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Príspevok Umelec v úchvatnej realistickej tvorbe zachytáva Pokémonov v ich prirodzenom prostredí je zobrazený ako prvý na EMEFKA.

Ako dieťa si mal kopec nesplniteľných želaní. Začalo to poníkom, potom si si zmyslel, že chceš byť astronaut, prezident či princezná, nájsť strom, na ktorom rastú nuggetky z McDonaldu… A odkedy sa do telky prebojovalo japonské anime o malých „vreckových príšerách“, zaumienil si si, že jednu skrátka musíš mať.

Netvár sa, že nie. Raz v noci sa ti snívalo, že si v lese našiel Pikachua, a tvoj život už nikdy nebol ako predtým. S tým, že Pokémoni v skutočnosti neexistujú a že to najbližšie žltej chlpatej guľke s elektrošokmi, čo táto planéta ponúka, je vlastne mačka, si sa nikdy celkom nezmieril. Práve preto si myslíme, že oceníš tvorbu Josua Dunlopa.

Koncepčný umelec z Londýna má na sociálnych sieťach státisícovú fanúšikovskú základňu a dá sa predpokladať, že prevažná väčšina miluje Pokémonov. Práve tými sa totiž Dunlop zaoberá. V projekte Pokémon Zoology zachytáva Pokémonov vo svojom prirodzenom prostredí a výsledky sú také realistické, až sa človek nestačí diviť. 

1. Pikachu

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Here it is! My brand new picture of everyone's favourite little electric Pokemon, Pikachu! Created using 3D-Coat, Zbrush, Keyshot and Photoshop! ————————————- And no, Pikachu is not a Rabbit. It’s primarily based on a Pika, hence the name. The English translators didn’t know what a Pika was and incorrectly translated it to mouse. Saying that, this design is a mixture between a dormouse and a Pika, as traditional mice have a longer muzzle, which Pikachu does not. The long rabbit ears are because, again, Pikachu has long ears, whereas mice do not and a close relative to a Pika is a rabbit. Please don’t comment telling me that Pikachu is a mouse. – Keep up to date with future work and more exciting news by following my social media, links in my bio. – What would you like to see next and why? Post your ideas below 🙂 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Pikachu

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2. Pidgeot

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I had been invited to ‘The School of Pokemon Aviation’ one of many dotted around Kanto. Here they taught trainers how to control and eventually ride AMP’s (Aerial Mounted Pokemon). The invite had come from an old friend of mine, Katie. She had been bestowed the honour of ‘Flight Master’ and now worked with some of the most powerful flying Pokemon in Kanto. The doors opened into a huge glass-domed building, similar in size to a small airport. Hundreds of students moved around the marbled floored building, no doubt heading to one of their many classes. At the edge of one side of the dome, behind glass sliding doors, were large open-air platforms that stretched out over the cliff edge. Katie greeted me, but knew I was eager to see some of the wild Pokemon that lived in the valley. She walked me to some large glass doors. They slid open and I was hit with a blast of freezing cold air. Katie attached a device to her ear and turned it on. She scanned the horizon and put her fingers to her lips, letting out a long and surprisingly loud whistle. Moments later a loud screech replied, carried by the wind. Suddenly I spotted it, it was a large Pidgeot. Its wingspan was enormous, it must be around 8-9 meters, possibly even larger. It caught an updraft and swooped up to our level. As it landed it beat its powerful wings and its claws settled on the concrete. The wind from each flap was so strong that I was forced to back up towards the doors. Once it was settled it raised its head and let out an ear-splitting screech. Katie smiled and walked up to it. Dipping its head down, she took its beak in her arms and stroked the feathers. It cooed. She began to saddle it up and I was surprised at how the Pidgeot would move and stretch her wings to allow Katie to get in and clip it on comfortably. Turning to me, Katie grinned and told me to climb aboard, we were about to catch a flight… (Subscribe to my Patreon for the full story) If you want to help support the project check to my Patreon or grab some awesome merchandise at my Etsy store! Links in my Bio! #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Pidgeot #joshuadunlop

