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Sobota 29.3.2025
Taťána, Táňa
, Tatiana

S mimoriadne originálnou a zábavnou tvorbou Toma Curtisa a jeho dvoch ratolestí sme ťa na EMEFKA už zoznámili (článok nájdeš tu). Pre prípad, že toto je tvoje prvé stretnutie s tvorbou Curtisovej rodiny, tak v krátkosti zhrnieme hlavný princíp.

Tomove deti – Dom a Al – si (asi ako každé deti) veľmi rady kreslia, a to najmä všakovaké zvieratká. Keďže sú však deti, ich kresby sú veľmi krkolomné, jednoduché a vo výsledku sa vôbec na dotyčné zvieratá nepodobajú. Tomovi však pri pohľade na ne napadol vskutku nezvyčajný nápad. Rozhodol sa ich presne vymodelovať vo photoshope a následne ich zasadiť do reality.

Výsledkom je ohromne zábavná séria fotiek s názvom Things I Have Drawn, ktorá si na internete našla veľké množstvo fanúšikov (k dnešnému dňu ich je približne 780-tisíc). Pozitívna odozva Toma inšpirovala aj k vydaniu týchto výtvorov v podobe knihy. V tomto článku ti prinášame ďalších 20 ukážok z jeho bohatej tvorby. Dúfame, že podobne vydarené kúsky budú v jeho portfóliu aj naďalej pribúdať.

1. Sýkorka

2. Diviak

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We’ve done a couple of pigs before. (So we turned this into a wild boar.) ___ Hi everyone. So, it’s true – we cheated a bit with this one. In fact, I’ve done something naughty by showing the drawing in black and white rather than the beautiful pink Ally, the artist, originally coloured it in with. That’s right, this glorious 6-legged piggy was sent to us by Megan Farwell and the talented artist is her 4-year-old daughter, Ally, but with at least two pigs on our insta already, we thought we’d turn him into a cuddly wild boar. And Megan and Ally agreed! Could he be the pig’s long-lost furry cousin perhaps? ___ #wildboar #definitelynotapig #thingsihavedrawn #thingsihavedrawnatthezoo

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3. Delfín

4. Žirafa

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I know you might think that I’m having a laugh, Well I’m not – because this is an actual giraffe. __ Hello everyone. So we’re currently working on a couple of interesting new projects, but they’re taking a bit longer than I thought they would, so I’ve decided to re-share one of our earliest, but, I think, funniest animals – Dom’s giraffe. Actually it’s probably my favourite rhyme as well. We’ve not shown this exact picture on Insta before – this is the photo from our book ‘Things I Have Drawn at the Zoo’. By the way, we’ve started a new Twitter account. It’s very early days with no followers. There’s just a few of our old favourites on there so far, but eventually we might start previewing stuff on Twitter before it hits Insta. Check it out at if you like (it’s ‘I’ve’ because ‘I have’ was too long for the Twitter handle!) Oh – and we’re also on for any older people out there. __ #thingsihavedrawnatthezoo #giraffe #kidsdrawings

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5. Pes

6. Holub

7. Pterodaktyl

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What were pterodactyls really like? Definitely flying lizards with a big head spike. ___ Hello everyone. So – I think I’ve mentioned this before: over the past few weeks we’ve received hundreds of DMs asking us to recreate some truly spectacular creations. Thank you so much for sending them – I’m just sorry we can’t do them all. However – this week we've selected this brilliant prehistoric monster by 5 year old Eden, sent to us by @sin.unk. Thank you. (Sorry if this shatters the illusion, but I didn’t actually point my camera up in the air as it flew by. What you see here is part Komodo dragon, part elephant (the wings and tail) and part goat (the horns). ___ #thingsihavedrawn #kidsdrawing #pterodactyl

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8. Nosorožec

9. Vydra

10. Líška

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Fox on the rocks! (Well, actually it’s more like a dry muddy bank, but that didn’t rhyme.) ___ Hi everyone. Check out this awesome drawing of a fox by 4-year old Pasha and DMed to us by his mum @shirinita1979. Thanks for sending it to us – and great job Pasha. If your kid is a budding artist (as they all are), DM us their drawing, or even better, hashtag it #thingsihavedrawnatthezoo. Try and make it a good quality scan or photo if you can. And if they don’t know what to draw, some of the animals that don’t yet feature on our instagram or in our book include a badger, wolf, guinea pig, hamster, woodpecker, puffin and kingfisher – all ones we’d quite like to do. Good luck! ___ #thingsihavedrawn #kidsdrawing #fox

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11. Šimpanz

12. Prasa

13. Ovečka

14. Sob

15. Lev

16. Slon

17. Králik

18. Rybka

19. Stehlík (klikni na šípku vpravo)

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#Ad “Masterful stroke work….facile technique… And beguiling proportions of body and beak.” ___ Hi everyone. We were overwhelmed by the response to our last post, The Girl with a Pearl Earring, which, despite being a paid-for post was, incredibly, our most liked ever. Thank you so much. Here’s the second in our series for @mauritshuis_museum – another fantastically famous painting, The Goldfinch, by Carel Fabritius, with a wonderful interpretation by 4 year old Unni, sent in by her mum @ellenlindhblom ___ This week, for our accompanying rhyme, we tried to imagine what an art critic might say about the unusual masterpiece we’ve created together. We couldn’t not make some comment about that amazing beak! Keep a look out next week for the final image in our Dutch masters series. ___ #thingsihavedrawn #mauritshuisathome #mauritshuis #mauritshuischallenge #thehague #denhaag #thegoldfinch #hetputtertje #carelfabritius

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20. Krava (klikni na šípku vpravo)

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