Tlačidlo na zatvorenie okna potvrdenia platby
Tvoje predplatné bolo aktivované
Piatok 7.3.2025
, Thomas, Tom

Zlých správ už bolo dosť. Valia sa na nás z každej strany, z televízie, internetu, novín a všetko je len o tom, kto kedy zomrel, ochorel, kto koho okradol a kde čo zase nefunguje. Stačí. Naozaj stačí. To si okrem nás povedal aj taliansky ilustrátor Mauro Gatti, ktorý sa na svet pozerá o čosi optimistickejšie.

Narozdiel od toho zlého, čo sa na našej planéte deje, sa zameriava na to dobré a pekné. A to pretavuje do svojej ilustrovanej tvorby, ktorú na instagrame prezentuje pod názvom The Happy Broadcast. Niečo z nej sme ti ukázali aj koncom minulého roka, no keďže tento rok nebol na úspechy o nič chudobnejší, prinášame ti pokračovanie.

1. Holandské umelé ostrovy

Holandsko vybudovalo päť umelých ostrovov na ochranu voľne žijúcich zvierat a rastlinstva. Počas prvých dvoch rokov svojej existencie pomohli ostrovy už viac ako 30-tisícom vtákom a 127 druhom rastlín.

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More than 40 years after the authorities in the Netherlands, a country that takes pride in its innovative methods of water management, caused an environmental calamity on what is now a lake known as the Markermeer, an ambitious solution is bringing it back to life. Nine kilometres into the vast expanse of the Markermeer, the 700 sq km lake on Amsterdam’s easterly flank, lies a new Dutch archipelago. Five sprawling artificial islands, constructed from sucked-up and refashioned fine silt, clay and shells, offer a haven for plants, birds and other wildlife .⁣⁣ ⁣ “We have already seen dramatic, spectacular changes: thousands of new birds, clearer water, massive amounts of insects,” said Roel Posthoorn, an initiator of the project for the Dutch Society for Nature Conservation, during a recent tour of the archipelago. Source: The New York Times (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #Netherlands #holland #birds #plants #ecosystem #climatechange #sustainability

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2. Rukavice pre koaly

Po obrovských austrálskych požiaroch sa ľudia z celého sveta spojili a začali pre koaly s popálenými labkami štrikovať rukavičky. Okrem toho sa na ich pomoc vyzbierali už takmer 2 milióny dolárov.

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This is the kind of news that warms our heart .⁣ – Drop a ? in the comments to celebrate! – Tag in the comments one of your friends that needs some good news Numerous bushfires have been wreaking havoc in Australia, affecting both residents and wildlife. As a result of the fires, wildlife hospitals have seen a huge influx of animals, and they are struggling to keep up with the demand for supplies. Many of these rescued koalas (over $75,000) are now being treated for burns on their paws. As a means of protecting the critters’ paws from sustaining further injury, Australians have been encouraging crafty activists to send handmade mittens to their animal hospitals. For instance, a group of Dutch knitting enthusiasts from the Quilt Shop 100 in the Netherlands has already crafted more than 400 pairs of mittens for an Australian koala hospital. The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has also been raising money for their koala treatments, as well as other Australian wildlife organizations. Since launching a GoFundMe campaign last month, they have surged past their original goal and raised almost $2 million for their rescue efforts. Source: GNN (link in bio, find out how to donate too) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #australia #koala #donation #charity #help #bushfires #wildlife #danger #mittens

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3. Odpad za jedlo

India otvorila svoju prvú „kaviareň s odpadkami“, ktorá ponúka jedlo výmenou za odpad. Je to unikátne riešenie hneď pre dva veľké problémy, s ktorými sa krajina potýka – hladomor a nadmerné množstvo plastového odpadu.