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3. Sandshrew

4. Bulbasaur

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I sat on the wooden moss speckled deck overlooking a small lake, surrounded by a thick redwood forest. I had been invited by Celadon’s resident Gym leader Erika to review a new sanctuary she had started on an island off the coast of Route 14. She works closely with the team at the Safari Zone in Pokemon Conservation. Though the restricted areas in the Safari Zone had served as a haven to many species, the population growth was beginning to put a strain on the ecosystem of the park. So, she decided to create the sanctuary. I soon heard someone walking down the path to my cabin and a friendly face appeared. It was Erika and in her arms was a young Bulbasaur. She explained that this was one of the first Bulbasaur hatchlings brought to the island and that many more were being flown in over the next few days. They wanted to try and introduce them to the wild Venusaur that had already settled into the area in the hopes of forming a natural herd. It was only 2 months old, but it was important to start introducing them to their new environment as soon as possible. She placed the Bulbasaur on the ground and it quickly ran over to the thick ferns surrounding the cabin. It was excited, sniffing everything in sight and letting out high pitched yelps of excitement. It found a small rotting log and began to scrape into it with its front claws, looking for grubs. This natural behaviour was exciting to see so quickly. She eventually scooped up the hatchling (who was now chewing on a large root) and walked me to her jeep. She wanted to give me a tour of the island and show off some of the Pokemon that had already settled in. (If you like this story, read the full text by subscribing to my Patreon) —————————————————————————— After doing Ivysaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle, I realized I hadn't done my starter Pokemon remakes in the wild! So, to be consistent, I decided to whip them up! It's nice to finally give these guys proper stories too! If you would like to support the project in other ways (I could really use it right now) then check out my Patreon and Etsy store: Links in my bio 🙂 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Bulbasaur #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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5. Charmander

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It was 7am when the flames were finally extinguished. I had been called in around midnight to aid firefighters with evacuating wild Pokemon from an enormous wild fire after one of the men had been badly stung due to mishandling a Nidoran. When I arrived the air was thick with smoke, soot fell from above and an orange hue bounced off the clouds that blocked out the night sky. The inferno was intense, even standing at a distance I could feel the heat on my skin. Volunteers ran around frantically, grabbing wild Pokemon in metallic blankets as Firefighters and their water Pokemon did their best to keep the flames at bay. Air support arrived in the form of helicopters and flying Pokemon dropping large sacks of water onto the worst areas as a rider atop a large Charizard scorched the land in order to create ‘controlled burns’ to try and stop the spread. When the sun began to rise, the first droplets of rain started to fall. Within seconds the skies opened and a cool shower spread across the forest. Everyone cheered as the firefighters finally we able to stop the fire. I made my way through camp when I noticed something. The large Charizard was stood at the edge of the forest, looking tentatively into scorched trees. It let out a deep and mournful call. I saw a large fallen tree, so I looked underneath to find a small Charmander. Its flame was dangerously low and it was shivering. It slowly opened its eyes and when as it saw me, it perked up and its flame doubled in size. Like an excited puppy, it clambered out and came up to me. This was clearly a tame Charmander, and we were miles from any kind of sanctuary. It suddenly dawned on me that I was probably looking at the source of the wild fire. Many young trainers struggle with the responsibility and decided to ‘release them into the wild’ without any concept of the local ecosystem or if the creature could even survive. Starter Pokemon are often raised in captivity and have no concept on how to survive on their own. If I hadn’t found it, it would have surely died. (For the full story, subscribe to my Patreon ?) —————————————————————————— Check out my Patreon and Etsy store: links in my bio ? #pokemonzoology

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6. Squirtle

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I was perched on a large flat rock stretched out across a somewhat scratchy blanket. I was lucky enough to spend the day at the private coastline of the 'Royal Pokemon Academy' south-west of Pallet town where a number of rare and unusual Pokemon were protected from a variety of poachers. I looked through my binoculars in hopes of spying something, when I suddenly felt something tugging at the blanket. I looked down to see a small-scaled claw reaching for my sandwiches. I peered over the edge of the rock to see an eggshell blue turtle staring up at me, it was a Squirtle. It let out a small chirp as its eyes alternated between looking at me, then my lunch.  Many of the species such as Squirtle are registered as R.S.C.P or ‘Region Starter Campaign Pokemon’. the program was started in 1934 by Professor Charles Parker. At the time, many Pokemon had been hunted to the brink of extinction, and attempts to evolve Pokemon to a healthy breed age were difficult at the time. So, Professor Parker came up with the idea to give young trainers specific Pokemon to try and build up their strength, evolve them, and eventually, breed them in captivity to boost their population. To this day it is still a difficult task to evolve a Pokemon in captivity without a large amount of training, exercise and experience (something that sadly, many breeders and conservationists struggle with) so, as part of the ‘RSCP contract', once a trainer's Pokemon is fully evolved and reaches healthy breeding age, they must be brought to the designated sanctuary to aid in the ongoing breeding program. The offspring of these Pokemon are raised in protected areas (such as the one I was visiting) before either being introduced to the wild or given to a trainer. I opened up my sandwiches and pulled off a corner. It bounced excitedly as I offered the food. It reached out like a small child and gently retrieved the wedge from my hand, quickly gobbling it up! Support my Patreon for the full story! Surprise! If you would like to support the project in other ways (I could really use it right now) then check out my Patreon and Etsy store: Links in my bio 😉 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #squirtle

