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Streda 12.2.2025
Slavěna, Slávka

Jessica Clark-Bojin je nadaná pekárka, ktorá vytvára absolútne dokonalé koláče. A keďže je tu opäť Halloween, Jessica vytvorila hneď niekoľko skvelých kúskov práve s motívmi tohto strašidelného sviatku. Na chutných koláčoch tak ožili tekvice, strašidlá či rôzne démonické obludy.

Nie je to ale jediná téma, ktorej sa venuje. Okrem halloweenskych koláčov totiž vytvára aj pochúťky s inými motívmi. Často nimi odkazuje na svet popkultúry, filmov a seriálov, ale aj na historické a významné udalosti. V tomto článku ti prinášame hneď 21 ukážok z jej pekárskeho umenia. Pri niektorých obrázkoch ale nezabudni kliknúť na šípku vpravo, aby sa ti načítal ďalší panel.

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Time for my annual “singing the praises” of my favorite Halloween cartoon of all time, “Over the Garden Wall.” ? Tell me what your favorite Halloween animation is below! If you haven’t seen Over the Garden Wall, you gotta check it out – bizarre, charming, family-friendly… it’s about 2.5 hrs in 15 minute mini-episodes, available on YouTube I believe. You’ll have the songs stuck in your head for days (in a good way) ? “Oh potatoes and molasses…” ? ? Of course, I also love It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Corpse Bride, and the totally out there “The Halloween Tree” staring Ray Bradbury and Leonard Nimoy! Speaking of Halloween, have you thought of a spooky pie idea to enter into my Halloween #MonsterPie collab yet? Check out my previous post for details… There are prizes! ???

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Open Pie Collab! Prizes! Spookiness! That can only mean it’s time for my #MonsterPie Giveaway! ?✨ I’ve got three prize packs to give away (swipe to see) featuring some cool baking goodies AND a signed copy of my sold out Pie Art book! There are three ways you can enter: 1. Post a picture of your own spooky/Halloweeny pie, tag @ThePieous in the description, and use the Hashtag #MonsterPie 2. Leave a comment below tagging a friend and letting me know which of my Halloween pies are your favorite! 3. Share any of my Halloween pies in your feed or stories! (don’t forget to tag me so I can see it!) You can enter all three ways if you like, and you can enter as many different pies as you like! The draw will be done on Nov 3rd (so you’ve got some time to get Day of the Dead themed pies in too ??) I cannot wait to see what you all come up with this year! I know it’s going to be a different sort of Halloween this year what with the global apocalypse and all… but hey, even if we can’t see our friends live, we can always send them an awesome Halloween pie to let them know they are with us in spirit ?? ——- Boring stuff: This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. 3 winners will be selected by random draw on November 3rd 2020. Giveaway open to residents of North America and the EU. 19+. ⠀ #halloweenpie #halloweentreats #halloweendesserts #halloweenpies

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"Joy is a well-made object, equaled only by the joy of making it" – Bill Reid, 1988 ? ⠀ The Canadian Mint recently released a series of coins featuring one of the carvings of acclaimed Canadian artist Bill Reid ( @billreidgallery, Haida name Iljuwas) – he was a master goldsmith, carver, sculptor, writer, broadcaster, community activist, and his beautiful work explored his Haida roots. I bought some of the toonies featuring his “Xhuwaji / Haida Grizzly Bear” at my local Canada Post branch – in part because I wanted to support Canada Post (don’t take it for granted!) but mainly because I am a big fan of Bill Reid’s work and I’m really happy to see it being commemorated this way. ? ⠀ I was inspired to bake this pie homage to Bill Reid’s coin – if you are as intrigued by his design as I was, I encourage you to check out more of his work – either through his social channels/website or in person if you can! I love visiting the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver with my son, and especially spending some time with my favorite of his works, the “Raven and the First Men” sculpture (swipe to see a picture of it!) What is your favorite Bill Reid piece? ⠀ Stay safe, and take care of each other! ? ⠀ #billreid #canadapost #canadianmint #museaumofanthropology #haida #bear #bears #pastryart #foodart #cherrypie #edibleart #foodartist #piesofinstagram #canadapost