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The cafe, situated in Ambikapur, which bagged the title of the second cleanest city in India, will provide free food in exchange for plastic waste. The concept of this cafe is that people can get their plastic waste weighed and enjoy a warm meal in return. "When I got to know about this cafe, I started collecting and storing plastic waste from my house. This is a great initiative to make the citizens aware to keep the city plastic-free. Through this initiative we can get two benefits, first, we can keep our vicinity clean and second, we can get delicious food in exchange for plastic waste," said a resident. The plastic waste collected by the people coming here is ultimately sent to the Municipal Corporation for recycling. Source: India Today (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #india #plastic #recycling #food #startup #plasticwaste #climatechange #globalwarming

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4. Billie Eilish a Global Citizen

Speváčka Billie Eilish sa spojila s organizáciou Global Cizizen. Jej fanúšikovia teda môžu získať lístky na jej nadchádzajúce turné zdarma, respektíve výmenou za ich boj proti klimatickým zmenám.

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Billie Eilish fans will be able to earn free tickets to her upcoming tour by helping to fight climate change. The pop star is set to head out on her ‘Where Do We Go’ arena tour next year, which will conclude with four shows at Londons O2 Arena in July. Eilish said: “I teamed up with a great organisation called Global Citizen to help come up with a way to earn tickets to the ‘Where Do We Go’ tour.” The ‘Bad Guy’ artist then directed those interested to her own Global Citizen page, which offers further details on fighting issues such as plastic pollution, global warming, and climate change. Following the announcement of the dates, Eilish detailed how she plans to make her time on the road as eco-friendly as possible. The shows will also feature a ‘Billie Eilish Eco-Village’, an area where fans can learn about climate change and the importance of making a difference. Source: NME (link on how to enter the contest in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #billie #billieeilish #globalcitizen #tour #music #climatechange #action #sustainability

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5. Boj proti plastom

Vedcom sa podarilo navrhnúť magnetické cievky tenšie ako ľudský vlas, ktoré pomôžu rozkladať plasty v oceánoch. Cievky chemicky reagujú s plastom a rozkladajú ho na vodu a oxid uhličitý.

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About 14 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year and plastic never fully break down. They fragment into smaller pieces called microplastics. In a new study, scientists describe a new type of nanotechnology that could help: tiny magnetic "nano-coils" that create chemical reactions in order to break down microplastics in the ocean. The process converts the plastic into carbon dioxide and water. Nano-tech refers to anything smaller than one billionth of a meter, or half the width of a human hair, the process converts the plastic pieces into harmless salt compounds, Co2, and water. Art by our talented friend Kyle @kylejones . Source: Business Insider (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #plastic #science #noplastic #scientist #microplastic #ocean #climatechange #innovation

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6. Úprava DNA

Vedci vynašli nový spôsob, ako upraviť DNA, ktorý by potenciálne mohol pomôcť odstrániť až 89 percent zo všetkých 75-tisíc genetických ochorení. Doposiaľ sa technológia testovala ako na myšiach, tak aj na ľuďoch.

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A new gene editing technique called prime editing, tested in human and mouse cells, rewrites DNA by only cutting a single strand to add, remove, or replace base pairs. The method may allow researchers to edit more types of genetic mutations than existing genome-editing approaches such as CRISPR-Cas9. The technology, called prime editing, has been described as a "genetic word processor" able to accurately re-write the genetic code. It has been used to correct damaging mutations in the lab, including those that cause sickle cell anaemia. The team at the Broad Institute say it is "very versatile and precise", but stress the research is only starting. Source: BBC (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #dna #science #primeediting #scientist #USA #Broad

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7. Edukácia o planéte

Taliansko je prvou krajinou, kde sa deti vo všetkých ročníkoch budú povinne učiť o klimatických zmenách a udržateľnosti. Krajina sa chce stať lídrom v edukácii o enviromentálnych problémoch a do učebných osnov zaradí starostlivosť o planétu od budúceho roka.

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From next year, Italian school students in every grade will be required to study climate change and sustainability, in an attempt to position the country as a world leader in environmental education. All public schools will include about 33 hours a year in their curricula to study issues linked to climate change. Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said "I want to make the Italian education system the first education system that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school”. Source: CNN (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #italy #school #education #sustainability #ecosystem #globalwarming #climatechange #cleanenergy

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8. Práva pre rieky

Bangladéš udelil všetkým riekam na území krajiny legálne práva. Ľudia, ktorí ich budú ničiť a znečisťovať, sa teda môžu ocitnúť pred súdom. Práve Bangladéš je známy ako „krajina mnohých riek“, má ich stovky a toto je skvelým krokom vpred.