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7. Dugtrio

8. Tangela

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Tangela, also known as the 'Medusa plant' is a distant relative to succulents and usually live in thick undergrowth or brambles. They have strong vines that grow from its dark onion-like body which it uses for protection against predators. Their 'feet' are actually flattened vines that they use to move around when it's not tangled somewhere for safety. They have tiny thorns covering their vines that secrete a poison when they are scared. Their sting causes a nasty rash to anyone who touches it. Unlike their cousin, the Oddish, which need a lot of sunlight during the day to survive, Tangela doesn't need much light, allowing it to live in more dark and secluded areas, When threatened, they will tangle themselves into the undergrowth so firmly that they are near impossible to move without digging them up, hence where they got their name. Relatively shy creatures, they rarely come near cities or any highly populated areas but have been known to nest under the crawl space of houses, occasionally breaking essential supports and causing severe damage to the foundations. Without a functioning mouth, Tangela gets their nutrients by digging their vines into the ground and using them as makeshift roots. (More story on my Patreon) —————————- If you would like to support the project then check out my Patreon page and Etsy store! Links in my bio 😉 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Tangela #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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9. Farfetch’d

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My canoe glided smoothly across the surface on the water. It wasn't long before I found what I was looking for, wild giant Kantonian Green Onions growing on the riverside. Suddenly I heard the sound of beating wings, I pulled out my binoculars and low and behold, a Farfetch'd landed on the river surface. Farfetch'd are very unique birds as they have a prehensile claw covered by a large feather on their wing. These are a feature of their ancestors but are unique to Farfetch'd. It allows them to grab hold of objects and surprisingly, still fly. I watched as it swam with an onion tucked beneath its wing. However, it quickly spotted me as it suddenly began wildly quacking in my direction! Not wanting to bother it, I grabbed my bag and turned to leave, only to come face to face with two other Farfetch'd. In a frantic state of feathers and onion, I ran to my boat whilst being pecked and beaten. I managed to get away, but not without a few bruises! —————————————————— Hey gang! Sorry for the wait on this one! I've been crazy busy with the Pangea project 🙂 Though I REALLY hate doing birds, this one hasn't turned out too bad, hope you like it! If you would like to support the project (I could really use it right now) then check out my Patreon and Etsy store: Links in my bio 😉 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Farfetchd #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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10. Clefable

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I looked out across the rolling hills from high atop Mt.Moon. Clouds crawled up the forest by cool winds from the west. I had made a small camp under a large pine tree and had started to prepare my lunch over a small campfire. As I cut up a small loaf of bread I heard something on the wind. A soft singing like noise came from the bushes ahead of me followed by the sound of gently breaking twigs. I stayed quiet when suddenly a pinecone flew out and bounced next to me. Two pink and black ears appear from atop the shrub. They moved along until it finally came into the clearing ahead of me. Hopping from rock to rock, a Clefable appeared. It was sniffing the air and looking around curiously. Trying not to scare it, I gently picked up the Pinecone and outstretched my hand. When it noticed me, its ears flattened and it began to back up. I held the cone higher so it could see and as soon as it locked eyes with it, it began to perk up. Its wing-like appendages began to flap, almost like a dog wagging its tail. I through the pinecone into the air towards it, and suddenly it stopped mid-flight. The Clefable had extended its arms and was swaying its fingers back and forth. It was using Metronome! This rare ability has fallen into the 'Normal-type' category though many scientists have debated this as it doesn't appear to have a clear typing due to its mimicry of other abilities.  The cone floated over to its little hands using what I could only assume was a mimic of Psychic possibly. Happy to get its toy back, it gave me a small purr like chirp before wandering back into the shrubs. ————————- I hope you like this one gang, I had to do A LOT of post matte painting to get the fur right! If you would like to help the project, head over to my Patreon or grab prints from my Etsy store! Links in my bio! ? #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Clefable #JoshuaDunlop

