this Tarantula Hawk wasp carting off a huntsman spider (Sydney, Australia) from r/pics

10 000 rokov stará lebka vyhynutého obrovského írskeho losa, ktorú našiel tento farmár

10,000 year old skull of an extinct Giant Irish Elk found by this farmer from r/interestingasfuck

„Moja kamarátka cestovala do Indie. Dnes ráno pridala fotku s popisom: „Darí sa mi.“

My friend traveled to India. She posted a photo this morning with the caption „It’s going well.“ from r/funny

Búrka doslova zdvihla a posunula túto cestu

A storm literally picked up and moved this road from r/mildlyinteresting

Jediná vec, ktorú robí tento slimák rýchlo. Rastie

The amount of growing my snail has gotten done in under a year. From a 4cm shell to a 17cm shell. from r/mildlyinteresting

Had, ktorý má obe oči na jednom mieste

This Snake That Has Both Eyes In One Socket from r/WTF

Keď sa včely rozhodnú, že čo je tvoje, patrí aj im

Honey Combs in spare unit of my house. This is the 5th time the bees are back. Two separate colonies one on either side of this unit. Both are inside the wall. from r/WTF

Machové žaby

I got five on it

Gepostet von A Tree Frog Collective am Donnerstag, 30. April 2020

Áno, táto mačka je naozaj živá, naozaj bez očí a naozaj ju sleduje viac ako 50-tisíc ľudí

Vyschnutá žaba a pavúk

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Null and Void • ? by @shanubis What actually happened here is anyone's guess. I think we can all agree that both the spider and the frog, who I would assume tried to swallow the spider, are very dead. Maybe the spider was actually fighting back against the frog and bit the inside of its mouth, killing the frog and dooming the spider because the frog had already swallowed it enough to make escape impossible. Or maybe this was a new type of frog/spider hybrid that dried out before it could get back to the safety of the water. Or maybe we're all living in a simulation and none of this exists and we should all stop worrying about shit that doesn't matter because we'll all eventually die and realize that we should have taken better care of each other because in every version of this simulation we fuck it up the exact same way like groundhog day and the only way to break the loop is to help one another. Or maybe it happened in the exact way it looks like it happened. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk

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Spiace veľryby a človek plávajúci pomedzi ne

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In 2008 a team of researchers suggest that, unlike other cetaceans, sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), Vulnerable (IUCN)appear to enter short, but periodic, bouts of sleep throughout the day — an observation that Kaplan says could hint that sperm-whales are actually "the least sleep-dependent mammals known." Whow another record for them!!!! Photograph taken under permit during Wildlife Photo Tour to Dominica with #Caribbean #Mares #spermwhale #whale #happy #freediving #free #freediver #apnea #followme #smile #style #Canon #me #tbt #cute #wildlife #follow #Instagram #love #beautiful #instagood #sperwhale #photooftheday #bestoftheday #amazing #look #instalike #girl #natgeo100contest

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