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This is an incredible news!
Bangladesh is sometimes known as the “land of the rivers.” It’s got hundreds of them — and over the years, they’ve been getting more and more polluted. But as of early July, every single one of them has a remarkable new level of protection: The Bangladeshi Supreme Court has given all rivers in the country legal rights. Now, people who damage a river can get taken to court by the government-appointed National River Conservation Commission. They’ll be tried as if they’d harmed a living entity, because each river now has the right to life. That means the river’s government-designated human representatives can sue on its behalf when it’s being endangered. Illustration by the super talented Andy J. Pizza @andyjpizza . Source: Vox (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #Bangladesh #river #law #rights #ecosystem #globalwarming #climatechange

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9. Množenie koralov

Vedcom sa po prvý raz podarilo v laboratórnom prostredí namnožiť ohrozené druhý koralov. Tento fascinujúci objav môže zachrániť koralové útesy, zdevastované rôznymi chorobami a, ako inak, klimatickými zmenami.

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Climate change and disease have devastated the coral reef off the coast of the Florida Keys ⁠— the third largest coral barrier reef in the world, and the only one in the US. Scientists at the Florida Aquarium reproduced coral from the Atlantic Ocean in a lab for the first time. They mimicked the natural conditions that signal corals to reproduce, like sunsets and moon phases. For two days in a row, scientists oversaw the spawning of pillar coral, which is almost extinct after a multi-year disease outbreak that left clusters of male and female coral too far apart to reproduce. The team plans to raise the baby coral to maturity in the lab. Source: Business Insider (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #trees #science #coral #ocean #florida #coralreef #reef #ecosystem #globalwarming #climatechange

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10. Stop igelitkám

Anglicko pred štyrmi rokmi zaviedlo poplatok za igelitové tašky. Od tej doby ich predaj v krajine rapídne klesol. Minulý rok to bolo o takmer 50 percent, keď sa namiesto štandardnej miliardy predalo „len“ 550 miliónov kusov. Tento rok sa číslo vyšplhalo až na 90 percent.

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England's largest retailers are now selling 90% fewer plastic bags than they did before a 5-pence plastic bag fee began in late 2015, the U.K. government says. In the past year alone, the retailers' sales fell by nearly half, from more than 1 billion bags to fewer than 550 million. The statistics come from reports by the seven biggest retailers in England: Asda, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, The Co-operative Group, Tesco and Waitrose. Whether it's grocery bags or drinking straws, single-use plastics have become a frequent target for governments that want to reduce ocean waste and cut down plastic's presence in our food supply and drinking water. Art by our friend @john.larigakis . Source: NPR (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #plastic #noplastic #england #uk #recycle #grocery

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11. Jedlo za pokutu

Las Vegas testuje návrh, podľa ktorého by bolo možné pokuty za parkovanie platiť vo forme jedla pre tých, ktorí si ho sami v období sviatkov nemôžu dovoliť. Toto nie je po prvý raz, čo sa mesto o niečo také pokúsilo. Tento rok v júli bralo ako pokuty napríklad školské pomôcky pre deti v núdzi.

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The city council unanimously voted in favor of the initiative to allow food donations to be accepted instead of the cash fine. The press release for the city says they are taking in the donations to help those in need during the holiday season. All the food donations will be donated to the Helping Hands of Vegas Valley, a nonprofit that provides assistance to low income and disabled senior citizens, the press release reads. This isn't the first time Las Vegas has announced a special program to waive cash fines for parking tickets. In July, the city accepted donations of school supplies in lieu of parking ticket fines. Las Vegas City Council has been running occasional programs to accept charitable donations in place of parking fines since 2016. Source: CNN (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #lasvegas #parkingticket #food #fooddonation #charity #innovation

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12. Nové krvné testy

Nový druh krvného testu vie odhaliť viac ako 20 rôznych druhov rakoviny s presnosťou 99.4 %. Vďaka nemu bude možné chorobu podchytiť skôr a ihneď začať s adekvátnou liečbou.