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11. Jigglypuff

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Pushing past a bunch of large ferns, I began to hear a quiet melody. I knew exactly what this was and I quickly huddled down beneath the fronds. Ahead of me, a fuzzy pink ball of fur appeared over a mossy mound, it was a Jigglypuff. Known as the balloon Pokemon, these small creatures can inflate their cheeks, almost doubling in size in order to scare off potential predators. If that doesn't work, they have a unique defence mechanism where they can vibrate their vocal cords extremely fast, making a strange melodic tune that disorientates predators. At a certain pitch, it can vibrate a predator's eardrums so much that it can knock them out cold. This technique is known as 'The Jigglypuff's song' and can easily disable a full-grown adult. Because of this, they have become feared by many, despite their cute appearance. I tried to keep my distance, but unfortunately, it heard the click of my camera… I awoke 20 minutes later and the Jigglypuff was nowhere to be seen. ————– Surprise! I decided to remake my picture of Jigglypuff as my old one was created very early on when I wasn't very skilled at fur. Hope you like it! Come and check out my Patreon to get loads of behind the scenes goodies! If you want to get involved with the discord, all you need to do is pledge $10 per month to join! I often show them updates and get advice from everyone while I develop my pictures! If you want to grab prints you can use your Patreon discount to get 20% off everything in my Etsy store so check it out! I have all new prints up last week! Links in my bio! 😉 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Jigglypuff #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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12. Chansey

13. Venomoth

14. Alakazam

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Two months ago an Alakazam that had been mistreated at a travelling circus, lost control. It tore apart the arena but thankfully was returned back into its Pokeball before anyone was hurt. The Pokemon was seized and transferred to the ‘National Rehabilitation Sanctuary’ in Western Kanto. Here a number of species that are deemed unfit for release are cared for and given a new lease on life with over 500 square acres to explore. Many ‘trade evolved’ Pokemon are deemed unfit for wild release as they don’t have a natural place in the ecosystem and are often rejected by members of their own kind. Trade evolution was discovered many years ago when matter transference technology was originally invented. The process somehow triggers primal recessive genes in their DNA that forces them to evolve into an untapped evolutionary state. Some scientists theorize that these Pokemon could once naturally evolve into these forms but for some reason lost the ability. I had asked one of the researchers, Lorna, if I could come and check up on the Alakazam and see how it was getting on. I was lead through the lush forest until we came to a clearing. She stopped and told me to be quiet as she took out two large pomegranates. She threw one into a bush and whistled.  The bush rustled and she whistled again. She threw the second Pomegranate and something amazing happened… it began to float in mid air. The Alakazam emerged from the bush holding the first fruit in its hand. Lorna explained that it had settled in nicely but didn't wander far from where it was first released. They quickly discovered that its favourite food was Pomegranate, so she made an effort to bring it some each day. At first, it was scared of humans, but over time it had warmed to her and probably for the first time in its life, was at peace. ——— Here is my final Alakazam image that is featured in my last feature video on my Youtube channel! If you would like to support the project, please check out my Patreon Page or grab cool merchandise on my Etsy store! Links in my bio 🙂 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Alakazam #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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15. Seaking

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I had been invited down to Kanto's South Western coast to meet with a dear friend of mine, Ellenor. She was a renowned marine biologist and had promised to take me diving to see some of the unique water-type Pokemon. Meeting at the dock, we quickly loaded the diving gear and set out. It was a beautiful day for a dive and it had been a while since I had actually gotten into the water. She explained that much of this area was now protected after overfishing caused a lot of damage to the local wildlife. We headed out into deeper water where her team had been studying a variety of species. As the boat came to a stop, we dropped the anchor, got our diving gear on and headed out. It was rich with life and colour. Areas like this had been decimated by fishing and pollution and had only now begun to recover. Ellenor gestured toward a large kelp forest that had grown around the remains of a sunken barge. Glittering schools of fish surrounded us and we swam through the enormous plants that stretched all the way to the surface. As I turned a corner I saw a stream of bubbles and a flash of orange disappear behind some kelp. As I got closer, it slowly swam into view, a Seaking. In the autumn months, Seaking will travel upriver to freshwater lakes for their breeding season. The males will carve out nests in boulders using their horns in order for the female to lay her eggs safely. I tried to signal to Ellenor, but by the time she had swum over it had withdrawn back into the leafy forest. ——————————— Hope you like this gang! If you want to support me and the project, check out my Patreon or grab some merch from my Etsy store 🙂 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Seaking #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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16. Starmie