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Here’s my Spooky Pie #2 – The Bedlam, aka “Other Mother” from Coraline!???? Thank you to everyone who suggested I bake something “with spiders” and “something from Coraline.” For those unfamiliar with the book/movie “Other Mother” is a kind of succubus creature that starts out looking like Coraline’s mother (except with button eyes) and slowly transforms into a super spooky spider lady with sewing needles for fingers so she can steal people’s eyeballs and sew buttons in their sockets. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Yes, it is a kids’ movie. ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ No doubt those of you in the baking world recognize the “spoke” design in the background! When I was deciding on the ? design for the Bedlam and doodling in my notebook, it dawned on me that Lauren Ko’s spoke pie would be a perfect artsy backdrop for her – so I reached out and asked if she minded if I did an homage to her famous design and she said yes! It took me a few tries to get it right (you can see my unadorned version if you swipe) but I learned a ton from the process. Failure is always my best teacher – as long as I eventually figure it out ? Check out Lauren’s beautiful pies at @lokokitchen ! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Okay! For my next pie I’m leaning towards Nightmare Before Christmas, Carrie, or Over the Garden Wall… what’dya reckon? Let me know in the comments below – and don’t forget to submit your #HalloweenPieArt to the collab! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #spiders #othermother #coraline #coralinefanart #monsterpie

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Happy Halloween, All Saints Day, and Day of the Dead! Be honest, have you eaten all of your kid’s Halloween candy yet? ??? Hope you enjoy my La Catrina-inspired pie… I had a ton of fun making this one and trying out some new dough coloring techniques to achieve this antique-y look. All the deets will be in tomorrow’s making of stories! ⠀ If you and your Pie Art loving buddies aren’t following my feed yet, now might be a good time to take the plunge… ? I’ve got an exciting giveaway announcement coming next – the largest I’ve ever done – I can’t wait to show you all the goodies I pulled together for you! Until then, tag a friend who digs Pie Art in the comments below and let me know what you’d like to see from me in the weeks to come! ⠀ #dayofthedead #lacatrina #holidaypie #tastemademedoit #gloobyfood #thrillist #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #buzzfeast #eater #cupcakeproject #diadelosmuertos #flordemuerto #halloweenpie #spookycake #sugarskull #sugarskullcookies #skullcake #skullart #skeletonmakeup #sugarskullmakeup #cakedecorating #monsterpie

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We’re goin’ for Baroque on this one… ?(ha! I’m pretty proud of that ?) Using a series of food safe silicon molds and my new extremely sharp and thin Pen Blade, I wanted to experiment and see just how much tiny detail I could coax out of pie pastry. I’m pretty happy with the result… I kept it monochromatic so we could see the textures and sculptural bits and bobs more clearly. I think it’s a cool technique for folks who aren’t too sure about color on their pies but still want to “bring the bling” to their holiday potlucks this year. The nice thing about using the molds to create dough appliqués is that absolutely anyone can do it and you’ll get a super classy result every time. Spooky but classy. What do you think? Would you have a go at using a fondant/gumpaste mold to decorate your pies? I have a tutorial on the @wiltoncakes page showing exactly how to do it if you’d like to try! ? ⠀ Now! What shall I make next? Tag a friend who’s into the spooky stuff and you guys tell me! I promise I’ll pick one of your suggestions for the next one. ??? ⠀ Edit: for those asking, the shading is done with @wiltoncakes brown gel food color mixed with vanilla extract, applied with Wilton food safe brushes, the appliqués are made in Wilton gumpaste molds & other molds from Amazon, and the shapes are cut out using a #15 @penblade. … #edibleart #foodfun #pietraits #piesareawesome #thepieous #pieart #piegoals #thesugarfiles #piecrust #bakedgoods #baker #gloobyfood #cupcakeproject #feedfeed #artfood #fooddesign #playwithyourfood #dessert #eatmorepie #tastemademedoit #beautiful #beautifulfood #foodart #halloween #halloweenpie #baroque #thanksgivingpie @penblade @wiltoncakes #monsterpie

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Let the Halloweening begin with my first spooky pie offering of the season- a “Slimer” apple/cherry fakeout pie! ??? This pie is actually two pies in one- I made a 1 inch thick cherry galette (made to look like a full pie) with some “slime holes” cut out of it, and sat that on top of a full green apple pie. Slimer is also made of pie pastry, and “slimed up” with a bit of corn syrup. Swipe to see how it was made! ⠀⠀ Big ‘ol props to pie-oneer @cor98004 for suggesting the Ghostbusters theme! ? Now! What’s my second pie going to be? You tell me in the comments below! ⠀⠀ And don’t forget to submit your own entry to the #HalloweenPieArt challenge – just use the hashtag, tag me in the description and post your spooky pie any time between now and Nov 1st and you might just win some lovely pie art decorating supplies courtesy of @kitchenjukeboxinsider! ⠀⠀ #ghostbusters #slimer #applepie #halloweenfood

