Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Streda 22.1.2025
, Zoran
Slavomír, Slavomíra

Clare Kayden Hines je talentovaná umelkyňa z Kalifornie, ktorá sa venuje kresleniu vtipných farebných komiksov. Ide o bežné scenáre zo života mladých, ktoré sú blízke aj jej. Clare začala kresliť od veľmi útleho veku. Spomína si, že to bolo vtedy, keď mala 5 rokov a dostala psa.

Kreslila ho všade, kde mohla a neskôr k nemu pridávala aj iné predmety. Začala si kresliť aj v škole, a to nielen počas prestávok, ale vždy, keď sa nemusela príliš sústrediť na dianie v triede. Jej talent si všimli aj jej spolužiaci a začali sa jej pýtať, či by nenakreslila aj ich psov.

Clare prezradila aj to, čo je pre ňu najlepšie a najhoršie pri tvorbe komiksov. ,,Najťažšie je určite to, keď mám v hlave nejaký nápad, ale neviem, ako ho znázorniť v kresbe. Niekedy je to naozaj frustrujúce. No a najlepšie je to, že dokážem ľudí rozosmiať. Mám rada, keď sa aj oni dokážu nájsť v mojich kresbách,“ prezradila autorka komiksov.

Zároveň dodala, že kreslenie je pre ňu spôsob, ako nájsť humor v rôznych životných situáciách. Vybrali sme pre vás 18 obrázkov, ktoré by sa vám mali páčiť, pretože tieto momenty určite veľmi dobre poznáte aj vy.


/Povedz, kedy dosť/


/Na svete sú len tri typy ľudí/


/Iní ľudia vs. ja/


/Na svete sú len dva typy ľudí/


/Úsmev so zatvorenými ústami
Očakávanie vs. realita/


/Ja: Uhm… je fakt ťažké vypiť 8 pohárov vody za deň
Tiež ja: … /

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Water is SO BORING. I’m honestly so bad at drinking it. Clearly I am not bad at drinking large quantities of other liquids though! ⠀ Also GUYS! I am going to Japan today!! ?? So instead of wine, I’ll be drinking lots of SAKE. ? I may not be able to post much for the next week, but will keep you updated on IG stories when I can ❤️ WILL MISS YOU ALL ? ⠀ * also this drawing is inspired by a meme I saw on @mytherapistsays’s account *⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #instaart #doodles #redwine #winetasting #coffeeart #instadraw #illustrationoftheday #memesdaily #doodleart #relatable #illustagram #sketching #cartoon #create #artstagram #creatives #illustrateyourworld #illustrations #sketchbook #drawingoftheday #comic #memes #illustrationartist #doodling #instaartist #illustrator #cartoonist

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Vtedy vs. teraz/


/Umývanie tváre ako z reklamy
Očakávanie vs. realita/


/Na svete existujú len dva typy ľudí/


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A girl can dream ?

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/Keď sa rozhodnem žiť zdravo/


/Moja prvá káva za deň
*Mozog už začal pracovaaať* /

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My braiiiin is aliveeee with the taste of cofffeeeeeee. ? ☕️ Yes my morning coffee makes me want to frolic in an open field singing show tunes like Julie Andrews from the Sound of Music. For 5 minutes at least. Although these days my caffeine addiction has graduated to me needing two coffees to feel this way… ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #soundofmusic #coffeeart #coffee #momentslikethese #coffeeshopcorners #coffeegram #sociality #coffeeaddict #lattegram #coffeelovers #coffeegeek #memesdaily #doodleart #illustagram #sketching #cartoon #create #artstagram #creatives #illustrateyourworld #illustrations #sketchbook #drawingoftheday #memes #illustrationartist #doodling #instaartist #illustrator #cartoonist

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/ Koncert Beyoncé
Očakávanie vs. realita/


Očakávanie vs. realita/


/Ja: Len sa niekoľkokrát zohnem
Tiež ja: Vyzerá už môj zadok ako ten Kim K.?

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/Fotenie na dovolenke
Očakávanie vs. realita/

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If I can’t take my dream picture I’ll draw it at least… Konnichiwa everyone! I am back from Japan and am in LOVE ? It was totally crazy there this time of year (spring break, cherry blossoms ? !!), but there is so much to love about Japan, and I’m mesmerized by it. I love how perfectly weird it is (hedgehog and owl cafes, toilets with 10 settings). I love how everything is designed beautifully and with a purpose (bike locks, but for your umbrella! Heated toilet seats! The bullet train!). I love the cuteness (kawaii) of everything (the little animations on the subway, the cute voices, the pink colors, the shiba inus ?). I love the food! (Matcha ? everything! Sushi ? ! Gyoza ?! Ramen ? !) I love the attention to detail (sleeping clothes laid out at every hotel, wet towels before eating, taxi doors that open automatically for you). I am a little in withdrawal (both from the experience and the karaoke and the sake) and a little jet lagged, but this trip confirmed that Japan is one of my favorite countries in the world and Tokyo might be one of my favorite cities ever. I can’t wait to go back. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #kaydenhines #illustration #instaart #doodles #instadraw #illustrationoftheday #memesdaily #doodleart #relatable #illustagram #sketching #cartoon #create #artstagram #instakyoto #illustrateyourworld #illustrations #sketchbook #drawingoftheday #comic #memes #illustrationartist #doodling #instaartist #illustrator #cartoonist #memestagram #illustrate #kyotojapan

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/Kde sa pozerám počas videohovoru
Na seba / Na druhú osobu/


/Vlastné rastliny
Očakávanie vs. realita/

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Seriously though, I am doing something wrong. I have managed to kill every single one of my plants, even the “unkillable” ones, like cacti and succulents. ? The worst are orchids. They are impossible. Mine always die and turn into barren sticks. Honestly, it’s been much easier to keep my dog alive at this point. Anyway, I have come to terms with the fact that I will never be like my “expectations” drawing. Though every time I see a cactus I still want to buy it ? My solution has been to just buy nice looking plastic plants! (And yes I drew myself in Birkenstocks because that is the type of plant lady I aspire to be). ? ⠀ ⠀ #drawingpen #drawingskills #comicartist #comicstrips #drawingbook #urbanartist #urbanarts #graffporn #graffitti #graffitiartist #grafflife #graffity #graffart #graffitis #graffitiwall #graffitiworld #kaydenhines #urbanjunglebloggers #plantstagram #houseplantclub #crazyplantlady

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