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Utorok 11.3.2025
, Angelika
Anděla, Angelika
, Andělína, Angelina

Nie je nič výnimočné, že mačka má svoj vlastný instagramový profil. Keď ho môže mať aj naberačka, tak nejaký profil mačky je úplne normálna vec. Objavili sme však mačku, ktorá toho pravdepodobne precestovala viac ako väčšina ľudí. Z ciest si nosí zaujímavé suveníry, ktoré vešajú jej páni na Instagram.

Mačka s menom Mao May cestuje totiž po rôznych krajinách sveta a dokonale svojim pánom kazí fotografie. Pokojne by sa tak mohla stať ašpirantkou na najlepšiu „photobomberku“. Niet sa čomu čudovať, že ľudí príbehy tejto mačky zaujímajú. Na jej instagramovom profile ju totiž sleduje viac ako 30-tisíc fanúšikov. 

Mao už precestovala viacero miest v Taliansku, Španielsku, Francúzsku a v Británii… na niektorých fotografiách vyzerá doslova akoby bola len pomocou photoshopu vložená na fotografiu, no keď si všimneš, takýchto fotografií má Mao poriadne veľa.

Najlepšie na týchto príspevkoch, okrem toho, že ti zlepšia deň, je, že sú väčšinou edukatívne. Vždy je opísaná pamiatka alebo miesto, na ktorom sa cica nachádza, a tak sa zo sledovania profilu mačky môžeš aj niečo naučiť.

Mao, ako môžete vidieť aj na fotkách, najradšej cestuje v ruksačiku, no vždy má na sebe aj postroj, aby náhodou neušla. Zdá sa, že ju to cestovanie baví, minimálne to pchanie sa do každého možného záberu. Ak by nás niekto nosil neustále na chrbte a bral na cesty, užívali by sme si to pravdepodobne rovnako. 

Pokochaj sa tými najlepšími zábermi, ktoré Mao „pokazila“

Povedal niekto, že sa mám usmievať?

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?moment WIKIMIAOU : miaoumorning igers! This is a little treasure in Paris, a belfry, flanked by clocks on all four sides. It was in fact the former administrative headquarters of the former Grands Magasins du Louvre (now the Louvre des Antiquaires)! These were founded in 1855. When the building was built in 1860, the tower was erected as a symbol of the triumph of department stores. After the departure of the Grands Magasins du Louvre and its warehouses, the space is rebuilt and refurbished. It becomes a place of life. 20 Rapp Avenue becomes a residential building. In order to provide all these houses with water, the interior of the belfry is restructured to make it a water reservoir. As techniques advanced, the reservoir was soon useless in the neighborhood. It was until the 1980s that the tower found a function at the height of its history. In a two-story redevelopment below the tower, a Swiss architect, Monica Donati, falls under the charm of this somewhat unusual place, yet abandoned. She acquires the tower to make it a real little paradise. Measuring 18 m in height, some speak of a house converted into a triplex and others into quadriplex (143 m2). What a chance! ???? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#catsofinstagram#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks #catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#cettesemainesurinstagram #loves_france_#super_france#hello_france#france4dreams#ig_france#igersfrance#vivreparis #Париж#doitinparis#parisisalwaysagoodidea

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Mao bola pozrieť aj svetoznáme pestrofarebné ihrisko

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?moment WIKIMIAOU : Meow morning folks, do you know this? It’s a basketball court in Pigalle sandwiched into a row of buildings. With support from sports brand Nike, creative directors Ill-Studio and fashion label Pigalle have redesigned the compact and irregularly shaped site replacing primary colours with gradients of blue, pink, purple and orange. The rubber court surface blends from blue at the ends to pink in the centre, while gradients have also been applied to the surrounding walls. And why am I wet? It’s due to a snowball on the nose ?❄️☃️?? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#pigallebasketball#basketballneverstops

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Niekto sa ňou asi inšpiroval pri vytváraní tohto street art diela

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?moment WIKIMIAOU : purrrevening bipeds and quadrupeds! This is me in my trip in Brussels one year ago. This is a M. Chat, a graffiti cat that originally appeared in Orléans, France in 1997. The artist was originally anonymous, but in 2007 Thoma Vuille was caught in the act of creating the cat. The yellow cartoon cat is characterized by its large Cheshire Cat grin. The cat is most often portrayed in a running pose, but has also been variously depicted waving signal flags, bouncing on a ball, sporting angel wings, and waving in greeting at the entrance to a train station. It is sometimes accompanied by the tag "M. Chat" in small letters. Vuille claimed to have 60 cats across the French capital. There are currently two in New York City. There are currently three in Pristina, Kosovo. There are some in Vietnam, too. Additionally, there are several in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belgrade, Serbia. One has also been seen in Seoul, South Korea and one in Tangier, Morocco. There are probably many others Mr Cat around the world, but I don’t know where!! ?????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#monsieurchat#streetart