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I was hiking along Kanto’s western coast in hopes of spotting some rare, water-type Pokemon. These coastal shores are alive with an abundance of creatures that often get swept up from warmer waters thanks to the strong current system in the area. I decided to climb down and skirt along the rocky shore, but I had to be very careful as the cliffs here were known to be treacherous and many hikers had lost their lives over the years. As I reached the bottom I could truly see the power of the waves as they crashed into the rocks. However, it wasn't the swell I was interested in, but the rocky pools that had been left behind as the tide receded. I made my way over the large boulders, being careful where to put my feet, one misstep and I could slip and hurt myself. It was then that I heard a strange noise. Climbing over the next rock, I saw what it was. A large Starmie was slowly making its way from one pool to another. Known as ‘The Gem of the Sea’, these giant starfish are aptly nicknamed due to is large, core gem in the center of their body. A few years ago I had the pleasure of witnessing a truly glorious sight when given the opportunity to deep dive off the coast of Seafoam Island. When in deep water and undisturbed, Starmie’s Gem will pulse with Bioluminescent light, shifting between a variety of colors. They called it ‘Tritons Prism’, an extremely rare display that has only been viewed by a handful of people. I grabbed my camera and began to get a few shots as it crawled across the rocks. As I took some last-minute photos, I watched it slowly submerge and eventually disappear into the deep rock pool ahead. ———————— Remember, you can see my work early if you are a Patreon supporter or simply see it when I upload the feature video ? Starmie's feature video on my YouTube channel and If you like the project please help support it by becoming a Patreon subscriber or grab cool merchandise on my Etsy store. Links in my bio ? #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Starmie #joshuadunlopconceptartist

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17. Raticate

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I'd been hired by an independent company to investigate a number of damages in a warehouse by Vermilion City docks. Many of the shipments coming in were found with huge bite marks in the sides of the crates and much of the content destroyed or eaten. They had shown me pictures and I was pretty convinced what had done it, it was a Raticate. The warehouse itself was huge, one of the largest I'd seen, and it wasn't long before the culprit showed itself. It was a female, she probably had a nest somewhere nearby as she became defensive rather quickly. She seemed slightly undernourished, my thought was that she had accidentally caught a ride on one of the supply ships that came in from one of the coastal towns and had gotten lost. Despite her visible fear I managed to get a good shot of her before offering her some food (which she quickly ate). After that, she calmed down and I managed to catch her in a Pokeball. Of course, I quickly released her and followed her back to her nest where I found 3 young Rattata waiting patiently for their mother. Returning her to her ball I collected the babies and drove out into the forest where I released them safely. —– I surprised myself with how quickly I got this one out, it helps to have the Rattata model to work from. I'm actually really happy with how this one came out 🙂 If you enjoy the Pokemon Zoology project, do show your support by pledging on Patreon, or grab some cool merchandise on my Etsy store! Links in my bio 😉 #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #Raticate #JoshuaDunlop #ConceptArt

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18. Slowbro

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From the small cove in the forest, I followed the water around the coast and found a very interesting Pokemon, a Slowbro.
I sat down under a tree and took a few snaps of it in the overcast sun. With almost no fear, it slowly walked up to me, pulling the now transformed Shellder on its tail behind it. It was very curious, sniffing at my bags, letting out large puffs of air with its wet, bristly nose. I could tell it smelt the food in my backpack, so I pulled it away quickly. The Slowbro continued to stare where my bag once was, and then a few moments later seemed to jump slightly and looked confused as if it had just vanished.
Together, they have a symbiotic relationship that benefits both Pokemon. The weight of the shell allows the Slowbro to stand on its hind legs, freeing up its forearms to forage for food. In turn, chemicals in the Slowbro's blood allows Shellder to transform into a cone-like shape. The shell becomes a lot thicker and gains all the nutrients it needs through the blood of its host. In turn it provides the Slowbro with powerful anti toxins that help it fight off disease. Shellder holds on using sharp appendages that look like teeth but are actually parts of the shell.
Eventually, the Slowbro lost interest and slowly waded into the shallows when it began to gorge on seaweed.
Hope you like this one gang, going to try and get a vote up next week so keep your eyes peeled! If you like Pokemon Zoology, do help out the project by becoming a Patreon where you can get behind the scenes videos of how they are made and awesome rewards!
Also, check out my Etsy store where you can grab loads of posters and merchandise! Links in my bio ? #Pokemon #PokemonZoology #JoshuaDunlop #Slowbro

