Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Piatok 28.3.2025
, Sonja, Sonia

Snáď neexistuje niekto, kto by ešte nevedel o tom, že v Austrálii sú rozsiahle požiare, aké tam ešte doposiaľ neboli. Majú doslova fatálne následky nielen na faunu a flóru. Internetom sa šíri množstvo fotografií, ktoré odhaľujú rozsiahle požiare a zvieratká, ktoré sú plameňmi vyhnané zo svojho domova.

Ľudia sa snažia pomáhať rôznymi spôsobmi, niekto posiela peniaze, prítomní v Austrálii zachraňujú zvieratá a potom sú tu takí, ktorí sa snažia zvyšovať o probléme povedomie.

Svoj smútok pretavili v umenie

Mnohých ľudí, aj napriek tomu, že nie sú z Austrálie, táto udalosť zasiahla. Niekto píše nahnevané statusy na sociálnych sieťach a ľudia, ktorí sa venujú umeniu, sa svoj súcit rozhodli pretaviť do umeleckých diel. V ich dielach najčastejšie vidíš koaly a kengury, ktoré utekajú pred plameňmi, ktoré zachvátili ich domov.

Svoj smútok pretavili do diel umelci z celého sveta. Nájdeš medzi nimi ilustrácie, komiksy, make-up umenie, ale aj tanier s jedlom, ktorý je naaranžovaný tak, že vyzerá ako umelecké dielo. Dielami prispeli aj slovenskí umelci a náš ilustrátor Artcavemaniac. Pozri si obrázky, ktoré sú krásne a smutné zároveň.

Prostredníctvom svojej tvorby sa vyjadril aj náš ilustrátor

Slovenská umelkyňa Tero Abaffy vytvorila printy, ktorými ľudia, čo si ich kúpili, prispeli Austrálii

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?♥️ HOW TO HELP AUSTRALIA AND HAVE A PRINT • • This is a A5 signed print of a cangaroo. You can “adopt” this cangaroo and help Australia. Im going to print all of them at once, so we won´t waist any paper. You can do this till Tuesday 00:00. So please, if you want one, write me an email with your name and adress to . I´ll answer you with all the informations needed. One print costs 20€. After that, I´ll donate the money to @wireswildliferescue Môžete si “adoptovať” tohto klokana. Je to pospísaný print o veľkosti A5..Stojí 20€. Tlačiť budem všetky naraz v stredu, presne toľko, koľko sa vás prihlási.(trošku treba asi šetriť tie naše stromy.)) Tak prosím, ak máte záujem takto pomôcť Austrálií, napíšte MAIL s vašim MENOM a ADRESOU na prihlasovať sa môžte do utorka 00:00 aby som to stihla dať tlačiť a podpisovať.) Peniažky poputujú na @wireswildliferescue • • • • #wildlife #wildlifeonearth #australia #helpaustralia #cangaroo #help #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #print #art #artprint #artists #world #donate #donation #howtohelp #teroabaffy

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Takto vyzerá tvorba zahraničných umelcov

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Making illustrations often is a way for me to cope with things happening in the world. Thats why I made this illustration today. I am devastated and my thoughts are with all the people in Australia right now. Let us use 2020 to build an even stonger climate justice movement and to fight harder than ever for the people, the animals, our planet and our future. Climate Change is happening and we have to act now! Also please please please donate to @animalsaustralia to help them support wildlife vets that are currently working in the fire-devastated areas! #noplanetb #ourhouseisonfire #australianfires #climatechange #climatejustice #systemchangenotclimatechange #australianbushfires #australia #australiafires #stopadani #koala #animalsaustralia #bushfireaustralia #artforaustralia #australiaburning #stoptheburning #helpaustralia #climatecrisis #artistsoninstagram #artoftheday #designersforfuture #illustration #illustrationartists #femaleartist #veganart #veganartist #illustratorsoninstagram #illustratorsofinstagram #katharinarot #katharinarotillustration

A post shared by Katharina Rot Illustration (@sarahrot) on

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L’Australie brûle toujours ? Beaucoup d’animaux et de personnes ont besoin d’aide et nous pouvons les aider même à l’autre bout de la planète. J’ai taggé sur l’image plusieurs organismes a qui vous pouvez faire des dons pour les soutenir dans ces moments terribles ( Il y en a sûrement beaucoup d’autres ..). Je met cet original (gouache sur papier format 20/20cm ) en enchère ici et je reverserais l’argent à une de ces associations. L’enchère est ouverte pour les 10 prochaines heures, (taggez le précédent enchérisseur ) le prix de départ est de 30€. ??this original painting (gouache on paper 7,5/7,5 inches) is for auction I will give the money earned to one of the association tag on the picture. You can make bids for the next 10 hours and tag the previous bidder, the first bid is 30€.