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Občas sú tie výlety dosť nudné

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?moment WIKIMEOW : Meowevening igers! The Millennium Bridge, officially known as the London Millennium Footbridge, is a steel suspension bridge for pedestrians crossing the River Thames linking Bankside to the City of London. Construction on the new bridge began in 1998 and it initially opened on 10th June 2000. However, Londoners nicknamed the bridge the “Wobbly Bridge” after pedestrians felt unexpected swaying motions. The bridge was closed later on the opening day and, after two days of limited access on 12th June 2000, it was closed for almost two years while modifications were made to eliminate the swaying motion. It reopened on 27th February 2002. The wobbling problem was solved by fitting 91 dampers to absorb lateral and vertical oscillations. It re-opened in 2002 after the changes cost an extra £5m This is some curiosities for you: The Millennium Bridge was London’s first new Thames crossing in more than 100 years, since Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. It was was temporarily closed again on 18 January 2007, during the Kyrill storm due to strong winds and a risk of pedestrians being blown off the bridge. In the 2009 movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the bridge was used to represent the Brockdale Bridge that collapses following a dramatic attach by the Death Eaters January 2017 Mao May took a Nap on the Bridge. More than wobbling I thought it was lulling me ??? ???? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#mileniumbridge#wobblybridge

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Zaujímavé miesto, čo poviete?

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?moment WIKIMEOW : meownight bipeds and quadrupeds!! I present you Lutry, a municipality in the Swiss canton of Vaud, located in the Lavaux-Oron. Lavaux and his Vineyard Terraces are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and listed as Swiss heritage site of national significance. The small medieval town is of great historical importance. The well-preserved heart of the town, with its narrow alleyways and numerous merchants' and noblemen's houses dating from the 15th to 18th centuries, is under a preservation order. There is a marked circular walk with eleven information boards about the history of Lutry.?????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#photobombed#photobomb

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Volal ma niekto?

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Meow??Miaow??Miaou??Miao??Miau??Miar??νιάου??Miau??Miav??Mjau??Miau??Mjau??Miauw??Mjaullin??Miyav??Mijau??Meong??мяукане??Njäu??Miaumiau??мијау??Miau??Mňaukať??Mňau??ņau??мяу??מִיָאוּ??Myov??Miau??म्याऊ??ニャー??喵??야옹??Meo??เหมียว??میو?? ?Meowsunday Igers!! Do you remember this place? Back to the beginning!! ????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#campingwithcats#kittentoday#kittens_of_world#TheDailyKitten#catisgood#happycatclub#catloversclub#catloversworld#catsofinstagram#bestcats_oftheworld#cat_features#purrfect #topcatphoto#themeowlife#catsprestige#adventurecats#bestmeow#theweekoninstagram#cat_features#worldwide_meowdels#balousfriends#catgag#catselect#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#TheDodo#photobombed

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Ahoj, ty si tiež mačička, nie?

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?moment WIKIMEOW : meowmornig bipeds and quadrupeds! The construction of the Arc de Triomphe was ordered in 1806 by Napoleon. Napoleon wanted to honor the Grande Armee, the French army. After his Austerlitz victory in 1805, he said to his soldiers : "You will return home through archs of triumph". It took 30 years to finish the Arc de Triomphe, and no wonder: it's incredibly elaborate. Relief sculptures at the base of each of the four pillars show four victories and war scenes; the top of the arch has the names of major successes during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods. Less important victories can be found on the inside walls, plus the names of 558 generals. The underlined names are to show that the general died in battle. The Arc de Triomphe wasn't completed until 1836, 15 years after Napoleon's death, so he never had the chance to see the final product. When he married second wife Marie Louise of Austria, he had a wooden replica of the Arc made so the two of them could pass through it as they entered Paris as a married couple. (No word on whether she was impressed or not.) He had already been dead nearly 20 years when Napoleon finally got to pass through the completed Arc in 1840, when his body was moved to its final resting place. As many countries do, France has a Tomb of the Unknown Solider, and this tomb happens to be under the Arc de Triomphe. The Unknown Soldier has been there since November 1920, and lies under the inscription, "Here lies a French soldier who died for his fatherland 1914-1918." At that time, an eternal flame was lit to honor those who had fallen during the war. ??⭐️? #maomay#happycatclub#bestmeow#simonscat#themeowlife#kittens_of_world#cat_features#bestcats_oftheworld Ph: @phil_a_paname