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19. Oddish

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Príspevok Umelec v úchvatnej realistickej tvorbe zachytáva Pokémonov v ich prirodzenom prostredí je zobrazený ako prvý na EMEFKA.

Spoločnosť vyrobila hračku pre psov, ktorá nápadne pripomína pomôcku pre dospelých Mon, 18 Nov 2019 15:22:09 +0000 Hups. Tak toto nevyšlo.

Príspevok Spoločnosť vyrobila hračku pre psov, ktorá nápadne pripomína pomôcku pre dospelých je zobrazený ako prvý na EMEFKA.

Všetci robíme chyby. Svetoznáme značky nie sú žiadnou výnimkou a hoci do svojho marketingu a produktov ako takých lejú peniaze pre bežného smrteľníka nepredstaviteľné, aj tak sa im z času na čas zadarí.

Majster tesár sa utne, soudruzi z NDR udelají chybu a ako informuje web, vo výsledku firma vyrábajúca psie hračky vypustí na trh jednu, ktorá by zožala úspech aj na eroticky orientovaných portáloch.

BarkBox je americká firma poskytujúca „subscription boxy“, a teda akési tajuplné krabičky, ktoré si človek zaplatí a následne každý mesiac dostáva vzorku psích hračiek, maškŕt a iných produktov. Pointou je, že človek nikdy nevie, čo vlastne dostane, a obsah zásielky je prekvapením. Nie vždy však príjemným.

Sú to len prasiatka v deke, vážení

Gepostet von Tessa Yaskus am Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

V poslednom boxe narazilo takmer 600-tisíc verných odoberateľov na hračku s mnohorakým využitím. Zabaví psa, okorení sexuálny život… toto „prasiatko v deke“ je jednoducho win-win situácia pre všetkých, ktorí chcú spojiť príjemné s užitočným a zábavu svojho psa s intímnymi radovánkami. Čo je presne nula celých nula nula nula človeka. Alebo v skratke – NIKTO.

Absolútne nikto nechce, aby hračka jeho psa vyzerala ako erotická pomôcka pre mužov, čo jasne vyplýva aj z množstva negatívnych recenzií. „Neexistuje, aby môj pes dostal na vianoce vreckovú vagínu,“ vyjadril sa jeden z nespokojných zákazníkov, pre ktorého bola hračka viac než nemilým prekvapením. „Ako je možné, že tento dizajn prešiel celým tímom a nikto nevidel to, čo vidím ja?!“ pýtala sa zase ďalšia.

Reakcie ľudí boli na nezaplatenie

Gepostet von Tessa Yaskus am Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

Gepostet von Tessa Yaskus am Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

Gepostet von Tessa Yaskus am Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

Gepostet von Tessa Yaskus am Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

Marketingové oddelenie firmy sa rozhodlo ísť cestou „aj zlá reklama je reklama“ a celú situáciu obrátili na srandu. Poodpisovali na nepríjemné komentáre, uhrali to do autu s tým, že to tak má byť a na svojom blogu zverejnili príspevok, ktorý celú kauzu rekapituloval a finišoval ich oficiálnym stanoviskom.

„Jasné, že sme si všimli, aké… dráždivé… naše prasiatka v deke sú. Majú predsa zadky! A zadky sú super. Ale neuvedomili sme si, že sú až také dráždivé,“ vyjadrila sa Stacie Grissom, redaktorka BarkBox blogu.

„Za posledných 24 hodín sme zistili, ako robiť reklamu zábavnou formou, na čo si dávať pri výrobe hračiek pozor a že nech sa človek snaží, ako len chce, psie hračky budú vždy vyzerať tak trochu nevhodne,“ dodáva na záver.


Príspevok Spoločnosť vyrobila hračku pre psov, ktorá nápadne pripomína pomôcku pre dospelých je zobrazený ako prvý na EMEFKA.