A post shared by Yvan Duque (@yvanduque) on

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Lately, the news around the world has been awful. I posted this in my stories multiple times, but one of the things that several artists are raising awareness for is the Australian fires. . If you didn’t know, Australia is literally on fire. ONE BILLION animals are estimated to have died. More than 17.9 million acres have been burned in Australia so far. This is larger than the countries of Belgium and Denmark combined! It’s so bad, that the smoke is affecting other countries. . Please, please consider assisting by donating or sharing. It may seem like such a small gesture, but even a single share or donation amount counts. . Thank you! Please see a link in my bio for one of many places you can donate.

A post shared by Susie (@catandcatcomics) on

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As surely all of you know how terrible the bushfire situation is right now in Australia, I would also like to make sure that you know that there are so many ways to help no matter where you are on earth. There are many trustful organizations which really need help with donations, no matter how small the amount is, every penny counts! I listed some organizations below which you can donate to. Nature and houses are getting destroyed, millions of animals are already dead and another millions need our help. So please consider to give up your $5 coffee for few days and donate this money to the organizations below. . 今オーストラリアでおきてる火事のことは皆知ってると思うけど、ただただ遠くからニュースを見るじゃなくて、皆は手伝うことが出来る!寄付が必要なところ沢山あって、500円でもいいから、下にタグつけたところにぜひ寄付してください。 . @wireswildliferescue @cfsfoundation @cfavic @nswrfs @rspca_vic @adelaidekoalarescue @wildlifevictoria @1300koalaz @rspcansw @ruralaid @foodbankaus @redcrossau @portmacquariekoalahospital . . . . . . . . #australia #prayforaustralia #bushfires #rescueanimals #australiananimal #koalarescue #koala #australiaisonfire #helpaustralia #savetheearth

A post shared by Sandra Jockus | サンドラ ジョクス (@sandrajockus) on

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A post shared by Simone Scavino (@scavinophotographer) on

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#Repost @operationmotherearth (@get_repost) ・・・ Please check out the following orgs to see how you can support people, wildlife and animals who need help. VICTORIA @cfavic @celestebarber @rspca_vic @vinniesvictoria @wildlifevictoria NEW SOUTH WALES @wireswildliferescue @portmacquariekoalahospital @rspcansw @vinniesnsw @nswrfs SOUTH AUSTRALIA @rspcasa @vinniessa QUEENSLAND @currumbinwildlifehospital @rbaq AUSTRALIA WIDE @wwf_australia @salvosau @redcrossau @foodbankaus @1300koalaz . @wildliferescuesc . @aussieark . @therescuecollective . @animalsaustralia . @deeppeacetrust . @balubluefoundation . @portstephenskoalas . @wildtofree . @kiwildlifepark . @cncfaus . @hansonbaywildlifesanctuary . #prayforaustralia #actforaustralia #australia #australiafires #nswfires #kangarooislandbushfires #kangarooisland #australianbushfires #bushfiresaustralia #climatechange #climatestrike #climatecrisis #actonclimate #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatechangeisreal  #climateemergency #climateaction #globalwarming #globalclimatestrike  #saveourplanet #endangeredspecies #endangered #extinctionrebellion #gretathunberg #humanity #nature #earth #savetheplanet

A post shared by adele madmasele (@adele_madmasele) on

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PRAY FOR AUSTRALIA #prayforaustralia