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Street art má Mao veľmi rada

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?moment WIKIMEOW : meowevening furriends! Shut up and learn something about Paris’ street art! This is “Chuuuttt!” a gigantic stencil that covers the gable wall of a building overlooking Place Igor Stravinsky between St-Merry Church and the Centre Pompidou in Beaubourg district. Jean-Francois Perroy, aka Jef Aérosol, one of the pioneers in street art stencil, created Chuuuttt! in 2011 for Mur4Mur. The aim of this art project was to promote accessible contemporary art in historical Paris. The district inhabitants commissioned the stencil graffiti to replace the unauthorized and unsightly tags that used to smear the wall and depreciated the musical fountain created by Jean Tinguely and his wife Niki de Saint Phalle. Chuuuttt! covers the entire height of the wall and blends in the surrounding decor, as it is in black and white.The only colourful element is a red arrow, Jef Aérosol's signature. Made in 4 strips, it covers an area of 350 m2 and needed 200 aerosol cans. Jef invited other talented street art artists such as Blek le Rat, C215, Miss Tic, Kris Trappeniers and Vhils in order to help him create Chuuuttt! in less than three days – assembling and dismantling of the scaffolding included! The monumental stencil is an auto-portrait. "This gesture is my way of saying, listen to each others and stop for five minutes, listen to things you do not usually hear.The city is not just the sound of police sirens and engines.This is also the cries of children, the birds singing and the melody of foreign languages, the languages of the many tourists visiting the Centre Pompidou" ?????? And you can see this during @pariscityvision ‘s tour!! #maomay#parisjetaime#hello_france#topparisphoto#europevacation#super_france#catsofinstagram#9gag#happycatclub#streetart#parisstreetart

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Nerobí jej problém ani večerný výlet

Svieti mi slnko do očí, nefoť ma!

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?moment WIKIMEOW : meowmornig folks! Friday I met a meowbeautiful person: @blue_tinkerbell and I spend a great moment with her at Printemps Haussemann. Created in 1865 by the visionary Jules Jaluzot and listed as a historical monument, it is today one of Paris's leading department stores. More than 44,000 m² devoted to luxury goods, fashion, glamour and dream products; 25 floors over 3 buildings; 1 million references and over 300 brands sold exclusively; a panoramic terrace with an exceptional view over Paris. With its magnificent art deco cupola, its Haussmannian facade and spectacular window displays, Printemps Haussmann offers you an unforgettable experience at the heart of Parisian style and fashion. After the renovation of Printemps' men's area at the start of 2017, the Paris department store, opened a department dedicated completely to food.  Dubbed Printemps du Goût (goût meaning 'taste'), the new concept is located high up on level 7 and 8 of the retailer's dedicated menswear building. Moreover, the food levels come flooded with light and are privy to 360° views of Paris, an attraction in themselves for consumers. In terms of the product, the area boasts just French produce and gastronomical delights. Segmented into distinct spaces (a grocery zone and restaurant), Printemps du Goût has linked up with different chefs, artisans and brands: @maisondubernet and its southwestern French products; the baker @gontrancherrier; patisserie chef, @christophe_michalak; the @palaisdesthes (Tea Palace), the (juice maker) and the @maisonduchocolat (the chocolate house). Bipeds had a great lunch. I had a walk and a super nap on the roof. ?????? #maomay#printempshaussmann#hello_rooftops#catsofinstagram#animalsco#thedodo#catloversclub#cutepetclub#cats_of_world