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Plus koláče s inými motívmi…

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Merry Sithmas! I’ve been hard at work the past week whipping up some festively geeky pie commissions for the imminent release of Star Wars Rogue One… You can check out the full tutorial for my Vader pie over at: And there’ll be lots of new fun stuff coming to my own blog shortly as well! .
#piesareawesome #thepieous #pie #ilovepie #piecrust #geekfood #foodporn #foodgram #pielover #bakinggeek @thefeedfeed #foodart #geekculture #baking #pieart #tastespotting #foodgawker #passionforbaking #thebakefeed #thefeedfeed #pastry #dailyfoodfeed #gloobyfood #beautifulcuisines #lovetobake #eatmorepie @michaelsstores @marthastewart #bakestagram . #starwars #r2d2 #christmas #rogueone

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Let’s all celebrate #nationalpieday today with a little Thor pie… after all, Chris Hems-worth the calories! ?⚡️ (Shout out to @harleysfood_art for the caption!) . Last day to enter the contest to have *your* pie portrait made by me! Just tag two friends in the comments below and tell me who you’d like to see next in my series of celebrity “pietraits” ??⭐️ Random draw will be held on National Pie Day at 6pm PST and you can enter right up to the wire… .⚡️ #?>∞ #pieart #piesareawesome #pietraits . . #chrishemsworth #thor #marvelstudios #marvelfanart . #huffposttaste #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #beautifulcuisines #thekitchn @thefeedfeed #foodandwine #forkyeah #onthetable #yahoofood #buzzfeedfood #feedfeed #f52grams #crustart #pastryart #food52 #ilovepie

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Ah the Goblin King… ★ When I was a little girl I didn’t have a crush on the usual pop stars of the day, no. It was Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth that I was obsessed with! ?‍?Bowie has inspired me in countless forms but this one in particular is what my mind conjures first when I think of him. Which is your favorite era Bowie? (If Aladdin Sane is your bag, check out the excellent Bowie tribute pie from @suburbanpieandtreats ?) If you have a suggestion for my next Celebrity Pietrait leave a comment below! Follow me and tag two friends for a chance to win your very own pie portrait created by me! Winner announced January 23rd. Full rules on previous post. #?>∞ #pieart #piesareawesome . . #bowietribute #bowiefanart #Labyrinth #goblinking #Labyrinthfanart #davidbowie #jarethgoblinking #bowiefan #davidbowiefan #aladdinsane #davidbowie #davidbowieforever . #huffposttaste #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #beautifulcuisines #thekitchn @thefeedfeed #foodandwine #forkyeah #onthetable #yahoofood #buzzfeedfood #feedfeed #f52grams #crustart #pastryart #food52 #ilovepie #bowieforever

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Aww geez… Riiickkk!! It’s time for my Pi Day giveaway announcement! * * * On March 14th (3/14) I will be choosing one winner at random to receive TWO copies of my epic pie decorating book “Pie-Modding” as well as some of my geeky “Pie Guide” pie stencils. Then you can make your own nerdalicious pie art at home! All you have to do to enter is tag two friends and tell me which cartoon duo you’d like to see me “Pie up” this March! * * * “Rick and Morty” are my current favorite cartoon buddies – I get depressed for a week every time the season ends for the year ? I just had to start with them! That show has so many nods to beloved sci fi/fantasy tropes… I imagine if they ever encountered a pie, it would probably try to eat them. (Summer probably escaped first with a helpful “I’ll avenge your deaths!” as she abandoned them.) This is a dual pie Piescraper (pies that go “up”) made from tinted apple filling and regular pie dough layered together with egg wash glue. Video coming soon! Now, which beloved cartoon duo is up next? You tell me! . #?>∞ #pieart #piesareawesome #rickandmortyfanart #piestagram #piescraper #piescrapers . #crustart #pastryart #ilovepie #pierevival #pielove #pieoneer #pastrylove #foodartist #thepieous #pie #vancity #piecrust #baking #instabake #beautifulcuisines #nationalpieday #piday #piday2018 #giveaway #rickandmorty #applepie #applepie?