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Experts said the breakthrough – which spots changes in the genes, as disease develops – could be used to improve screening for cancer, allowing treatment much sooner, when it is more likely to succeed. Crucially, 99.4 per cent cases identified as cancer were correctly spotted – meaning just 0.6 per cent of cases were misdiagnoses of healthy patients. The advances, by US scientists, look for abnormal patterns of methylation in the DNA, which can indicate different types of cancer. The study found the new method could even pinpoint the cancer source nearly 90 per cent of the time, including for diseases like ovarian and pancreatic disease, which are some of the most difficult to spot. Source: Telegraph (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #blood #bloodtest #cancer #prevention #science #innovation #doctor

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13. Veľký zelený múr

Tento rok sa spojilo viac ako 20 afrických krajín a spoločne vysadili 8-tisíc kilometrov dlhý „stromový múr“, ktorý zabráni rozširovaniu Saharskej púšte.

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As rainforests burn and desertification spreads, a massive and utopian project is underway in one of the most environmentally degraded parts of the world — and it could serve as a model for saving the planet. The Great Green Wall, which has the support of 20 countries in Africa, aims to plant trees and restore landscapes across one of the widest sections of Africa — an area known as the Sahel that stretches 8,000 kilometers, or 5,000 miles — creating a “wall” of verdant ecosystems in the process. The Great Green Wall is about more than restoring degraded land. It’s about revitalizing communities and fostering sustainable economies, with the understanding that a healthy environment is the bedrock of any healthy society. Source: Global Citizen (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #africa #greenwall #rainforest #desert #climatechange #wall #ecosystem #economy

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14. Kačky namiesto pesticídov

Ryžoví farmári z celého sveta začali namiesto škodlivých chemických pesticídov používať kačky. Tie sa živia hmyzom a burinou, ktorá by mohla ryžu ohroziť, no jej samotnej sa ani nedotknú. Bonusom je, že ich exkrementy sú prírodné hnojivo.

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Chemical pesticides have turned out to be another man-made disaster, as its effect on humans and the environment has been found to be as deadly as on pests. So some farmers in China, Japan, France, and other countries looked back on the traditional way of controlling pests and found using ducks, to be the most effective way. This method of integrated farming, i.e. ‘rice-duck farming’ has been documented 600 years ago. Apart from eating the pests, the wading or waddling of the ducks through the mud oxygenates water and stirs up layers of soil. Their droppings act as a natural fertilizer. All these benefits make these ducks a viable alternative to pesticides! Source: Eco Friend (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #duck #rice #farming #china #japan #pesticides

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15. HIV na ústupe

Vo svojich tohtoročných reportoch zameraných na pohlavné choroby Spojené národy vyhlásili, že úmrtia následkom vírusu HIV klesli od roku 2010 o 33 percent. V tomto roku bolo zaznamenaných 1,2 milióna úmrtí.

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In its annual AIDS report, the UN said that HIV-related deaths in 2018 fell to around 770,000, which is 33% lower than in 2010 when 1.2 million deaths were recorded. According to the report, an estimated 37.9 million people worldwide now live with HIV, but a record number — 23.3 million of them — have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), which can control the infection .⁣ ⁣ Although eastern and southern Africa still have the world's highest number of cases, deaths related to HIV and AIDS in Africa have dropped significantly over the past decade. Source: DW (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #AIDS #HIV #UN # #PrEP #worldaidsday #hivawareness

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16. Ochrana morí

Kanada vytvorila arktickú zónu na ochranu prírody približne s veľkosťou Nemecka. Ochraňuje morské vtáky, veľryby a ľadové medvede. Kanadská vláda tvrdí, že chce do roku 2020 ochraňovať 10 percent morských a pobrežných oblastí.

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Canada announced the creation of one of the world’s largest conservation areas and Canada's largest marine protected area, almost the size of Germany, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) .⁣ ⁣ “ Climate change threatens a place and everything it represents that has defined its country and its people for generations," Prime Minister Trudeau said. "The 'true, north strong and free.' It's more than a line in a hockey game. It's who we are.".⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ With its creation, the federal government says it has exceeded its goal to protect 10 per cent of Canada's marine and coastal areas by 2020. Trudeau said today they had hit 14 per cent, one year ahead of schedule. Source: National Observer (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #future #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #canada #trudeau #marine #ocean #arctic #conservation #whitebear #whale #penguin #climatestrike #climatechange

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17. Záchrana nosorožcov

Tento rok sa podarilo oplodniť sedem vajíčok posledných dvoch žijúcich samíc nosorožca tuponosého severného. Posledný samec tohto druhu, 45-ročný Sudan, zomrel minulý rok v Keni, preto je tento objav poslednou nádejou, ako ich druh zachrániť.