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?moment WIKIMEOW : Meowmorning folks! For those who have never visited Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, here are some interesting facts that should entice you to put Milan on your next vacation plan. ?It is one of the oldest shopping malls in the world. Due to his popularity as a meeting point, for over a century it has been referred to endearingly as il salotto di Milano, the living-room of Milan. ?The Galleria gets its name from Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of the Kingdom of Italy. He is said to have laid the first stone of the gallery himself in 1865, inaugurating the building's construction. ☠️Ideas for the gallery’s architectural style were gathered in three contests. In 1863, a project by Giuseppe Mengoni was chosen as the most pragmatic and elegant. The inauguration took place in 1877 . But that day was also marked by a shock: hours before the grand opening, Mengoni was found dead inside the gallery. Some say that he fell from a scaffold but most contend that the cause of his death remains a mystery. ?Did you know that the mosaics depict Italian cities? The wolf represents Rome, the lily Florence, the bull Turin and a white flag with red cross is a representation of Milan. According to local tradition, spinning counterclockwise three times while maintaining the heel placed over the bull’s testicles and yelling “HUMMA KAVULA” brings good luck and wards off evil. This tradition started as a mockery game played by the Milanese against the rival city of Turin. Whether or not this brings luck is still unclear, but it has caused damage to the mosaic creation because a hole has developed in the the bull’s testicles. mosaic. ?????? #MaoMay#catisgood#cats_of_world#catsofinstagram#topcatphoto#catsprestige#adventurecats#cat_features#balousfriends#catgag @kittens_today @cat.isgood @catloversclub @worldwide_meowdels @thedodo @9gagcute @the.dailykitten @bestcats_oftheworld @bestmeow @meowbox

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?moment WIKIMEOW : good meowevening bipeds and quadrupeds! Galeries Lafayette is one of the most popular, chic and distinguished shopping centers in Paris, created by two cousins from the Alsace region of France, Théophile Bader and Alphonse Kahn, who opened a shop selling novelty items in a small haberdashery in 1893 on the corner of rue La Fayette and rue de la Chaussée d’Antin. Today this world-renowned luxurious department store kindles the curiosity of all people passionate about the luxury and fashion industry! Beauty and fashion enthusiasts are passionately attached to Paris, where some of the most remarkable fashion moments happened since the time of Kings and Queens. Paris is the city where Marie Antoinette used to spend heavily on fashion and where Coco Chanel invented the iconic Little Black Dress. Today in Paris, designers both young and old continue to intensely create and to enthrall the fashion world. Twice a year is held the Paris Fashion week where Chanel, Christian Dior, Givenchy and many renowned creators exhibit their collections.  For those who have a fondness for fashion shows, know that the Coupole holds a weekly fashion show at 3 p.m. every Friday on its 4th floor. The Galeries Lafayette offers its visitors a splendid glass Coupole, rising to a height of 43 meters, which can be seen from across the city. This majestic Art Nouveau steel and glass Coupole became the iconic symbol of the mall. ?????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#campingwithcats#kittentoday#kittens_of_world#TheDailyKitten#catisgood#happycatclub#catloversclub#catloversworld#catsofinstagram#bestcats_oftheworld#cat_features#purrfect #topcatphoto#themeowlife#catsprestige#adventurecats#bestmeow#theweekoninstagram#cat_features#worldwide_meowdels#fashionblogger#catgag#fashionweek#pfw#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#parisfashionweek

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Zaujímavá socha, nie?

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?moment WIKIMEOW : meowhi folks! Do you know this statue? It’s the”Young Dancer” by Enzo Plazzotta. Ballet was one of the artist’s favoured subjects, and this bronze sculpture is well placed, almost opposite the Bow Street entrance to the Royal Opera House and just round the corner from the Royal Ballet School. Because of its location, close to the heart of tourist London, this is perhaps the most famous of all Plazzotta’s works. The model is about life-size for a young dancer. She is depicted seated on a stool and has her left foot resting just above her bent left knee. Her left foot is pointed into the ground. Her hands are lightly resting on her left leg. Her hair is tied back in a bun and she is wearing a flimsy dress and ballet shoes. The whole effect is one of elegance. Note in the background a fine row of old K-2 phone boxes, left there for the tourists. But why I’ve never found a statue of a cat?!????‍♀️???? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#enzoplazzotta#youngdancer

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?moment WIKIMIAOU : meowmorning igers! People seem surprised, but I like architecture, so this is a meowselfie at The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, a minor basilica in Lyon. It was built with private funds between 1872 and 1884 in a dominant position overlooking the city. Fourvière is dedicated to the Virgin Mary who is said to have saved Lyon from the Black Death that swept through Europe in 1643. Every year on the 8th December, Lyon thanks the Virgin by lighting candles throughout the city and illuminating walls and buildings in a LED extravaganza. It’s called Fête des Lumières or the Festival of Lights, which, although pious in origin, has become a must-see international event. The gilded Virgin Mary sits upon the bell-tower of Fourvière and has continued to ward off other unwanted from Lyon. She pushed away a Cholera epidemic in 1832, for example, and prevented the Prussian invasion in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War. Busy lady. I can understand, I’m a busy cat ?????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#catloversclub#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#theweekoninstagram#photobombed#selfiegram