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We are absolutely devastated by the news out of Australia. The wildfires have sadly taken the lives of millions of animals and have injured many more. It's no secret that we are huge lovers of all animals here. We have created this digital, downloadable: "Help the Animals of Australia" print and are donating 100% of proceeds to helping with the rescue of these animals. We know we have a lot of really amazing followers from Australia – we would love suggestions on the very best charities to give the proceeds of the sale! Link to donate in our profile – once purchased you will instantly receive a digital download of this print! Thank you all and we love you Australia! #australia #australian #australianbushfires #australianfires #koala #koalabear #koalas #koalasofinstagram #kangaroo #kangaroos #animals #animalrescue #savethekoalas #pleasehelp #help #rescue #donate

A post shared by Martin Bruckner (@spaghettitoesdad) on

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Australia bushfire crisis started in 2019 and unfortunately doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Fueled by extreme heat the fires in Australia have already surpassed the outspoken Amazon rainforest fires ? . I’m afraid not many people realize the severity of this disastrous event. To give you a better understanding the land area devastated in Australia is almost 100 times larger than the area burned in California wildfires last year . I can’t help being thoroughly sad and disturbed by this awful tragedy ? Over a billion animals have already perished ? . This illustration is my way of releasing the overwhelming emotions of sadness and worry . Feel free to share this post to increase the awareness of this disaster ? . . . #australiafires #australiabushfires #ecology #bushfiresaustralia

A post shared by Illustrator, creative designer (@anniko_story) on

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I drew and watercolored this drawing because of the devastating wildfires in Australia that are killing many many animals like koalas and kangaroos. If we all donate, even a little bit, we can together make a huge impact! The animals need us and we need to help! So, if you can, making a donation to one of the charities or foundations that are helping with the fires can help a lot, otherwise share posts that support this and spread the awareness to other people! The animals need us! Together we can save Australia! . . . #artforaustralia #artaustralia #australiart #saveaustralia #savethekoalas #savethekoalas? #koalas #koala #koalaart #savetheanimals #savethekangaroos #kangaroo #kangarooart #australiawildfires #australia #australiabushfires #artforacause #art ##watercolorart #winsorandnewton #watercolors #watercoloring #animalart #artwork

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25 people. 1 billion animals. 25 thousand koalas. 10.7 million hectares. Numbers still rising. I couldn’t stay quiet, but I couldn’t move either. This world is turning scarier by the minute, darker, burning either due to fires or wars. Many know about Australia’s bushfires, burning up for over 4 months now and there’s no prediction on when this hell will end. Do you know what can never end though? Hope. Faith. Love. Actions. We all feel in our hearts the weight of doing what we are doing to our planet and all living beings who live here with us. A massive weight but this can’t be it. We use our hands to do evil, but also to do good. So let’s wake up and do something. Even the smallest thing can make the difference. Sorry for this long post but I’ve been feeling so… I had to do something. Let’s raise awareness together, let’s use our voices in this community, let’s donate even with 1 euro or dollar or anything, let’s volunteer, let’s do good in our own countries, let’s speak and speak and not stay silenced. Use what you best have to offer to help others. Either writing or drawing or building or even a simple hug. I was very emotional while doing this post, this art, but I’m trying to be short here (yeah, short) because I’ve got so many questions, so much to say but it all comes down to this: help the world, pray for those who suffer, protect the innocent and fight the devils. Thank you for reading. . . . . . . #australia #bushfiresaustralia #art #artwork #episode #noticemeepisode #donate #koalas #savetheplanet #savetheanimals #savethebiodiversity #fightfire #protect #speak #saveaustralia #redcross #wwf #noticemeepisodecreators #noticemeaxiom

A post shared by XANDRA M. (@xandra.m.stories) on

Našli sa aj slečny, ktoré sa vyjadrili prostredníctvom make-upu

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?PRAY FOR AUSTRALIA? ____ ?? Australia needs our help, please donate to the @wildlifewarriorsworldwilde _____ ??L'ennesima catastrofe, le ennesime immagini che ci strappano il cuore dal petto. Più di 6,3 milioni di ettari di terra sono in fiamme, tanti animali morti compresi 8000 koala..Possiamo fare qualcosa nel nostro piccolo, donare quello che possiamo e sperare che questo incubo finisca. Clicca sul link: Per fare una donazione a @wildlifewarriorsworldwilde che si sta occupando attivamente del salvataggio degli animali feriti. ____ #prayforaustralia #australiansheperd #saveaustralia  #saveaustralianwildlife #australia #australians #testandtell @makeupforblackwomen  @peachyqueenblog @wakeup2slay @makeupyfy @makeupforwomenofcolor #vintynellie #makeuplook #makeupdolls #makeupobssesed #wakeupandmakeup #makeupmafia #inssta_makeup #makeupvideoss #hudabeautylifeliner #hudabeautypowerbullet #makeupartistworldwide #shimycatsmua