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We’re a step closer to save White Rhinos from extinction! – Drop a ? in the comments to celebrate this event. – Tag in the comments one of your friends that needs some good news. Seven eggs from the world’s last two remaining northern white rhinos have been successfully fertilized artificially, reviving hopes of saving the endangered animals. The world’s last male northern white rhinoceros, a 45-year-old named Sudan, died last year in Kenya, leaving only the two surviving female members, Najin and Fatu, of the species. The scientists said in a statement they had harvested 10 eggs from Najin and Fatu and that seven of those had been successfully matured and artificially inseminated. Source: Reuters (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #rhinoceros #whiterhino #sudan

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18. Soľné „elektrárne“

Podľa SaltX, švédskej spoločnosti, ktorá využíva nanotechnológiu na skladovanie energie v soli, by sa práve soľ mohla stať novým obnoviteľným zdrojom energie.

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This week’s super cute illustration comes from our friend @gebelia . Swedish power company Vattenfall is testing a technology developed by SaltX that stores energy in salt, with a goal of proving whether the process would be useful for storage of renewable energy such as from wind and solar farms. The process essentially mirrors how batteries work, except that instead of electricity, the system stores heat. SaltX says it has also patented a way of covering the quicklime with tiny particles — known as a nano-coating — to prevent it from lumping together after several heating and cooling cycles. Energy stored chemically in this way can retain its heat for “a day, week or even a year without losing the energy over time”, unlike water, which cools rapidly by comparison. Source: NY Post (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #art #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #positivenews #life #newzeland #wellbeing #politics #salt #renewable #energy #science #future #sweden

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19. Internetový prehliadač Ecosia

Ecosia, internetový prehliadač, ktorý môžeš pokojne používať aj ty, využíva 80 percent svojich celkových ziskov na sadenie stromov. Po tragických požiaroch v Amazonskom pralese tam práve Ecosia vysádza milión nových stromov.

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? Tag your friends in the comments to let them know about @ecosia . Let’s plant some trees! Fires are raging at a record rate in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and scientists warn that it could strike a big blow to the fight against climate change. @ecosia is a new search engine that plants trees through online searches. Their business model is simple: donate 80% of their profits towards planting trees. So far they have planted more than 65 MILLION TREES! And now they’re committed to plant 1 MILLION trees in Brazil to counter all the losses cause by the fire. So here’s a little to-do list for my Happy broadcasters: 1) ? Tag your friends in the comments. The more people know about @ecosia , the more trees they will plant 2) ? Get the @ecosia free browser extension and plant trees with every search Thank you! Source: Ecosia (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #art #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #ecosia #brazil #rainforest #trees #amazon #wildfire #prayforamazonia

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20. Domov pre psíky

Holandsko sa oficiálne stalo prvou krajinou bez pouličných psov. Krajina mala s ich premnožením problém už od 19. storočia a teraz sa im ho konečne podarilo nadobro vyriešiť.

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Since the 19th century, Holland has had a huge dog population. An outbreak of rabies became one of the leading causes of death. Out of fear, many owners began abandoning their pets, and since this action was considered legal, streets became filled with stray dogs of all kinds. Holland wanted to change those unfortunate circumstances. They started by implementing the PSVIR method (pick, sterilize, vaccinate, identify, and return). All were free of charge; the government covered all the expenses. Holland achieved this goal without putting animals down and without kennels. And to incentivize adoption the Dutch government resolved to raise taxes on the purchase of dogs in stores. Source: Thinking Humanity (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #positivity #happiness #happy #motivation #art #friends #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #goodmorning #positivenews #life #dogs #netherlands #dogsofinstagram #dog #holland

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Tento obsah je štandardne platený, no tvoj kamoš je členom Emefka PREMIUM a obsah ti odomkol. Stačí zadať tvoju emailovú adresu.