Motivácia. To je vec, ktorá si ťa nájde tak o tretej poobede, keď si môžeš maximálne urobiť kolečko okolo kancla, s blížiacim sa koncom pracovnej doby kape… a v momente, keď unavený padáš pred telku, už o nej nie je chýru ani slychu. Teraz je ten moment. Keď si ťa nájde. A možno ju tentoraz aj zužitkuješ.
1. Idem si dať rezancovú polievku. (-48 kg)
F/21/5’4" [295lbs > 188lbs = 107lbs] and with that, I’m gonna go eat some ramen from progresspics
2. Čím viac chudnem, tým má sestra širší úsmev. (-32 kg)
F/20/5’9 [240 > 170 = 70 pounds] (3 Years) The more weight I lost, the bigger my sisters smile got from progresspics
3. Dá sa to v každom veku. (-81 kg)
M/55/5’8” [408 > 228 = 180lbs] keto intermittent fasting and full body work out 3 days a week. Getting there. from progresspics
4. Vždy ma dostane, keď vidím, ako som vyzeral. (-45 kg)
M/19/5’11’’ [365 > 266 = 99 lbs] ( 7 Months) Looking back at pictures from this past year. Hits me like a brick seeing what I used to look like. Still plenty more to lose but i’m very proud of my accomplishments so far. from progresspics
5. Cvičiť by sa nemalo len pred letom (-62 kg)
M/35/5’10" [301 > 164 = 137] Before the Holidays Arrive ? from progresspics
6. Puberta verzus dospelosť. (-40 kg)
7. Kilá zmizli, láska k Disney ostala. (-48 kg)
F/28/5’2 [285 lbs > 180 lbs = 105 lbs] Finally found the perfect photo for my ultimate before and after. 2016 Vs 2019 and I started to lose weight last year. Probably won’t do another one til I meet my actual target of 160-150lbs from progresspics
8. Už je to 9 mesiacov, čo som začal. (-52 kg)
M/25/5’4” [270 > 155 = 115 lbs lost] Exactly 9 months ago, I started my journey with this wonderful community. Here are some face gainz (ignore the hat hair!) from progresspics
9. V poslednej dobe stagnujem, toto je môj pokus opäť sa motivovať. (-53 kg)
F/28/5’4 [287>170 something = 100 plus lbs] 11 months. I’ve stalled a LOT recently. I’ve maintained for the past two months. I really want to hop back on the weight loss train. I’ve been very stressed and that hadn’t helped at all. This is my own lil piece of motivation! We can do this! from progresspics
10. Stratila som kilá, mám však väčší byt! (-33 kg)
F/21/5’6” [231lbs > 158lbs = 73lbs] Lost weight but gained a bigger flat! from progresspics
11. Už nikdy nechcem byť ten človek naľavo. (-50 kg)
F/24/5’6” [350 lbs > 238 lbs = 112 lbs] (15 months) Looking at old pictures is what keeps me motivated to never be that person again! from progresspics
12. Práve som našla túto starú fotku a veľmi ma potešilo, keď som zistila, ako ďaleko som už došla. (-10 kg)
F/21/5’5 [170ish>155] just found the picture on the left and was very excited to see how far I’ve come :’) from progresspics
13. Moja prvá päťtisícovka. (-28 kg)
M/29/5’6” [278lbs > 216lbs = 62lbs] (5 months) From getting out of breath to running my first ever 5k, thought I’d celebrate the halfway point on my journey with a comparison picture! from progresspics
14. Dvojročný fitness progres. (+11 kg)
M/22/5’10 [140<165=25] 2 year fitness journey ?? from progresspics
15. Po tom, čo som strávila mladosť obézna a deprimovaná, som sa s tým rozhodla niečo spraviť. (- 18kg)
F/26/5’8.5 [215>175=40lbs] after spending my 20’s overweight and depressed, I decided to turn my life around. Been a lurker for over a year now and now feel confident enough to post. I love life and finally feel comfortable in my own skin!! from progresspics
16. Nikdy sa nevzdávaj svojich snov. (-45 kg)
F/25/5’7” [310>209= 101] Next Stop is Onederland! NEVER give up on your dreams. from progresspics
17. V poslednej dobe mi chýba motivácia, ale takéto fotky vždy pomôžu. (-17 kg)
F/22/5’2 [160>122=38lbs] Having a hard time finding motivation for the gym recently, looking back always seems to help motivate me! from progresspics
18. Takto vyzerá skutočná zmena životného štýlu (-45 kg)
M/34/6’1 [315>215=100lbs] Finally hit triple digits! Going to continue with Keto through the end of the year. Next year will be maintaining a healthy diet and keeping my gym routine. from progresspics
19. Minulý týždeň ma nespoznal vlastný strýko. (-71 kg)
F/40/5’5” [320 > 162 = 158lbs] 2015 vs 2019 after a little over two years of keto and lifting. My own uncle didn’t even recognize me last week. I had to introduce myself to him twice before he realized who I was. from progresspics
20. Kto by to bol povedal, že zdravá strava a cvičenie naozaj fungujú. (-53 kg)
M/25/5’10" [135kg/298lbs > 82kg/180lbs = 53kg/118lbs lost] (9 months) who would have thought, diet and exercise actually works! from progresspics
21. Mám za sebou zlý týždeň, ale nezabúdam, kde som začala. (-26 kg)
F/24/178cm [103kg > 76kg = 26kg] It was a bad week… but I remembered where I started! #stillgoing from progresspics
22. Viac ako desať rokov som sa nedokázal zmestiť do svojej starej vojenskej uniformy. (-63 kg)
M/41/6’2 [407>266= 140 pounds] Been over a decade since I could fit properly in my old military uniform. from progresspics