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moment WIKIMIAOU ?Nicknamed “God’s architect,” Gaudí stated that he designed and built all his work for the glory of God. He didn’t marry or have children, instead focusing steadfastly on his work and his Catholicism. As he got older, Gaudí became more religious, attending Mass and praying each day. He engaged in extreme fasting, shunned meat and alcohol, and reportedly ate only lettuce dipped in milk for a typical lunch. His hygiene habits also went sharply downhill; he wore shabby, ragged clothing, and stopped shaving.On June 7, 1926, during his daily walk to confession, Gaudí was hit by a tram along the Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes. Because of the 73-year-old's unkempt appearance (and the fact that he didn’t have identification in his pocket), people who witnessed the accident thought he was a beggar. Gaudí lost consciousness, but taxi drivers wouldn’t bother taking a beggar to the hospital. A doctor who lived along the Gran Via, was alerted to the accident and went to examine the old man, but he concluded that nothing could be done. A police officer eventually took the gaunt, injured Gaudí to the Hospital de la Santa Creu, where he got only the rudimentary care that a pauper would receive. It wasn't until the next day that the chaplain at the Sagrada Família recognized the beggar as the famed architect, but it was too late—Gaudí died two days later, on June 10, 1926. ??☠️ #MaoMay#Marlene#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#greycat#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#sagradafamilia#architectureporn#blogueuse

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Hovoril niekto, že sa ideme fotiť?

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?moment WIKIMIAOU : miaoumorning bipeds and quadrupeds! Here I was sniffing around “the Pont d’Arcole”. Called the passerelle de Grève or the pont de l'Hôtel-de-Ville for the first two years of its life, its present name comes from the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, in which Napoleon personally led a charge waving the tricolour and defeated the Austrians in 1796. The other hypothesis is that a young republican killed in the "Three Glorious Days" of the July Revolution – cut down as he planted the tricolour – cried "Remember that I am called Arcole" just before his death, presumably as he was imitating Bonaparte's action. It was only in 1828 that a suspension bridge for pedestrians supported from a central pier in midstream, was built by Marc Seguin. In 1854 it was replaced by a more substantial metal structure that could also be used by vehicular traffic. The structure was innovative in that it was the first unsupported bridge across the Seine to be made entirely in wrought iron rather than cast iron. The low arch, only lightly cambered, was also innovative, and on 16 February 1888 it suddenly sagged by 20 cm and had to be consolidated. The bridge is also historically notable in that it was over this bridge that the first tanks of Général Leclerc's 2nd Armored Division rolled on their way to the place de l'hôtel de ville during the Liberation of Paris in August 1944. ????? #MaoMay#julieaucontraire#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#catsofinstagram#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks #catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#cettesemainesurinstagram #loves_france_#super_france#hello_france#france4dreams#ig_france#igersfrance#vivreparis #Париж#doitinparis#boopmynose#thepipas2018

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? According to legend, if its 74m tower is unfinished it's because there was no money left (in Switzerland ??). A jewel of gothic architecture, the cathedral was built between 1283 and 1490. It is possible to climb the 365 steps to the top of the high tower and discover the entire town. St Nicholas Cathedral has a rich architectural setting. The stained-glass windows constitutes one of the most important collections on the European continent in the field of religious Art Nouveau stained-glass windows. The organs bring together classic and romantic features. His instruments very quickly acquired international repute and attracted famous musicians such as Franz Liszt and Anton Bruckner. ???? #MaoMay#Marlene#koratcat#cathaiku#campingwithcats#happycat#greycat#catsofinstagram#catstagram#instacats#catoftheday#bestmeow#purrfect#purrr#neko #gattidiinstagram#instagatto#gattomania#happycaturday#catsareweird#mycatisweird#catsareassholes#catladyproblems#catsarejerks#catsrule#leschatscesbranleurs#leschatscestousdesbranleurs#architectureporn#architecturelovers#blogueuse

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Táto funkcia je dostupná iba členom Emefka PREMIUM, prihlás sa do svojho konta. Ak členom nie si, využi túto možnosť a zakúp si predplatné.

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Tento obsah je štandardne platený, no tvoj kamoš je členom Emefka PREMIUM a obsah ti odomkol. Stačí zadať tvoju emailovú adresu.