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“Yer a Pie Harry!” ??‍♀️⚡️Or maybe “The Boy who Lived… to Pie Another Day” ? And with that, the holy HP trinity is complete and I can move on to YOUR suggestions for Harry Potter inspired pies! Man, it is going to be sooo tough to choose – you’ve given me so many amazing suggestions already. So far out of your requests I’m leaning towards Luna, Hargrid with a baby dragon, a mandrake root tart, Dobby with socks, or a four flavor divided pie of the Hogwarts crest. What do you vote for? Don’t forget to tag two pie-lovin’ friends to enter my April giveaway! Have a fab day! . #?>∞ #pieart #piesareawesome #piestagram . #crustart #pastryart #ilovepie #pierevival #pielove #pieoneer #pastrylove #foodartist #thepieous #pie #piecrust #baking #instabake #piday #harrypotterpie #harrypotterfood #harrypotter #harrypotterfanart #blueberrypie

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It’s almost time for BrickCan!! ❤️??What is @brickcan you ask? Only my favorite convention for Adult Fans of Lego ever (and there’s a place for the kiddies too)… This is the biggest convention/exposition in Canada for Lego and it starts this week (May 4th and 5th)! I’m so excited – I got my tickets months ago, but there is still time for you to snag yours at Hope to see you there! In the mean time, here’s a little Lego fan art in pie form to get you in the mood… ⠀⠀ How many of you have kids who play with Lego (or do yourself)? What is your favorite theme? Mine is the “creator” sets with the big modular houses… if you swipe right you can see my “Lego room” (this is mummy’s Lego – the boy has to ask permission to play in here ?) ⠀⠀ #lego #brickcan2019 #legocake #brickcan #brickcanyourself #emmet #brickcon #afol #afolclub #legoland #legohouse #cakedecorating #cookiedecorating #rainbow #everythingisawesome @prattprattpratt

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New Open Pie Art Collab – Springtime Animals! ??? ⠀⠀ Post your “Springtime Animal” Pie Art photo any time between now and May 12th with the tag @thePieous and #PieArtAnimalsCollab in the description. ⠀⠀ Three winners will be selected by random draw on May 12th, 2019 to receive one of my favorite “Baroque-style” food safe silicon molds for making beautiful molded pie dough decorations (check out my “skull pie” and “Piggy & Kermit” pie to see them in action!) ⠀⠀ What is a “Springtime Animal”? Baby animals, Easter animals, animals with flower crowns…? You tell me! Let’s kick Winter to the curb and flood Instagram with our happy Springy pies! ??? ⠀⠀ Have questions? Let me know in the comments below. I can’t wait to see your delicious creations! ? ——- Boring fine print stuff: this giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. Winner is selected by random draw. Closes May 12th 2019 midnight PST. 18+ Open to US, Canada, and the EU. #springtime #beatrixpotter #easterbunny #eastereggs #easter #eastercookies #easterdecor #eggdecorating #bunnies #bunniesofinstagram #flowers #flowerstagram #applepie

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Now Joker can throw a pie with his face in your face! Check out the full making of video for this pie I did for @foodnetwork over on their page… Any pie I get to use sparkles on is a good pie ?✨? and you know I had a blast going nuts with all the HA HA HAs! ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Have you seen the new movie with Joaquin Phoenix yet? What did you think? I’m normally a Marvel Zombie, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the Joker – some of my favorite graphic novels of all time are Joker ones… he’s such a deceptively simple character on the surface but there’s so much mystery under the hood… Some of the most fascinating Joker stories are actually from the POV of his “faceless” henchmen and how his reputation and presence affects the Gotham underworld. He’s been around for decades and decades in over a dozen iterations, but I never get tired of spending time with him (and Harley)! Lemme know who your favorite Joker is below! (I love them all, but I think I gotta give it to Mark Hamill… ?) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #joker #batman #applepie

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The 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing is a big day in my nerdy family… ? ?? My father worked in aerospace and I was fortunate to visit Cape Canaveral when I was 8 years old. I had a big poster of Sally Ride on my wall and got “official NASA” stickers and patches and other doo-dads to decorate my room. I ate the freeze dried ice cream. I built the Lego shuttlecraft. I mourned the Challenger explosion, and cheered the opening of the International Space Station. And today I pass on my love of space exploration to my son as we follow the progress of rovers and distant probes from our local planetarium hangout (The H. R. MacMillian Space Centre) and watch the preparations for the next moon (and hopefully soon Mars) voyages. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ To me, space exploration represents the best of mankind as scientists across borders, religions, and political affiliations work together to accomplish things bigger than any one person or nation, for the good of all of us. ? How about you? Does your family follow all this “Space stuff”? ? ⠀⠀ #space #moonpie #moonpies #lunarlander #lunarlanding #moonaversary #moonlanding #apollo11 #themoon #moonandstars #moonlanding #nasa #moon #spaceart #hrmacmillanspacecentre #50thanniverary

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