A post shared by ROSANNA SPAGNUOLO (@rosanna_spagnuolo) on

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?? ❤️ AUSTRALIA I bet all of you have heard, seen, read, and prayed for Australia the past few months. And I know that this is just makeup on a body, and that I don’t have the biggest audience as many others to inspire and influence. But I really, from the bottom of my heart, hope you all have donated to one of the organizations that are doing everything they can to save people, animals, homes, land.. A whole country! Can’t even imagen seeing my own country like getting destroyed like this.. YOU CAN HELP BY RAISING AWARENESS AND DONATING TO THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: • @nswrfs NSW Rual Fire Service • @redcrossau Red Cross Australia • @wireswildliferescue Wires Wildlife Rescure • @wildlifewarriorsworldwide My heart and prayers are with Australia during this devastating time ❤️ _________________________________________________ PRODUCTS USED: Eyes & Brows: • @maccosmetics Paint Pot «Painterly» • @jeffreestarcosmetics The Jawbreaker Palette • @hudabeauty Rose Gold Remastered Palette • @maccosmetics Fix+ Face: • @nyxcosmetics Honey Dew Me Up Primer • @anastasiabeverlyhills Luminous Foundation «110C» • @makeupmekka Hydra Shape Concealer «Fair» • @hudabeauty Easy Bake Setting Powder «Sugar Cookie» • @kyliecosmetics Bronzer «Khaki» • @anastasiabeverlyhills Powder Bronzer «Tawney» • @kyliecosmetics Kylighter «Ice Me Out» Body Paint: • @depixym Emulsion in Black (0194) and Orange (0924) • @imagiccosmetics 12 Flash Color Case Lips: • @fentybeauty Lip Paint «Uncuffed» Makeup inspo: @kaysey_taylorfx @jezdouglasmakeup _________________________________________________ #australiamakeup #australia #prayforaustralia #australiafires #australiabushfires #bushfiresaustralia @hudabeautyshop @huda @anastasianordics @anastasiasoare @norvina #norvina #anastasiabeverlyhills #abhjunkies #helpaustralia @nyxcosmeticsnordics @kyliejenner @jeffreestar #depixym #makeupartist #makeuplook #selftaughtmua #undiscovered_muas #undiscoveredmuas #muasupport #mua #100daysofmakeup @100daysofmakeup @undiscovered_muas @muaxdiscover @discoveredmua @babyfacehunters #babyfacehunters #hudabeautyshop #bodypaint #makeupislife #makeupjunkie #kyliecosmetics #makeupmekka @maccosmeticsnordics

A post shared by ⚓ KRISTINEFARGERIK (@kristinefargerik) on

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Pray for Australia ??? Inspo: @jezdouglasmakeup @kenzieloui I can only imagine what they're going through. After seeing photos and hearing the stories everytime I got on social media I couldn't just do nothing. So I donated what I could and thought I'd raise more awareness through art. Show your support for Australia here's where you can donate ➡️ to help wildlife victims from the fires donate to @wireswildliferescue ➡️ to help provide food for those in need donate to @foodbankaus ➡️To help the @nswrsf donate to ➡️To donate to the south Australian country fire service go here Help raise awareness share, post, tweet any information on every platform the more people that are reached the more help we can give to Australia. Every penny counts! #prayforaustralia #bushfires #australiabushfires #bushfiresaustralia #australia #australiamakeup #australiabodypaint #supportaustralia #australiaisburning #undiscovered_muas #underratedmuas #morphe #mehronmakeup #bodypaint #firebodypaint #firemakeup #burns #burninjury #burnmakeup #sfxmakeup #specialeffects #sfxartist #3rddegree #nyxcosmetics #lillylashes #jeffreestarcosmetics #makeupmessage #makeupinspo #beautyinspo #blushingbones

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