Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
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Nedeľa 23.2.2025
Roman, Romana

O zábavno-edukatívnom projekte dánskej agentúry Ferdio sme už raz písali. Pod menom Factourism sa rozhodli svojim fanúšikom sprostredkovávať zaujímavé fakty a poznatky ako z aktuálneho sveta, tak aj z histórie veľmi príjemnou formou – ilustráciami. Keďže toho majú v repertoári ešte omnoho viac, rozhodli sme sa urobiť pokračovanie a to vám prinášame v dnešnom článku.

1. Ak prídeš o palec na ruke, chirurgovia ho vedia nahradiť tým z nohy

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If you lose your thumb, surgeons can replace it with your big toe⁠ ⁠ {Weekend Repost}⁠ It’s an unusual procedure but it has been done at least once, in the Netherlands, by surgeon Robert de Wijn and colleagues Mick Kreulen and Jan van Loon. After a work accident where he lost his thumb, the patient wished he could continue using his motorbike. The medical team took off his toe and successfully reconnected every vessels, nerves and tendons where the thumb stood previously. ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #toe #toes #thumb #thumbs #surgery #handsurgery

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2. Výkal Neila Armstronga je ešte stále na Mesiaci

3. Syr aktivuje rovnakú časť nášho mozgu ako drogy

4. Na telefóne sa nachádza viac baktérií ako na záchodovej doske

5. Samička kengury má tri vagíny

6. Veľrybovec sivý sa často pári v trojici

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Grey whales often mate in threesomes⠀ ⠀ In the winter season, whales will move to warmer water with the aim of reproducing. Once ready for it, female grey whales are the ones to choose their mate, or their mates, indeed. Often enough, there will be more than one male involved in an hour of mating, with the males switching places in the process. The female then hopefully starts a thirteen months pregnancy, before nursing her baby for a year.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url):⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #savethewhales #whalesofinstagram #whalespotting #greywhales #? #? #endangered #zoology #threesome

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7. Zvyčajne sa v noci najčastejšie budíme o 3:44

8. Astronauti môžu voliť z vesmíru

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Astronauts can vote from space⁣ ⁣ Astronauts aboard the International Space Station, and previously the Mir station, are not exempt of voting duty. They get their ballot as an encrypted PDF in their e-mail inbox, can cast their vote from one of the onboard computers, and send it back to their voting clerk. It initially required some adaptation in the law down back Earth to accommodate for this derogation, but now people in space can voice their political preference almost like anyone else.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #votingrights #votingmatters #elections #voting #iss #spacefact #astronaut

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9. Jedna ceruzka vie nakresliť čiaru dlhú až 56 kilometrov

10. V 70. rokoch predával McDonald’s pizzu

11. 96 % ľudí vie rozoznať horúcu vodu od studenej len na základe zvuku

12. Leonardo da Vinci vedel písať jednou rukou a zároveň kresliť druhou

13. Človek za život vyprodukuje 25,000 litrov slín, čo sa rovná dvom plaveckým bazénom

14. V prezidentských voľbách v Spojených štátoch dostal v roku 2012 Santa Claus 670 hlasov

15. Keby mala Zem veľkosť zrnka piesku, Slnko by bolo veľké ako tenisová lopička

16. Stroj na cukrovú vatu vynašiel zubár

17. Vo Walese je mesto zvané…

18. Skafandre pre pristátie na Mesiaci vyrobila firma so spodnou bielizňou

19. Fotograf Kevin Abosch predal fotku zemiaku za 1,000,000 dolárov

20. Najdlhší tandemový bicykel na svete má 52 sedadiel

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The world’s longest pedal-powered tandem bicycle has 52 seats⁣ ⁣ It started with two sisters fancying the same boy, arguing about which of them would ride with him on their tandem bicycle. Their father welded another frame and seat to solve the issue. They later got carried away and added seats after seats to accommodate for all the family and their friends. The eventual “bi”cycle is 42 metres long, has 52 seats, and 26 wheels.⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #cyclists #cycling #bicycles #bicyclelife #bicyclelove #tandembike #recordoftheday #worldrecord #guinnessworldrecord

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21. Množstvo Nutelly, ktoré sa ročne predá, by pokrylo 1000 futbalových ihrísk

Ak ťa tento článok zaujal, jeho 1. časť nájdeš tu

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