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Nedeľa 23.2.2025
Roman, Romana

Málokto sa poteší, keď vyleje kávu. Väčšina z nás v tom vidí len škvrnu, ktorú treba rýchlo utrieť. Umelec, pochádzajúci z Nemecka, však našiel v rozlievaní kávy pozitívum a dá sa povedať, že sa naň denne teší už niekoľko rokov. Stefan Kuhnigk v rozliatej káve nachádza rôzne príšerky, ktoré vznikajú vďaka jeho predstavivosti. 

Ako píše na svojom webe, všetko to začalo v roku 2011, keď takto vylial trochu kávy na papier a napadlo mu, že dokreslením škvrnu pretvorí na postavičku. Dokresľovanie kávových postavičiek ho bavilo čím ďalej tým viac, až sa z toho stal milý zvyk. Nakoniec z toho vznikol projekt, v rámci ktorého takmer každý deň nakreslí nejakú kávovú príšerku. 

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#coffeemonsters 543 . Story: This gnarly little man, called Hopedestructor, was about to conceal his evil plan of making the world vote for some generic bully-douche like D. Drumpf, but then John Oliver came by and gave him a lesson. 😉 . Follow me drawing monsters on . Snapchat me via „thecoffeemonstr“ . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #technique #vote #bernie #johnoliver #evil #plan #drumpf

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on

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Get this coffeemonster as print and mug. Link in profile. . #idrawwhatyousee #7 – In this series i'm asking you to see something in the blot above and comment. Then i draw one of the comments! This is the result: . Spotted by Rhonda Davis (db) and @miss_okapi (ig) . Story: So there was a sloth, let's call him Dieter, he was captured and brought to a zoo. He disliked it very much and started to eat himself for protesting the living-conditions. He even took a bite out of his heart. Dieter was caught in surprise in that exact moment and banned onto coffeestainpaper. And the moral of this story: Don't eat youselfes. . Follow me drawing monsters on . Find prints at: . Snapchat always live: „thecoffeemonstr“ . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. Monsterlovers also like: . all rights reserved by 'the coffeemonsters®' . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #eat #healthy #nomnom #nomnomnom #nom #sloth #wildlife #tree . ??

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Takýchto postavičiek už Stefan nakreslil viac ako 500. Neustále sa snaží v zaschnutých kávových škvrnách nájsť nejakú príšerku alebo príbeh, ktorý sa za „obyčajnou“ kávovou škvrnou ukrýva. „Mám rád to „napätie“ a objavovanie toho, čo z obyčajnej kávovej škvrny dokáže vzniknúť. Po uschnutí škvrny, teda, po štyroch až šiestich hodinách, kreslím priamo na škvrnu,‘‘ píše na svojom webe Stefan.

S týmito kávovými príšerkami vytvoril Stefan už aj rôzne šálky a vyšla s nimi aj samostatná kniha. Niektorým príšerkám Stefan občas prikreslí len tvár, inokedy je škvrna súčasťou niečoho väčšieho. Občas Stefan premení škvrnu na roztomilú postavičku, inokedy je to zloduch so zbraňou, alebo sú to dve kávové príšerky, ktoré si dávajú pusu. Dokáže premeniť nielen škvrny, ktoré vznikli rozliatím, ale aj odtlačky po jeho šálke.

Takto vznikajú kávové príšerky

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#repost 🙂 . #coffeemonsters 491 . There are times in life when your head just wants to explode. It's like having a thing in your head that wants to come out. Like this little monster seeing the light of day for the first time when it emerged from the depht of Squiddy's head. Well. At least they both know now, where the pressure came from… ? 😉 This coffeemonster is now available as print via: . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing. Join the Monsters on . Tags: #coffeemonstersart #coffee #illustration #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #coffeeporn #art #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #creative #create #love #lovely #arms #artfido #squid ??

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#coffeemonsters 590 ✍️ . When he emerged from the depth of his bottle, ghost Coffeezius had an idea. And that's how baseball was invented, kids. I promise! #⚾️ . The FB needs attention: . Some overused Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #☕️#kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #cafe #pencil #Inspiration #drawing #instacoffee #rorschach #latteart #lovecoffee #morecoffee #moreart #artsy Three more: #baseball #throw . Follow me drawing monsters on the tube: . Made from often good quality coffee, the coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk whom is also to find here: @dontblameme

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on

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#coffeemonsters 584 ✍️ . It was a good day for Barko. He had eaten lots of tasty humans and was on his way home, when an idea crossed his mind. The idea was very spontaneous and went into his middle ear where it began to giggle. Barko must have heard the giggle and was stunned in clueless excitement what would happen next … . The FB needs attention: . Some overused Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #☕️#kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #cafe #pencil #Inspiration #drawing #instacoffee #rorschach #latteart #thenewcoffee #morecoffee #moreart #artsy Three more: #doggy #dogsofinstagram #doglove . Follow me drawing monsters on the tube: . Made from moderately good coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk whom is also to find here: @dontblameme

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on

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#coffeemonsters 555 . Story: Brittany was not pleased. Actually she was really sad and a little mad. She never wanted to be reborn as a male dinosaur but her beggings were not heard as she found herself within the body of an old grumpy plant eater, totally aware of the fact that she had been a beautiful parrot in her last life… ? . Watch that snapchat thing: ?thecoffeemonstr . Follow me drawing monsters on . The FB with Livestreams: . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #cafe #pencil #Inspiration #make #dinosaur #feeling #round #circle #graphics #dope #sad . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on

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#coffeemonsters 550 / Get the print now. (profile link) . Story: Sometimes you just need to be thrown towards a big bad Wolfmouse and be eaten. I bet the little Skjokkus didn't know much about being eaten before. He should see it as kind of a lesson. ?? . Watch that snapchat thing: ?thecoffeemonstr . Follow me drawing monsters on . The FB with Livestreams: . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #paper #story #Inspiration #drawing #want #sweet #comic #foodporn #blobb #mouse #wolf . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on

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#coffeemonsters 553 . Story: He was not pleased as he took an arrow to his knee and had to cut his leg off, but he always had been a positive monster and was willing to go on and on and on even without a second leg. . Watch that snapchat thing: ?thecoffeemonstr . Follow me drawing monsters on . The FB with Livestreams: . Tags: #coffee #illustration #coffeemonstersart #coffeelover #kaffeemonster #monster #art #design #kaffee #coffeeshop #coffeepainting #coffeeart #draw #espresso #whatdidijustread #idontknowwhyiamhere #Inspiration #whatastory #ohmy #notgood #leg #took #arrowtotheknee #knee #arrow . Made from best coffee, coffeemonsters are a more or less daily thing by artist Stefan Kuhnigk

A post shared by Stefan Kuhnigk (@thecoffeemonsters) on




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